Latest News and Top Stories

Racial Preferences: Peter Dutton and White South African Farmers By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 24, 2018
Sri Lanka’s Religious Violence and the US Pivot to Asia By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, March 24, 2018
Israel Praised John Bolton’s Appointment By Stephen Lendman, March 24, 2018
Neocon Takeover of Washington Completed By Stephen Lendman, March 24, 2018
How Lobbyists Have Subverted and Damaged Democratic Government in Both Westminster and Washington By Hans Stehling, March 24, 2018
Nuclear weapon
Korea: Diplomacy for Peace or Preparations for War? By Federico Pieraccini, March 24, 2018
Calling for Arms Talks with Russia, Is the U.S. Raising a White Flag? By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, March 24, 2018
The Propaganda War Against Russia: What Is to be Done? By Christopher Black, March 24, 2018
Inglorious Snitching: Adrián Lamo, Chelsea Manning and Patriotism By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 24, 2018
Trump Cuts Off U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Palestine By Press TV, March 24, 2018
John Bolton and America’s “Unelected Officials” By Jim Miles, March 24, 2018
The Untold Story of John Bolton’s Campaign for War with Iran By Gareth Porter, March 24, 2018
A Truly Historical Month for the Future of Our Planet By The Saker, March 24, 2018
Palestine Sovereignty and the “Peace Process”. What is the End Game? “A Nation is not Defeated Until its Will to Resist is Completely Snuffed” By Rima Najjar, March 23, 2018
Russia and Britain: An Enduring But Fruitless Rivalry By Adeyinka Makinde, March 23, 2018
Selected Articles: Iraq 15 Years After the US-led Invasion By Global Research News, March 23, 2018
War Criminals
Hawks Resurgent in Washington By Philip Giraldi, March 23, 2018
The U.S.- Mexico Environmentally Destructive Border Wall By Center For Biological Diversity, March 23, 2018
What the Death of the Last White Rhino Should Teach Us By Abdul Rahim Mydin, March 23, 2018
Iraq’s US-led “Illegal” Invasion Brought Nothing But Disaster By Tallha Abdulrazaq, March 23, 2018
US Threatens Trade War Against China By Nick Beams, March 23, 2018
John Bolton: “Hello America, I’m Back”. “Filling the Swamp with Blood Thirsty Vultures” By Massoud Nayeri, March 23, 2018
Trump Presidency = “Bush’s Third Term”. Who is John Bolton By Washington's Blog, March 23, 2018
Raging Hawk John Bolton: Trump’s New National Security Advisor By Stephen Lendman, March 23, 2018
US Sponsored “Regime Change” in Asia and Africa: Five Things that Ethiopia and Myanmar’s Leadership Changes Have in Common By Andrew Korybko, March 23, 2018
Response to Trump’s “Protectionist Measures”: “Workers Need an Industrial Policy Not Tariffs” By UE, March 23, 2018
Islamophobia and Religious Discrimination in Canada By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, March 23, 2018
Video: Blaming Russia: “No Proof Needed, We Did It!” By In the Now, March 23, 2018
Death and Destruction: Fifteen Years in Iraq By Black Alliance for Peace, March 23, 2018
How Secular Is the West? The U.S., Britain, Australia… Secular Nation States, “So Help Me God”?? By Shenali D Waduge, March 23, 2018
Psychiatric Drugs: Create Violence and Suicide, School Shootings and Other Acts of Senseless Violence By Citizens Commission on Human Rights and Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 23, 2018
Death and Impunity: Iraq Fifteen Years After By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 23, 2018
Selected Articles: America’s Search for the “Big War” By Global Research News, March 22, 2018
Donald Trump on Violence in Video Games: “This Is Violent, Isn’t It?” Is There a Connection Between “Video Game Violence” and “Real Violence”? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 22, 2018
The Political Vulnerability and Impunity of the Israel Lobby. The Intellectual Advocates of “Greater Israel” By Diana Johnstone, March 22, 2018
Pentagon Officials Searching for a “Big War” against Russia and China. A World War Might Sound Crazy, But It Could be America’s Last Act of Desperation By Darius Shahtahmasebi, March 22, 2018
US Is Stepping on the Cuban Rake Again By Dmitry Bokarev, March 22, 2018
When They Lie, Millions of People Die By Massoud Nayeri, March 22, 2018
Under a False Flag, UK Attempts Three Chemical Attacks in the Ghouta By Voltaire Network, March 22, 2018
What You Really Need to Know About the Scandal Engulfing Cambridge Analytica By True Publica, March 22, 2018
