Latest News and Top Stories

US Indicted for Global Nuclear Terror By William Boardman, June 22, 2018
Video: French General: Germans Wanted to Punish Serbs for Their Resistance to Hitler By Pierre Marie Gallois, June 22, 2018
‘Occupied’ East Jerusalem: Prince William Infuriates Israel with Statement on Royal Visit By RT News, June 22, 2018
Selected Articles: World at a Crossroads: Refugees, Trade War, US-NATO Encirclement of Russia By Global Research News, June 22, 2018
Doug Ford – Ontario’s Donald Trump? By Prof. Todd Gordon and Ashley Smith, June 22, 2018
The Pro-War Media Deserve Criticism, Not Sainthood By James Bovard, June 22, 2018
US Dollar Sell-Off Continues as Trade Wars Intensify By True Publica, June 22, 2018
US State Department ‘Concerned’ Over Syrian Government Operations in…Syria! Against ISIS and Al Qaeda By Daniel McAdams, June 22, 2018
Look Deeper: Child Detention and the US’s Paramilitary Politics Abroad By Dr. John Buell, June 22, 2018
Why Is Professor Tariq Ramadan Imprisoned? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 22, 2018
300,000 Vote for Socialists in California Primary By Richard Becker, June 22, 2018
Is this the Real Culture War? Art Movements and the People’s Movement By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, June 22, 2018
Is the United States on a Road to Becoming Ungovernable? By Michael Snyder, June 22, 2018
Slow Suicide and the Abandonment of the World By Edward Curtin, June 22, 2018
India: Communalism and Development. Religious Identity politics By Irfan Engineer, June 22, 2018
Video: Syria Government Forces Pressure ISIS Cells on Multiple Fronts By South Front, June 22, 2018
Spoiled Latvia’s Image in the International Arena. The Rights of the Ethnic Russian Minority By Viktors Domburs, June 21, 2018
With Help from Their Jewish Israeli Friends: A Palestinian Political Initiative (In the Making) By Rima Najjar, June 21, 2018
Biased UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria By Stephen Lendman, June 21, 2018
Global Refugees Reaches New Peak: What the World Has Forgotten By True Publica, June 21, 2018
Yemen: Al-Hudaydah Airport Still Remains Contested By South Front, June 21, 2018
The Entire Western World Lives in Cognitive Dissonance By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 21, 2018
Breaking In a President By Philip Giraldi, June 21, 2018
Militarizing Space, Transforming It into a Battleground By Stephen Lendman, June 21, 2018
The Pacific Alliance, Three Seas Initiative, Continental Free Trade Area, Vision 2030, The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor. Five Underreported Initiatives that Change the World By Andrew Korybko, June 21, 2018
Canadian Doctor Shot by Israelis Lobbies Trudeau to Fund Gaza Hospital Project By Jillian D'Amours, June 21, 2018
Time Magazine on US Diplomacy — and History By Deena Stryker, June 21, 2018
The Battle of Daraa against ISIS, Al Qaeda and FSA: Hezbollah Special Forces Will Participate By Elijah J. Magnier, June 21, 2018
French Beekeepers Sue Bayer/Monsanto on Glyphosate in Honey; U.S. Court Allows Glyphosate Contamination of Honey Labeled “100% Pure” By Beyond Pesticides, June 21, 2018
Libya’s Lawless Skies By Samuel Oakford, June 21, 2018
Trump’s Military Drops a Bomb Every 12 Minutes, and No One Is Talking About It By Lee Camp, June 21, 2018
“Where Are the Girls?” Child Trafficking Feared as DHS Can’t Say Where Immigrant Girls Are Being Held By Matt Agorist, June 21, 2018
Trump Administration Imprisoning 1,500 Immigrant Children in Old Walmart Along Border By Aaron Kesel, June 21, 2018
Israeli-Occupied East Jerusalem to be Visited by Prince William By Hans Stehling, June 21, 2018
Grieve the Beloved Children: Israel and the War on Children By Judith Deutsch, June 21, 2018
China Is Centralizing Its Levers of Control Over the Congo By Andrew Korybko, June 21, 2018
Strategizing in the Wake of the Singapore Summit: The Kim-Xi Meeting in Beijing. Crisis in Beijing-Washington Relations By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 21, 2018
Gina Haspel’s New Vision for the CIA? By Philip Giraldi, June 21, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Attacks “Militants” in Daraa Province. Al Qaeda and ISIS Pockets in Southern Syria By South Front, June 21, 2018
