Latest News and Top Stories

Big Oil and the Arctic: Chevron Pressured to Stay Away from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge By Sierra Club, June 02, 2018
Judicial Reform in Poland & Hungary: “Disease” or Remedy? By Andrew Korybko, June 02, 2018
Video: Rising US-Turkish Tensions Over Manbij Issue: Clash Between Two NATO Member States in Northern Syria? By South Front, June 02, 2018
Democracy Is Fighting to Survive the Rise of Western Authoritarianism By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 02, 2018
Election Meddling, Funding NGOs and Stirring Dissent in Russia By RT, June 02, 2018
Kim’s Letter to Trump. The Singapore Summit Is On, Without the Signing of a Formal Peace Agreement? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 01, 2018
Syria Is the Next Step in the Russian-Saudi Rapprochement By Andrew Korybko, June 01, 2018
From Bernays to Trump: Manipulating Perceptions, “Hooked and Oblivious to What is Really Happening” By Colin Todhunter, June 01, 2018
Video: 9,200 Locals from Eastern Ghouta Join Syrian Army By South Front, June 01, 2018
Trumpism and the Value of Truth. Donald Trump’s “Addiction to Lying”. The Onslaught of “Post Truth” By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, June 01, 2018
Stolen Homes: Kosovo Struggles with Wartime Property Seizures By Balkan Insight, June 01, 2018
Ben Gurion’s “Plan D”: Massacres of Palestinians Were “Indispensable” to the Creation of the State of Israel By Richard Becker, June 01, 2018
Divide and Rule: Balkanizing the Democratic Republic of Congo By Boniface Musavuli and Ann Garrison, June 01, 2018
Ukraine: A Country of Miracles, Where People Rise from the Dead. The Staged “Assassination” of Russian Journalist Arkady Babchenko By Dmitriy Sudakov, June 01, 2018
Useless Protests in Gaza? “Human Solidarity Around the World” By Prof Susan Babbitt, June 01, 2018
The Illegal Israeli Blockade of Gaza: An Insult to All Civilised People Everywhere By Hans Stehling, June 01, 2018
Poland to Host US Military Bases on Its Territory, Intrigue to Provoke Russia and Break Russia-Belarus Relationship By Andrew Korybko, June 01, 2018
Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival By Charlie Smith, June 01, 2018
Leading Brexiteer Abandons Britain …. for France By True Publica, June 01, 2018
Exposing a Chemical Company: Monsanto, “A Hundred Years of Chemical Harm” By Dr. Thom Davies, June 01, 2018
Israel Funnels Millions to Erase Palestinian History By Corey Sherman, June 01, 2018
Selected Articles: Humanity Is Buried in Israel By Global Research News, June 01, 2018
US Trade War with China Back On? By Stephen Lendman, June 01, 2018
The Belgian organisations described what is happening in Jerusalem as part of the persecution suffered by four million Palestinians due to the Israeli occupation including the war on Gaza in 2014
US Opposes Protecting Gazans from Excessive Israeli Force By Stephen Lendman, June 01, 2018
Freedom Flotilla Statement on Israeli Interception of Gaza Flotilla By Freedom Flotilla Coalition, June 01, 2018
After Greece, Now a Coup d’Etat in Italy! By Giulietto Chiesa, June 01, 2018
Gaza Massacre Update: “Decent Humanity” Will Boycott Apartheid Israel and All Its Supporters By Gideon Polya, June 01, 2018
Local Autonomy: A Key to Protection of the Ecosystem. The Philippines Apo Island By Kim Petersen, June 01, 2018
Australia’s China Syndrome By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 01, 2018
Prime Minister Mahathir Will Continue Malaysia’s Multipolar Course By Andrew Korybko, June 01, 2018
Malaysia: Debts and the Push for Reforms By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, June 01, 2018
Qingdao SCO Summit: “Secret Meeting” between Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 31, 2018
Whose Country Is this? Is the Constitution Even Welcome Here Anymore? By John W. Whitehead, May 31, 2018
Pipeline Geopolitics: Why is Russia Maintaining Its Gas Transit Pipelines Through Ukraine Open? By Andrew Korybko, May 31, 2018
A Nation that Doesn’t Know War: America Celebrates Memorial Day By Philip Giraldi, May 31, 2018
Selected Articles: How Do You Get Off the US “Kill List”? By Global Research News, May 31, 2018
Video: “We Were Close to Direct Conflict Between Russia and the US Inside Syria” – Bashar Assad By Bashar al Assad and RT News, May 31, 2018
