Latest News and Top Stories

Washington’s Sabotage of Russian Diplomacy. Putin’s Peace Efforts Are Coming to Naught By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 24, 2018
For US Congress, Running a Torture Prison Is a Good Career Move By Philip Giraldi, May 24, 2018
Yulia Skripal’s Scripted Public Remarks. The Skripals are UK Hostages “At an Unidentified Location” By Stephen Lendman, May 24, 2018
Video: For Italy – A New Government, the Same “Privileged Ally” of US-NATO By Manlio Dinucci, May 24, 2018
Elections in Venezuela: Democratic, Fair and Transparent By Nino Pagliccia, May 24, 2018
Ten Attempts to Destabilize the Re-elected Venezuelan Government of President Maduro By Iramsy Peraza Forte, May 24, 2018
Trump’s Twitter Blocking Violates First Amendment, Court Rules By Timothy B. Lee, May 24, 2018
Death of the Bees in America: Honey Bee Colony Losses 2017-2018 By The Bee Informed Team, May 24, 2018
Trump Administration Wants to Reinstate Cruel Hunting Practices in Alaska, Like Killing Hibernating Bears, Shooting Wolf Pups in Dens By Kitty Block, May 24, 2018
America’s Treatment of Palestinians Has Grown Horrendously Cruel By Razan Azzarkani, May 24, 2018
Palestinian Leaders Refer Israel to ICC for War Crimes By Middle East Eye, May 24, 2018
As Documents Reveal ‘Pervasive Abuse’ of Immigrant Children Under Obama, Fears It’s Even Worse Under Trump By Jessica Corbett, May 24, 2018
Selected Articles: Will Trump Forego the Summit with Kim? By Global Research News, May 23, 2018
Big Pharma’s “Stop the Stigma of Mental Health” Campaign. The Role of “Patient Advocacy Organizations” (PAO) By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, May 23, 2018
Injury and Death During the ISIS Occupation of Mosul and Its Liberation By Riyadh Lafta, Maha A. Al-Nuaimi, and Prof. Gilbert Burnham, May 23, 2018
The Corbyn Effect By William Bowles, May 23, 2018
Brazil’s Landless Movement (MST): The Unity of Progressive Forces, Build A Popular Project for Brazil By MST - Landless Workers Movement of Brazil, May 23, 2018
The Gaza Massacre and Israel’s Thriving “Blood Diamond” Economy By Sean Clinton, May 23, 2018
Land Rights in South Africa: The Absence of A Sweeping Land Redistribution Program By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 23, 2018
North Korea: Is Trump Trying to Back Out of the Singapore Summit in Mid-June 2018? By Peter Koenig and Press TV, May 23, 2018
“Trading Kosovo for EU Membership”: The Territorial and Historical Rights of Serbia, Kosovo Politicians on the Interpol Warrant List By Živadin Jovanović, May 23, 2018
Why Did the US Sabotage President Putin’s Peace Plan for Syria? By Andrew Korybko, May 23, 2018
Nuclear weapon
Trump Regime Wants a North Korean Vassal State Bordering China By Stephen Lendman, May 23, 2018
Why Pompeo’s Speech on Iran Is Outrageous By Farhang Jahanpour, May 23, 2018
A New Flotilla Steams Towards Gaza By Elizabeth Murray, May 23, 2018
Serbia: Will A Pro-Chinese Pivot Contribute to a Renewal of Economic and Social Development By Andrew Korybko, May 23, 2018
“To Protect and to Serve”… The Empire By Philip A Farruggio, May 23, 2018
The Production and Consumption of Unsafe Genetically Modified (GMO) Food in Nigeria By Association of Catholic Medical Practitioners of Nigeria, May 23, 2018
Canada and Trump’s Decision to Withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal By Ed Lehman, May 23, 2018
The Pompatus of Love or War? Mike Pompeo’s Wish List against Iran By Massoud Nayeri, May 23, 2018
How Democracy Ended By Eric Zuesse, May 23, 2018
Australia’s China Syndrome By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 23, 2018
Prime Minister Mahathir Will Continue Malaysia’s Multipolar Course By Andrew Korybko, May 23, 2018
Pompeo Might Have Pulled the Plug on Armenian-Iranian Trade By Andrew Korybko, May 22, 2018
The “Libya Model” Is a Distraction. John Bolton’s Template for Threatening North Korea By Kim Petersen, May 22, 2018
Conspiracy Theory
Can We Call It a Coup Now? By Mike Whitney, May 22, 2018
The Monsanto Papers: Roundup (Glyphosate) Cancer Case Key Documents & Analysis By U.S. Right to Know, May 22, 2018
Trump, the NRA, Mass Shootings and the American Culture of Death By Bill Blum, May 22, 2018
At the U.N., Trudeau Opposes an Investigation into Israel’s Shooting of Unarmed Civilians – Including a Canadian Doctor By Dimitri Lascaris, May 22, 2018
