Latest News and Top Stories

“Fear Has Large Eyes”: The Sergei Skripal Affair By Adeyinka Makinde, March 13, 2018
Putin’s Missiles: Deterring an American Attack? By Israel Shamir, March 13, 2018
How Israel and Its Partisans Work to Censor the Internet By Alison Weir, March 13, 2018
Historic Victory for Farmers of Maharashtra By, March 13, 2018
Iraq Outside History By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 12, 2018
Greece and the Syriza Government: Varoufakis Surrounded Himself with Defenders of the Establishment By Eric Toussaint, March 12, 2018
Climate Change
Global Warming and Climate Instability: One Last Chance to Save Ourselves By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, March 12, 2018
US Supported Trade in Heroin: One Million Women, 100,000 Children Drug Addicts in Afghanistan By Edu Montesanti and Malalai Joya, March 12, 2018
Malaysia: Banks Collude with Speculators to Force House Sales By Mark Johnson, March 12, 2018
Russia and the Middle East Conflict. The Meaning of Russian Influence in the Region By Marcus Papadopoulos, March 12, 2018
Towards the Liberation of East Ghouta by Syrian Forces? By Stephen Lendman, March 12, 2018
US-backed Militants Are Planning to Attack Syrian Army in Daraa – Report By South Front, March 12, 2018
Decades of Needless Dolphin Deaths in the Northeast Atlantic By Sarah Dolman, March 12, 2018
Double Agent Sergei Skripal – There’s More to This Story Than Meets the Eye By True Publica, March 12, 2018
Trump-Kim Talks in Sweden? North Korea May Release American Detainees as a “Gift”? Wants U.S. Embassy in Pyongyang By Zero Hedge, March 12, 2018
The Death of Milosevic and NATO’s Responsibility. Was He Assassinated? By Christopher Black, March 12, 2018
Is US/China Trade War Looming? By Stephen Lendman, March 12, 2018
The CIA Democrats. Former Intelligence Operatives Seek Nomination as Democrats in U.S. Midterm Elections By Patrick Martin, March 12, 2018
Gang of Four: Senators Call for Tillerson to Enter Into Arms Control Talks with the Kremlin By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow and Ray McGovern, March 12, 2018
Hague Tribunal Exonerates Slobodan Milosevic Again By Andy Wilcoxson, March 12, 2018
Are Nuclear Weapons in a Multipolar World Order a Guarantee for Peace? By Federico Pieraccini, March 12, 2018
Begin New Strategic Talks with Russia! By Defend Democracy Press, March 12, 2018
Open Letter in Support of Mediation Not Sanctions on Venezuela By Raul Burbano, March 12, 2018
Water Fluoridation and Hypothyroidism: Research Exposes How Water is Making us Depressed, Sick By Mike Barrett, March 12, 2018
Belgium: 10 Billion Euros of Frozen Libya Assets Disappeared From Euroclear Bank By Libyan Express, March 11, 2018
Syrian Trappist Nuns Say Western Powers and Factional Media Fuel War Propaganda By AsiaNews, March 11, 2018
Human Trafficking from Haiti to Chile By Dady Chery, March 11, 2018
US Meddling in Foreign Elections: A CIA Tradition Since 1948 By Wayne Madsen, March 11, 2018
The Handlers of “Regime Change” Against Vladimir Putin? Russia’s Upcoming Presidential Elections By Stephen Karganovic, March 11, 2018
The Health Impacts of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid. Ontario Health Minister Avoids Water Fluoridation Issue By David Green, March 11, 2018
Playing with Fire: Britain and Its Craven Support for Saudi’s Crown Prince Bin Salman By David Hearst, March 11, 2018
Why Russia’s New Strategic Capabilities Come as a Shock to the US Intelligence Community By Philip Giraldi, March 11, 2018
Vietnam, An “Unofficial Ally” of the U.S. against China? By Andrew Korybko, March 11, 2018
More Non-existent U.S. Job Growth Reported, “Fake” BDS Employment Statistics By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler, March 11, 2018
NBA Star Kevin Love: Making a Hole in Denial. Love and Death. “This is an Everyone Thing.” By Edward Curtin, March 11, 2018
Putin Says US Cannot be Trusted in Any Political Negotiations By Macedonian International News Agency, March 11, 2018
Selected Articles: Militarization and the Global Crisis By Global Research News, March 11, 2018
The Hidden Truth About Glyphosate Exposed, According to Undeniable Scientific Evidence By Jonathan Landsman, March 11, 2018
The Illusion of War Without Casualties By Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 11, 2018
