Latest News and Top Stories

Palestinian Courage Should Spur International Action By Rick Sterling, June 06, 2018
Amnesty Report: US-Led Coalition Killed Hundreds of Civilians in Syria’s Raqqa By Prof. Scott Lucas, June 05, 2018
Twats and Tweets: Roseanne Barr and the Issue of Proportion By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 05, 2018
Video: Syrian Government, SDF Reach Agreement on Omar Oil Field By South Front, June 05, 2018
Humanitarian Crisis: Thousands of Hurricane Maria Deaths in Puerto Rico. New Study By Stephen Lendman, June 05, 2018
Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula: A Blessing for South Korean People By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, June 05, 2018
The Agents of the Nevermind: Interview with Psychological Suspense Author Tantra Bensko By Tantra Bensko and Sarah Abed, June 05, 2018
Selected Articles: The UN Is Silent Amid Israeli Aggression in Gaza; Is It a Defunct Agency? By Global Research News, June 05, 2018
“Abraham, Martin and John”… And Bobby. Political Assassinations in America By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, June 05, 2018
Forever AUMF 2018 (SJRes 59) (Authority for the Use of Military Force) Stalls at Senate Foreign Relations Committee By Renee Parsons, June 05, 2018
Robert F. Kennedy and Paul Schrade Photo credit: MALDEF / YouTube
The Boston Globe’s Hit Piece on the Assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy By Edward Curtin, June 05, 2018
Virginia Institute for Curriculum Services (ICI) and Israel Advocacy Groups Pressure University Textbook Publishers By Virginia Coalition for Human Rights, June 05, 2018
War on Syria
Syria’s Upcoming Constitutional Commission Will be About “Decentralization” By Andrew Korybko, June 05, 2018
What the ‘Doomsday Brexit Plan’ Document Says Should Frighten Us All By True Publica, June 05, 2018
IDF on Murder of Razan al-Najjar: She Was Killed “in Accordance with Standard Operating Procedures.” (True Enough) By Norman Finkelstein, June 05, 2018
Hating Russia Is a Full-Time Job.“Who is Driving the Hostility towards Russia?” By Philip Giraldi, June 05, 2018
‘Very, Very Disturbing’: Trump Asserts ‘Absolute Right’ to Pardon Himself By Common Dreams, June 05, 2018
Can Trump Legally Pardon Himself? The Constitution’s So-called “Take Care Clause” By Stephen Lendman, June 05, 2018
The Interminable Palestinian Uprising By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 05, 2018
Extensive War Crimes: The U.S. Is Responsible for the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Raqqa By Firas Samuri, June 05, 2018
The Palestinian Struggle: In Memory of Razan al-Najjar By Orly Noy, June 05, 2018
Washington’s Imperial “Indo-Pacific Agenda”. Pentagon threatens China By Stephen Lendman, June 04, 2018
While Palestinian Paramedic Razan Lost Her Life, US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley “Lost Her Humanity” By Prof. Kamel Hawwash, June 04, 2018
Will the Use of Torture by US Intelligence Extend into Yemen? By CJ Werleman, June 04, 2018
Russia Hints ISIS-Linked Militants Operating in US Controlled Zones in Syria By Brandon Turbeville, June 04, 2018
Israel Bombs Gaza Hours After Funeral of Murdered 21-year-old Paramedic By Morning Star, June 04, 2018
Israeli Oncologists’ Letter: Let Gaza Cancer Patients Out! By Physicians For Human Rights In Israel, June 04, 2018
Lockheed Martin Opening Jerusalem Preschool for Israelis By Emma Fiala, June 04, 2018
Failures of the Petro-Dollar? Africa Speculates Joining Russia, China, India and EU in the “De-Dollarisation” of Oil Trades By True Publica, June 04, 2018
Amazon Workers Organize. Inhumane Work Hours in Italy By UNI Global Union, June 04, 2018
America’s Barbaric Policies Against Migrants and Their Children By Massoud Nayeri, June 04, 2018
Italy: The Center Cannot Hold By Diana Johnstone, June 04, 2018
Politics and History of U.S.-DPRK Relations By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 04, 2018
Which Is the Greater Threat? Non-Nuclear Iran or Israeli F-35s and Their Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction? By Hans Stehling, June 04, 2018
The Indian Illusion: Denying Anti-Iranian Sanctions While Implementing Them By Andrew Korybko, June 04, 2018
India, Iran and the Strategic Implications of the US Pull Out from the Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) By K M Seethi, June 04, 2018
Killing the Dream 50 Years On. April-June 1968, the Murder of MLK and RFK By Philip A Farruggio, June 04, 2018
Does Anybody Really Believe that Iran’s “Advisors” in Syria Are Unarmed Non-Combatants? By Andrew Korybko, June 04, 2018