Report Exposes UK Role in Saudi Arabia’s War on Yemen By Barry Mason, May 22, 2018
Haspel Is Not the Problem. The CIA Is the Problem. By Rep. Ron Paul, May 22, 2018
Letter from Iran: Mr. Trump, You Have Been Served By Pepe Escobar, May 22, 2018
Law Society Lauds South Africa Encouraging Peace in Israel By Ettiene Barnard, May 22, 2018
Pompeo Threatens Toughest Ever US Actions on Iran By Stephen Lendman, May 22, 2018
Tom Wolfe the Parajournalist By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 22, 2018
How the “Skripal Effect” Was Stopped By Ulson Gunnar, May 22, 2018
The Orwellian Climate and Faustian Bargain By Dr. Andrew Glikson, May 22, 2018
Trump-Pompeo’s Twelve “Idiotic-Insulting” Demands Upon Iran By Eric Zuesse, May 22, 2018
Canada’s Adventures in Neoliberal Imperialism Continue By Jim Miles, May 22, 2018
In Blow to Monsanto, India’s Top Court Upholds Decision that Seeds Cannot be Patented By Lorraine Chow, May 22, 2018
Swaths of Native Forest Near Great Barrier Reef Set to be Bulldozed By Nicole Hasham, May 22, 2018
The Commercial Heavens: The New Australian Space Agency By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 22, 2018
Bulgarian Government Thinks that Reviving the South Stream Pipeline Will Make It More Strategic By Andrew Korybko, May 21, 2018
Selected Articles: The Bayer-Monsanto: Merger Made in Hell By Global Research News, May 21, 2018
US Embassy Move Tears “Last Fig Leaf” off from Long-Standing US-Israeli Designs for Palestine By Steven Chovanec, May 21, 2018
Hebron: “The Occupation Crosses Moral Red Lines”. Israeli Settlers, Freedom of Movement, Military Checkpoints By EA Miles, May 21, 2018
The Mind-boggling Corruption of Trump Inc. By Ryan Cooper, May 21, 2018
Europe Must Now Show Solidarity with an Iranian Government that Faithfully Obeyed All the Rules We Drafted. By Rory Wood, May 21, 2018
New Armed Drone Operators: A Large Number of Countries are Now Deploying Armed Drones By Joanna Frew, May 21, 2018
Long-time CIA Asset Named as FBI’s Spy on Trump Campaign By Bill Van Auken, May 21, 2018
Back to the Future? Bolton, Trump and Iranian “Regime Change”: “Splinter the Iranian State into Component Parts” By Gareth Porter, May 21, 2018
Facebook and The Atlantic Council Unite: Now Social Media Giant Serves NATO’s Agenda By Bryan Macdonald, May 21, 2018
Hypersonic Technology: How Russia and China Gained a Strategic Advantage By Federico Pieraccini, May 21, 2018
Nicolas Maduro Reelected President of Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, May 21, 2018
War Authorization on a Silver Platter: The “Authority for the Use of Military Force 2018” (AUMF), A “Forever Vote” Is on the Move By Renee Parsons, May 21, 2018
The Great March of Return and Israel’s Attack on Gaza: Canadian Opposition By Socialist Project and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, May 21, 2018
Unsettling the Kim-Trump Summit: John Bolton’s “Libya Solution” for North Korea By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 21, 2018
What is The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)? Tectonic Shift in Global Geopolitics, Strategic Agreement between Russia and China By Rick Rowden, May 21, 2018
Donald Trump Junior Met with Gulf Emissary Offering Saudi and UAE Help to Win Presidency: Report By Middle East Eye, May 21, 2018
The Path to Victory on Net Neutrality in the House of Representatives and How You Can Help By Ernesto Falcon, May 21, 2018
Debunking 18 Claims Justifying the Gaza Massacre By Riham Darwish, May 21, 2018
What’s Making Our Children Sick? Food Loaded with Chemical Ingredients. GM Foods By Vincanne Adams and Dr. Michelle Perro, May 21, 2018
The War the National Rifle Association (NRA) Is Waging against American Kids By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, May 21, 2018
American Foreign Policy Infuriates Everyone By Christopher Black, May 21, 2018
Pyongyang’s “Brushback Pitch”. Discontinue Nuclear War Drills directed against North Korea By Leon Sigal, May 21, 2018
Canada’s NDP MPs Must Stop Being ‘Friends’ with Israel By Yves Engler, May 21, 2018
Predicting What a Syrian Peace Deal Would Look Like By Andrew Korybko, May 20, 2018
Is Russia About to Abandon the OPEC Deal? By Irina Slav, May 20, 2018
US Navy Reserve Doctor on Gina Haspel Torture Victim: “One of the Most Severely Traumatized Individuals I Have Ever Seen” By Jeremy Scahill, May 20, 2018
Sino/US Trade War Averted? By Stephen Lendman, May 20, 2018