British Media Restarts Push for Regime Change in Russia By Kit, March 11, 2018
The British Government is “Talking War With Russia”: The Mysterious Skripal Incident-Another Anti-Russian Provocation By Christopher Black, March 11, 2018
Russia Bashing Over Poisoning of Former Intelligence Official By Stephen Lendman, March 11, 2018
Putin Explains Why Russia’s New Weapons Can’t be Stopped by ABMs By Eric Zuesse, March 11, 2018
Truth and Lies of the Syrian Conflict By Michael Welch, Eva Bartlett, Patrick Henningsen, and Tom Duggan, March 11, 2018
Trust in China Remains Top; Trust in U.S. Plunges By Eric Zuesse, March 10, 2018
Newly Revealed Russian Weapons Systems: Political Implications By The Saker, March 10, 2018
Trump’s “Spontaneous” Decision to Meet Kim Jong-un, Or was it the CIA’s Decision? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 10, 2018
Fake News Storm Clouds Gather Over Southeast Asia By Joseph Thomas, March 10, 2018
Trump Agrees to Meet with North Korean Leader “Face to Face”: Hold the Cheers By Stephen Lendman, March 10, 2018
The Legacy of Hugo Chavez: The “Somos Todos Venezuela” Meeting in Caracas By Nino Pagliccia, March 10, 2018
Diplomatic Breakthrough between North and South Korea? Open Letter to President Trump By Kevin Martin, March 10, 2018
The National Endowment for (Meddling in) Democracy By Daniel Lazare, March 10, 2018
Coverage of Double Agent’s Alleged Poisoning Is Hysterical Propaganda – Lavrov By RT News, March 10, 2018
Those Who Controlled the Past Should Not Control the Future By Norman Solomon, March 10, 2018
Western Civilization: The Final Crossroads By Richard C. Cook, March 10, 2018
NGOs Push Senators to Support Yemen Resolution By Derek Davison, March 10, 2018
Thousands Oppose Trump Administration’s Attempted Seizure of Nevada’s Desert National Wildlife Refuge for Expanded Bombing Range By Center For Biological Diversity, March 10, 2018
Anti-Russia Campaign Follows Alleged Poisoning of Former UK/Russian Double Agent and Daughter By Robert Stevens, March 10, 2018
Offshoring Indian Agriculture: Is India Becoming a GMO Trash Can? By Colin Todhunter, March 10, 2018
Make-Believe America: The US is Said to Have Full Employment, Misleading Statistics By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 09, 2018
Djibouti Is Dangerously Becoming a Trigger for Transregional Destabilization By Andrew Korybko, March 09, 2018
Viral Apologies and Jeremy Corbyn: Espionage Claims and the Failed Tory Campaign By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 09, 2018
Video: Obama/Clinton to Blame for Slave Trade in Libya? By Ben Swann, March 09, 2018
Trump Seeks Congressional Funding for 60,000-Man Army to Overthrow Assad By Eric Zuesse, March 09, 2018
The “Juniper Cobra” Air Defense Exercise: American and Israeli Forces Prepare for War against Syria, Hezbollah and Palestine By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 09, 2018
“Fake News” and World War III. The Danger of Nuclear Annihilation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 09, 2018
Selected Articles: Global Warfare By Global Research News, March 08, 2018
US Continues Massive Military Build Up By Shane Quinn, March 08, 2018
U.S. Once Again Discussing “Military Action” Against Syria Over Alleged Chemical Weapons By Brandon Turbeville, March 08, 2018
Trade Conflict Heats Up, Towards a Full-scale Global Trade War? By Nick Beams, March 08, 2018
Israel Now Arming Seven Terrorist Groups in Syria, Report By Brandon Turbeville, March 08, 2018
A Stalinist Purge in America? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 08, 2018
Kosovo’s “Independence”: Dilemmas of NATO’s Aggression in 1999 By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, March 08, 2018
Coast Guard Responders Harmed by Chemicals Used to Clean Up BP Deepwater Oil Spill, Research Shows By Tristan Baurick, March 08, 2018
Entering the Ring of War Propaganda By Mark Taliano, March 08, 2018
The Italian Job: ‘Unlikely’ Alliance Could Become Reality By Pepe Escobar, March 08, 2018
Washington Is Intent on Destroying Iran By Brian Cloughley, March 08, 2018
The “No Trump Military Parade” By Margaret Flowers and Ann Garrison, March 08, 2018
Homo Sapiens on Track to Extinction? Climate and Nuclear Threats. Can Humanity Survive? By Robert J. Burrowes, March 08, 2018
‘Progressive’ Journalists Jump the Shark on Russiagate By Ray McGovern, March 08, 2018