China’s Dream of Hegemony? By Kim Petersen, June 04, 2018
Is Donald Trump a New Herbert Hoover, With His Policy of Isolationism and Protectionism? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, June 04, 2018
Video: “9/11 Justice: Every Nation, Every Citizen”. Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry Reinforced by 3000 Architects and Engineers By Dr. Eric Beeth, June 04, 2018
Today’s Most Popular Global Research Articles By Global Research News, June 03, 2018
The Empire Strikes Back: Leaving Indian Farmers in the Dirt By Colin Todhunter, June 03, 2018
China’s Petro-yuan “Becomes Real”: India Joins International Group Dumping US Dollars in Oil Trades to Bypass US Sanctions By True Publica, June 03, 2018
Understanding the U.S. War State By Prof. John McMurtry, June 03, 2018
States of Cruelty: The Dead Refugees of Manus Island. Australia’s Detention of Asylum Seekers By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 03, 2018
What Was “The 1968 Movement”? Japan’s Experience in A Global Perspective By Prof. Oguma Eiji, June 03, 2018
Nuclear Hawks in Tokyo Call for Stronger US Nuclear Posture in Japan and Okinawa By Gregory Kulacki and Steve Rabson, June 03, 2018
War is Impossible Where There is Love: When the Minds and Hearts of Youth Are Programmed to be Killers By Van Robison, June 03, 2018
America’s Trade War with China: Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in Beijing By Stephen Lendman, June 03, 2018
Iraq’s Water Crisis Traced Upstream to Turkish, Iranian Dams By Rudaw, June 03, 2018
Selected Articles: Peace Is a Cliché By Global Research News, June 03, 2018
Pro-Israeli Groups “Weaponize” Jewish Cultural Initiatives to Amplify Their Campaign against Palestinians By Yves Engler, June 03, 2018
Trudeau Endorses Trump: Canadian Sanctions against Venezuela Violate ‘International Law’ By Telesur, June 03, 2018
Video: Fundamental Human Rights, OAS Hypocrisy Exposed By Max Blumenthal, June 03, 2018
Medical Despotism: The American Medical Association (AMA) Offensive Against Chiropractic By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, June 03, 2018
Peace Is a Cliché: When the West Cannot Control the World Unopposed It Means War By Andre Vltchek, June 03, 2018
Russian Journalist’s Babchenko’s Stunt Torpedoes Western Media By Tony Cartalucci, June 03, 2018
Pipeline Geopolitics: The US is Against Russia’s Nord Stream II Because of the “Three Seas Initiative” By Andrew Korybko, June 03, 2018
Permanent State Versus The People. The Regime Change War against Syria By Mark Taliano, June 03, 2018
The Canadian Pension Plan: The Deadly Hand of the Market. Investing in Weapons and Fossil Fuel By Judith Deutsch, June 03, 2018
The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 03, 2018
The American Military Empire: Is Trump Its Would-be Emperor? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, June 03, 2018
Neoliberalism and the Dynamics of Capitalist Development in Latin America By Prof. James Petras and Prof. Henry Veltmeyer, June 02, 2018
America’s “Deep State”: Unaccountable Shadow Government By Mark Taliano, June 02, 2018
Sirhan Sirhan DID NOT Kill Bobby Kennedy! By Stephen Lendman, June 02, 2018
Israeli Terror Against Gaza: Solidarity and Activism in an Age of Imperial Decline By Junaid S. Ahmad and Zehra Yilmaz, June 02, 2018
America is In a Debt Trap Death Spiral By F. William Engdahl, June 02, 2018
Italian Debt Crisis Erupts: Is this a Greek Debt Crisis Writ Large? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 02, 2018
Poland’s US Military Base Is More About China than Russia By Andrew Korybko, June 02, 2018
The Problem with Capitalist “Democracy”: Italy, France, U.K., The U.S. Descent into “Cartoon Democracy” By Christopher Black, June 02, 2018
US Exempts Israeli and Its Own High Crimes from Accountability By Stephen Lendman, June 02, 2018
NATO Advances on Russia’s Border Under the Cover of Western Media Propaganda By Robert Bridge, June 02, 2018
Tony Blair Should be Prosecuted over Iraq By Jonathan Power, June 02, 2018
Trade War Between the US and Germany? By Oriental Review, June 02, 2018
Bill Browder Escapes Again By Philip Giraldi, June 02, 2018
WaPo Editors: We Have to Help Destroy Yemen to Save It By Adam Johnson, June 02, 2018
A Courtroom Appeal for Yemen By Kathy Kelly, June 02, 2018
U.S. Border Patrol Murders Young Guatemalan Woman: Justice for Claudia González! By Revolution Newspaper, June 02, 2018
Rebellion or Counter-Revolution: Made in US in Nicaragua? By Achim Rödner, June 02, 2018