Latest News and Top Stories

Persecution of Whistleblowers Makes a Mockery of Magna Carta By Shane Quinn, April 09, 2018
Trump’s China Trade War Has Deeper Agenda By F. William Engdahl, April 09, 2018
Emotional Propaganda 101: Chemical Attack in Syria Appears to be a False Flag to Justify Regime Change By Steven MacMillan, April 09, 2018
US or Israel Terror-Bombing of Syrian Airbase Follows False Flag Chemical Weapons Incident By Stephen Lendman, April 09, 2018
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and President Trump’s Blatant Bigotry against Immigrants By William Boardman, April 09, 2018
Dangerous Crossroads: Possibility Now for Nuclear War, Russia vs. U.S.? Credible Evidence. U.S Missile Attack against Syria Contemplated By Eric Zuesse, April 09, 2018
America and Britain Provide the Fuel that Keeps the Engine of the Israeli Occupation Running By Hans Stehling, April 09, 2018
How Do You Tell the Kids that Grandma Is in Jail for Resisting Nuclear Weapons? By Frida Berrigan, April 09, 2018
Breaking: Russian Forces in Syria Are on Combat Alert: U.S. Considers Attacks Directed against Syrian Government Forces By South Front, April 09, 2018
CIA Stages Syria Poison Gas Attack, Pretext for Escalation of US-led War. Preparations for Stepped-up Military Operations? By Patrick Martin, April 09, 2018
Selected Articles: Iraq, Massacre of a Country: “A War on Terror” when you are the Terrorist By Global Research News, April 09, 2018
Trump Threatens Putin and “Animal Assad” Over Syrian “Chemical Attack”; Russia Warns of “Grave” Response If US Launches Strike By Zero Hedge, April 09, 2018
Fake News: A “Weapon of Choice” for a Handful of Countries By Grete Mautner, April 09, 2018
Turkey Publishes the Whereabouts of Five Secret Military Bases in Syria that Belong to France By Voltaire Network, April 09, 2018
Iraq, Massacre of a Country: “A War on Terror” when you are the Terrorist By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 09, 2018
15 Years Since the Fall of Baghdad: A Broken Statue in a War Built on Lies By Patrik Paulov, April 09, 2018
Are We Heading for a Major US-China Trade War? By Stephen Lendman, April 09, 2018
Strikes on Syria: Failed US WMD Lies and the “Israel Approach” By Tony Cartalucci, April 09, 2018
Swiss Mining Corporations in Flagrant Violation of Human Rights – Swiss Government Complicit By Peter Koenig, April 09, 2018
Madrid Repression of the Catalan Movement: Call for International Solidarity By Richard Fidler, Dick Nichols, and Suso de Toro, April 09, 2018
Yes, the US-Supported Syrian “Rebels” DO Have Access to Chemical Weapons By Washington's Blog, April 09, 2018
Pentagon Trained Syria’s Al Qaeda “Rebels” in the Use of Chemical Weapons, Confirmed by CNN By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 09, 2018
Trump Said “Very Soon”… But U.S. Isn’t Leaving Syria… By Gregory Shupak, April 08, 2018
Dilma Rousseff
Brazil’s Political Crisis: The Meaning of Lula’s Imprisonment By Felipe Demier, April 08, 2018
China’s Five Options in the Trade War with the U.S. “Rare Earths” Are China’s Most Potent Weapon In A Trade War By Zero Hedge, April 08, 2018
The U.S. Is in a Major Upheaval: Trump-eting Tight, the American Right. By Dr. Nozomi Hayase, April 08, 2018
The Economics Behind the Skripal Poisoning By Prof Michael Hudson and Michael Palmieri, April 08, 2018
The Neoliberal City: Public Transportation and the Rights of People with Physical Disabilities By Alex Birnel and Meagan Day, April 08, 2018
Another Chemical Attack in Syria: But Why Is the Corporate Media Missing Crucial Points? By Paul Antonopoulos, April 08, 2018
Defending Palestinian Rights: The Gaza Slaughter of Palestinians Supported by the U.S. Congress and Major Jewish American Organizations By Prof. James Petras, April 08, 2018
50 Years Ago: The Days Following the Assassination of Martin Luther King By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 08, 2018
International Criminal Court
America Threatened OPCW Director General – “We Know Where Your Kids Are” By True Publica, April 08, 2018
The Skripals to be Relocated with “New Identities” and a New Life in America? By Stephen Lendman, April 08, 2018
Selected Articles: Israel’s Atrocity in Gaza Did Not Make the Headlines By Global Research News, April 08, 2018
Israelis Gather by Gaza Border to Watch and Cheer as Military Uses Live Fire Against Palestinians By Daily Sabah, April 08, 2018
Trump’s Syria “Withdrawal” Was Textbook US Deception By Tony Cartalucci, April 08, 2018
Why the Russian Double-Agent Skripal Could Not Have Been Poisoned with “Novichok” By Washington's Blog, April 08, 2018
The Pentagon’s Scary Plan to Militarize Ocean Life By Maia Danks, April 08, 2018
Tragic Fate of Skripal’s Pets By Sophie Mangal, April 08, 2018
The US-led Invasions and Occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. A Comparative Analysis By Sami Karimi, April 07, 2018