International Migration, From Transit to Integration: A Moroccan Initiative for Community Development By Nathan Park, May 31, 2018
Protecting and Preserving Syria’s Sovereign Independence By Stephen Lendman, May 31, 2018
‘Major Win’: California Senate Passes Bill Restoring Net Neutrality By Andrea Germanos, May 31, 2018
Big Coal Is Using this Small Oklahoma Town as a Toxic Waste Dump By Valerie Vande Panne, May 31, 2018
How Do You Get Off the US “Kill List”? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 31, 2018
America’s Big-Brother ‘News’ Media By Eric Zuesse, May 31, 2018
Denialism: The Historical Denialism of Japan’s Crimes against Humanity By George Burchett, May 31, 2018
“I Have a Nuclear Button, … And My Button Works” Trump Is Far More Dangerous than Hitler? By Shane Quinn, May 31, 2018
The US Trade War with China. Trump wants to Block Countries from using the Yuan as a Reserve Currency By Peter Koenig and Press TV, May 31, 2018
RFK’s Son Robert Francis Kennedy Jr: I Don’t Believe Sirhan Did It By Michael Carmichael, May 31, 2018
Death and Destruction In the Wake of the “Liberation” of Mosul By Nazli Tarzi and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 30, 2018
A Smart-Power Approach for the Seas. The Geopolitics of the World’s Oceans By Leonid Savin, May 30, 2018
What Is Meant by Permanent War? By Dr. Ali Kadri, May 30, 2018
Narco-Corruption, ISIS 3.0, and the Terror Drone Attack That Never Happened By Nick Turse, May 30, 2018
Trudeau’s Reckless Support for Kinder-Morgan. Billions of Tax Dollars to Buy an Unbuildable, Financially Doomed Pipeline By Adam Scott, May 30, 2018
Kinder-Morgan Fiasco: The Cat Is Out of the Bag at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) By Bob Farkas, May 30, 2018
Conflict Theory and Biosphere Annihilation By Robert J. Burrowes, May 30, 2018
Brexit: Second EU Referendum Campaign Kicks Off By True Publica, May 30, 2018
On the Liberation of The Yarmouk Refugee Camp from ISIS. Syrian and Palestinian Struggles Indivisible By Ken Stone, May 30, 2018
Tightly Bound: The United States and Australia’s Alliance-Dependent Militarization By Richard Tanter, May 30, 2018
Video: Israel Carries Out Massive Strike on Gaza, Protest Against US-backed Forces in Syria By South Front, May 30, 2018
Canada’s Deal to Purchase Kinder Morgan Assets By Adam Scott, May 30, 2018
Not for Sale: Congo’s Forests Must be Protected from the Fossil Fuels Industry By Global Witness, May 30, 2018
US Sanctions on Iran: The Unraveling of Pax Americana By Christopher Wood, May 30, 2018
Russia’s Advancing Multipolarity in Africa Through Mozambique By Andrew Korybko, May 30, 2018
Universities, Branding and Saudi Arabia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 30, 2018
Syrian Military Sends Final Warning to “Militants” in Southern Syria By South Front, May 30, 2018
The Logic of U.S. Foreign Policy By Swiss Propaganda Research, May 29, 2018
Robert F. Kennedy and Paul Schrade Photo credit: MALDEF / YouTube
Selected Articles: Who Was Behind the Robert F. Kennedy Assassination? By Global Research News, May 29, 2018
The Left’s Naivety about Canada’s Role in Foreign Affairs. The Korea “Peace Train” By Yves Engler, May 29, 2018
“No Sympathy for the Devils”, A Play on Words from the Rolling Stones By Philip A Farruggio, May 29, 2018
Donald Trump: Is He Too Dangerous to be Head of State? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, May 29, 2018
Who Rules America? By Prof. James Petras, May 29, 2018
Crimes against Humanity and the Israel-Palestine Conflict By Julian Rose, May 29, 2018
The Rights of “Missing” Immigrant Children in America By Massoud Nayeri, May 29, 2018
Criticizing Israel Unrelated to Anti-Semitism By Stephen Lendman, May 29, 2018
Syria Takes Rotating Presidency of UN Disarmament Conference in Geneva, US Protests By Press TV, May 29, 2018
Sanctioning the World, the US Inadvertently ‘Locks and Launches’ Multipolarism By Alastair Crooke, May 29, 2018
Video. The Art of War, Italian ‘Sovereignty’ from Brussels, but not from Washington By Manlio Dinucci, May 29, 2018
The Moral Decoding of 9-11: Beyond the U.S. Criminal State, The Grand Plan for a New World Order By Prof. John McMurtry, May 29, 2018
Iran’s Mohajedeen e Khalq: MEK Money Sure Can’t Buy Love By Philip Giraldi, May 29, 2018
Memorial Day Is Based on a Lie By Jacob G. Hornberger, May 29, 2018
America’s Incredible Shrinking Influence By Rep. Ron Paul, May 29, 2018