Elections in Russia, 2018: Managed Democracy? By David Mandel, March 22, 2018
EU Money for Military Research? By Researchers for Peace, March 22, 2018
U.S. “Soft Power”: How to Dominate Without the Use of Force or Coercion By Joseph Thomas, March 22, 2018
Setting the Record Straight on Israel’s 2007 Bombing of an Alleged Syrian Nuclear Reactor By Stephen Lendman, March 22, 2018
Has Russia Had Enough? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 22, 2018
Novichok Nerve Agent Histrionics By Ann Garrison, March 22, 2018
Google Sets up “News Initiative” to Censor Political Opposition and Promote Mainstream Media By Andre Damon, March 22, 2018
Why America’s Major News-Media Must Change Their Thinking By Eric Zuesse, March 22, 2018
Gaddafi’s Son, Saif al Islam Welcomes Sarkozy Arrest, Offers Evidence By Daniel Mumbere, March 22, 2018
Artificial Intelligence and Sensor Systems: Uber Halts Nationwide Testing of Self-Driving Vehicles Following Death of Pedestrian By Nicholas West, March 22, 2018
Facebook, Cambridge Analytica and “Surveillance Capitalism” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 22, 2018
Four Days to Declare a Cold War By Thierry Meyssan, March 22, 2018
Russia Denied the “Right of Discovery” in Skripal Affair. Moscow Demands Release of Relevant Documents By Stephen Lendman, March 22, 2018
Pentagon Admits Missile Defenses Powerless in Face of Russian Hypersonic Weapons By Sputnik, March 22, 2018
Calm Down, Turkey Is Not Going to Invade the Balkans By Andrew Korybko, March 22, 2018
For These Children of Iraq, Help Did Not Arrive By Claudia Lefko, March 22, 2018
Albanian Ethnographic Origins and Kosovo-Metochia By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, March 21, 2018
Why Are Syrian Refugees Returning to Their Homes? By Inside Syria Media Center, March 21, 2018
Building the Iron Wall: Facebook, Google, Twitter Algorithms That Steer Traffic Away From Progressive Websites By Chris Hedges, March 21, 2018
Syrians Have Names and Faces By Mark Taliano, March 21, 2018
Selected Articles: 2016 US Elections: Evidence for “Israelgate”? Russia Was a Scapegoat? By Global Research News, March 21, 2018
The Cliff of Nuclear Annihilation: Humanity is on the Brink of Extinction! Thirty Seconds to Midnight By Regis Tremblay, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Ray McGovern, David Vine, Chris Hedges, and Colonel Ann Wright, March 21, 2018
Information Overload? Don’t Tune Out… Get Informed! By Global Research, March 21, 2018
The Cambridge Analytica Scandal Could Provide Hard Evidence of “Israeli” Meddling in Trump Election By Adam Garrie, March 21, 2018
Senate Rejects Ending US Support for Saudi Aggression in Yemen By Stephen Lendman, March 21, 2018
Mohammad bin Salman
Video: ‘That’s Peanuts For You’: Trump Showcases Weapons US Sold to Yemen-bombing Saudi Prince By RT News, March 21, 2018
Another Reason Why Imperialism Wanted Libya Overthrown By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 21, 2018
When I Came to the U.S. from Japan. The Eyes of “Others” for Us All By Hiroyuki Hamada, March 21, 2018
Syrian Refugees Are Going Home, the West Ready to Attack By Andre Vltchek, March 21, 2018
44 Senators Made History by Voting to End Illegal US War in Yemen By Kate Gould, March 21, 2018
America Is Losing Its Economy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 21, 2018
The Ease of Accusation: The Skripal Affair By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 21, 2018
Three Attempts by Terrorists to Use Chemical Weapons in Syria Prevented. Russian Defense Minister By South Front, March 21, 2018
Washington Officials Flock to “Doomsday Camps”: What Do They Know that We Don’t? By Mac Slavo, March 21, 2018
State Power Routinely Shielded From Public Eyes By Shane Quinn, March 21, 2018
“The Personal Information of Millions”: As Facebook Ire Grows, U.S. Senator Says Zuckerberg ‘Ought to be Subpoenaed’ By Jake Johnson, March 21, 2018
New Evidence of Africa’s Systematic Looting, From an Increasingly Schizophrenic World Bank By Prof. Patrick Bond, March 21, 2018
The Mysterious Frank Taylor Report: The 9/11 Document that Launched US-NATO’s “War on Terrorism” in the Middle East By Prof. Niels Harrit, March 21, 2018
Mozambique Forced to Restructure After Debt Default. By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 21, 2018
Capital Punishment. Rising Opposition to the Death Penalty in America By Ali Mohsin, March 21, 2018