The Doomsday Machine: 00:00:10 Seconds to Midnight. Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, Geopolitics and the Dollar By Jim Miles, April 07, 2018
Will America Accept Its Defeat in Syria? Challenge Russia and China? By Elijah J. Magnier, April 07, 2018
Russia’s “Pivot to Africa”? The Strategic Implications of a Possible Russian Base in Somaliland By Andrew Korybko, April 07, 2018
In Wake of Gaza Massacre, Israeli Leaders Should be Prosecuted for War Crimes By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 07, 2018
Israeli High Crimes Without Punishment. “Bloody Friday” Followed Week Ago Massacre: 9 more Gazans killed, over 1,000 Injured By Stephen Lendman, April 07, 2018
Another False Flag? Skripal’s Black Persian Cat. Russia Did It? By Bassim al-Khalili, April 07, 2018
U.S. Destabilization Plans? Why Is EuroMaidan’s Mastermind Geoffrey Pyatt Warning About Greek-Turkish Tensions? By Andrew Korybko, April 07, 2018
Six Months in 1968: A Drastic Awakening, The MLK and RFK Assassinations. The “Deep State” in the Making By Philip A Farruggio, April 07, 2018
Video: Skripal “Theater of the Absurd”. Russia Demolishes UK Poisoning ‘Hoax’ at UN Security Council Meeting By Alex Christoforou, April 07, 2018
After Deadliest Day in Gaza Since 2014: “Accountability” for the Killing of Protesters By Medical Aid for Palestinians, April 07, 2018
Afghanistan, The War is Not Over… US “Diplomacy” to Find New Allies By Salman Rafi Sheikh, April 07, 2018
The Struggle Against Illegitimate Public and Private Debt Which Are at the Core of the Capitalist System By Eric Toussaint, April 07, 2018
Russia: The Spurned Lover Who Persists By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 07, 2018
The War on Syria: The Need to Amplify Voices of Truth, Peace and Justice By Mark Taliano, April 07, 2018
YouTube, Censorship and Nasim Aghdam By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 07, 2018
Indulgent Violence: The Legacy of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 07, 2018
Selected Articles: The Good Friday Massacre: World…We Are All Palestinians, Now! By Global Research News, April 06, 2018
The Multi-Level Conspiracy to Kill Martin Luther King, The 1999 Memphis Court Judgment. Will Justice Prevail? By David W. Mathisen, April 06, 2018
Cambridge Analytica Is What Happens When You “Privatize Military Propaganda” By Adam Ramsay, April 06, 2018
War Criminals
Appointment of Hawkish John Bolton Points to “Continuity in US Foreign Policy”: Dulles Brothers, Brzezinski, Kissinger… By Jay Janson, April 06, 2018
Google Workers Demand End to Company’s Involvement in Pentagon Drone Program By Andre Damon, April 06, 2018
Russia-Pakistan Military Relations: On the Path to a Strategic Partnership By Andrew Korybko, April 06, 2018
The Salisbury Incident. Manipulating Fear, Heightening Hysteria of a Russian Threat. The Need for a Genuine Anti-war Movement By Johnny Gaunt and Harry Rogers, April 06, 2018
China’s Prototype Space Station Tiangong-1 By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 06, 2018
Media Warn that “Russian Bots” “Sow Discord”, “Exploit Tensions” —Despite Primary Source’s Disavowal By Adam Johnson, April 06, 2018
Sri Lanka, Independent Republic to Vassal State By Tamara Kunanayakam, April 06, 2018
Australia’s Kangaroo “Love-Hate Relationship”: The Kangaroo Industry Debate By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 06, 2018
What Did Israel Bomb in the Syrian Desert in 2007? By Ted Snider, April 06, 2018
“Hey Hey General Mackymacker, Ho, Ho Mr. Lovitt:” Woody Guthrie’s Forgotten Dissent From the Atomic Bomb to the Korean War By Jeremy Kuzmarov, April 06, 2018
Skripal Case: What Happened at the United Nations Security Council. U.K. Rhetoric: “Highly Likely…” By Jim Miles, April 06, 2018
Skripal Incident: Theresa May’s “Big Lie” Is Dying a Slow Death By Stephen Lendman, April 06, 2018
Israel’s “Security”: The Official Mantra to Defend Israel’s Crimes against Palestinians By Rima Najjar, April 06, 2018
A Microscope’s Journey Through Israel By Dana Visalli, April 06, 2018
The Good Friday Massacre: World…We Are All Palestinians, Now! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, April 06, 2018
Washington and Riyadh’s Terror Enterprise. Wahhabi-indoctrinated Mercenaries By Tony Cartalucci, April 06, 2018
“First Responder” White Helmets Reemerge as Experts in Defusing Explosives in Syria’s Afrin By Whitney Webb, April 06, 2018
What Can the World Do to Curtail the Rising Tide of Antisemitism By Hans Stehling, April 06, 2018
The Lebanon-Israel Border: Reasons for Peace… Excuses for War! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, April 06, 2018
The Truth About Martin Luther King’s Assassination Peeks Through By Edward Curtin, April 06, 2018
The Surveillance State: Britain Dragged into a New Darker Era Under the Veil of ‘Taking Back Control’ By True Publica, April 06, 2018