Video: The Circuit of Death in the “Enlarged Mediterranean” By Manlio Dinucci, June 21, 2018
Release All Detained Immigrant Children Now! By Massoud Nayeri, June 21, 2018
Selected Articles: The Decline of the US Empire By Global Research News, June 20, 2018
Immigration Divides Europe and the German Left By Diana Johnstone, June 20, 2018
Enclosure of Gaza as a “Prison Territory”: High Tech Surveillance Wall to Separate Gaza from Israel By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 20, 2018
Trump Follows Family’s Pro-Zionist Agenda as United States Disengages from UNHRC By Hans Stehling, June 20, 2018
Israel’s IDF Snipers: Choosing Who to Shoot By Stephen Shenfield, June 20, 2018
Operation Barbarossa II: The Wurlitzer of War Plays On By Christopher Black, June 20, 2018
From Nazi Germany to Japanese Internment Camps: Here’s the Disgusting History Behind Trump’s ‘Infest’ By Elizabeth Preza, June 20, 2018
The “Thirdworldization” of America: Defunding and Privatization, Draconian GOP FY 2019 Budget Proposal By Stephen Lendman, June 20, 2018
The Rallying Cry of a Nationwide Movement: “Chinga la Migra” (F*ck Border Patrol) By Michelle Chen, June 20, 2018
Kim’s Resolve to “Put The Past Behind Us”, Trump’s Commitment to Stop the War Games? What Next? By Carla Stea, June 20, 2018
Video: Many Government Fighters Killed in Alleged US Strikes in Eastern Syria in Support of Terrorist Groups By South Front, June 20, 2018
Children’s Images: 1943 and 2018 By Roy Morrison, June 20, 2018
When Governments Take Children Hostage By J. B. Gerald, June 20, 2018
Nikki Haley
Leaving the UN Human Rights Council: Crimes against Humanity. Washington Endorses The State of Israel By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 20, 2018
Germany Intervening Again in Greek Affairs! By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, June 20, 2018
North Korea Agreed to Denuclearize, But When Will the US? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 20, 2018
Vietnam Protests Against Special Economic Zones (SEZ) By Andrew Korybko, June 20, 2018
The Migrant “Disembarkation Centers” Are a Distraction – The EU Can’t Enforce Anything By Andrew Korybko, June 20, 2018
Girding for Confrontation: The Pentagon’s Provocative Encirclement of China By Michael T. Klare, June 20, 2018
Large-scale Syrian Arab Army Offensive against US/Israeli supported Terrorists in Southwest Syria? By Stephen Lendman, June 19, 2018
Will the Real Donald Trump Please Stand Up? By Philip Giraldi, June 19, 2018
Selected Articles: Big Oil, Brexit, North Korea, China By Global Research News, June 19, 2018
Trump Administration Cancels New Protection for Endangered Whales, Marine Mammals & Sea Turtles By Lauren Lewis, June 19, 2018
Video: Battle for Al-Hudaydah, Turning Point in Yemen War? By South Front, June 19, 2018
Open Letter to the Board of Deputies of British Jews From Jewish People in the UK By Craig Berman and Sarah Glynn, June 19, 2018
Trump Further Escalates Trade War with China By Stephen Lendman, June 19, 2018
Iraq: US Airstrikes Kill 22 Hashd al-Shaabi Fighters By Haydar Hadi, June 19, 2018
The Liberal’s Lament Over Israel By James J. Zogby, June 19, 2018
Ex-Mossad Chief: Best Part of My Job Was Having ‘a License to Crime’ By Richard Silverstein, June 19, 2018
Chaos in the Imperial Big House By Glen Ford, June 19, 2018
Oil Giants Shell and Eni Face Trial in Milan Over Bribery Allegations in Biggest Corruption Case Facing Sector in Years By Chloe Farand, June 19, 2018
The Problem with Lamenting “Acceptance” of Kim Jong-un By Hugh Gusterson, June 19, 2018
Are the Hard Brexiteers – Jumping Ship? By True Publica, June 19, 2018
North Korea: What Price Peace? By Askiah Adam, June 19, 2018
The West Really Hates China! By Andre Vltchek, June 19, 2018
Rocking the G7: Trump Stomps His Allies By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 19, 2018
Listen to Children Who’ve Just Been Separated from Their Parents at the Border By Ginger Thompson, June 19, 2018
US Imperialism, Racism, and the Need for a New Anti-war Movement By Heather Cottin, June 19, 2018
The More Plausible and Reasonable History of Palestine and Israel By Rima Najjar, June 19, 2018