Latest News and Top Stories

Video: Saudi Arabia Bombs Residential Neighborhood in Yemen Killing Entire Family By Ahmed Abdulrahman, July 03, 2018
Ethiopia and Zimbabwe Heighten Security in Response to Attacks on Political Rallies By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 03, 2018
End Immigration Detention in Canada: An Open Letter By Health Providers Against Poverty, July 03, 2018
America’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Is a State-Sponsored Terrorist Organization – Abolish ICE By William Boardman, July 03, 2018
Don’t Get Too Excited About the Mexican Silk Road By Andrew Korybko, July 03, 2018
Who’s Afraid of the Trump/Putin Summit? By Rep. Ron Paul, July 03, 2018
Unrelenting US Hostility Toward North Korea By Stephen Lendman, July 03, 2018
Iran Accuses US of Docking Chemical Weapons-Laden Ship in Persian Gulf By Zero Hedge, July 03, 2018
Mexico: Α Historic Triumph of the Left But Will AMLO Keep His Promises? By Defend Democracy Press, July 03, 2018
The Untold Story of Japan’s Secret Spy Agency By Ryan Gallagher, July 03, 2018
CIA: How to Shape Okinawan Public Opinion on the U.S. Military Presence By Jon Mitchell, July 03, 2018
The American Oligarchy: A Review By Chris Wright, July 03, 2018
The Trump-Putin Peace, Trade and Friendship Talks By Brian Cloughley, July 03, 2018
Send in the Troops! Deploying the ADF Against Rioters By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 03, 2018
U.S. Crushes Europe. EU Corporate Decline By Eric Zuesse, July 03, 2018
History and Biblical Scholarship: Al-Quds Is Not Jerusalem By Dr. Elias Akleh, July 03, 2018
The US Can’t Win the Self-imposed Trade War against China By Salman Rafi Sheikh, July 02, 2018
Australia Is Attempting to “Contain” China By Andrew Korybko, July 02, 2018
Video: Militants in Over 15 Settlements Surrender to Syrian Army. Is Israel Encouraging ISIS to Create a Buffer Zone in the Golan Heights? By South Front, July 02, 2018
Anti-Trump Protests: Where’s the Outrage Over America’s Imperial Wars By Stephen Lendman, July 02, 2018
Pentagon Test Drops B61-12 Tactical Nuclear Weapon “Dud” From B-2 Stealth Bomber Over Nevada By RT News, July 02, 2018
Trial Runs for Fascism Are in Full Flow By Fintan O'Toole, July 02, 2018
Hundreds of Thousands March Against Trump’s Persecution of Immigrants By Patrick Martin, July 02, 2018
Selected Articles: Mexico Elections, US Zero Tolerance, GMO Reality, Canada By Global Research News, July 02, 2018
Champions on Crutches: Palestinians Form First Amputee Football Team in Gaza By Maha Hussaini, July 02, 2018
Britain’s Most Censored Stories (Non-Military) By True Publica, July 02, 2018
How Many More Will Fall Ill or Die Because of Exposure to Pesticides and Herbicides? By CHS-SACHETAN, July 02, 2018
Israel Preparing to Annex West Bank Says UN Expert? By IMEMC, July 02, 2018
Massive Victory for Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexican Elections By Rafael Azul, July 02, 2018
America Is “One Dollar One Vote”, Not Really “One Person One Vote” By Eric Zuesse, July 02, 2018
Is Trump Sacrificing General Mattis? Erupting Tensions and Divisions By Abdullah Muradoğlu, July 02, 2018
Breaking: Vote Buying. Fraud Rears Its Face Once Again in Mexico Election By Telesur, July 02, 2018
Who Killed the President of Pakistan General Zia Ul Haq. The August 1988 Air Crash By Pradeep Baisakh, July 02, 2018
Nationwide Protests: Pro-Immigrant or Anti-Trump? By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, July 02, 2018
Canada: Let’s Not be Distracted by Stephen Harper. We Have Chrystia Freeland to Contend With By Nino Pagliccia, July 02, 2018
America’s Clueless Ambassadors By Philip Giraldi, July 02, 2018
Italians Leap Into the Political Unknown By Asad Ismi, July 02, 2018
Trump’s War on Migrants Lands Toddlers in Court to Plead Their Cases Alone By Elliott Gabriel, July 02, 2018
Bayer-Monsanto Partnership Signals Death Knell for Humanity By Robert Bridge, July 02, 2018
Trump’s Lawyer Rudy Giuliani: Iran’s “Regime” to Collapse Soon, US-backed ‘Democratic’ Force Has to Take Power By South Front, July 02, 2018
Nature Retention, Not Just Protection, Crucial to Maintaining Biodiversity and Ecosystems: Scientists By Mike Gaworecki, July 02, 2018
GMO Agriculture and the Narrative of Choice By Colin Todhunter, July 02, 2018
The Empty Brain By Robert Epstein, July 01, 2018
Rethinking Europe’s Migrant Crisis: Weapons of Mass Movement? By Michael Welch, J. Michael Springmann, and Barrie Zwicker, July 01, 2018
Becoming a Democracy—The Example of Nepal By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 01, 2018
Libya Has Reached Its Turning Point. The Battle for Oil, “US-NATO Go Home” By Richard Galustian, July 01, 2018
MEXICO Elections, July 1: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), Window of Opportunity Against 40 Years of Neoliberalism in Mexico? By Telesur, July 01, 2018
The Two “Superpowers”: Who Really Controls the Two Countries? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 01, 2018
Obsessed With Regime Change: Trump’s Iran Gambit Won’t Pay Off By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, July 01, 2018
The Assassination Attempt Against Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy By Andrew Korybko, July 01, 2018
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Continues to Disrupt Marine Life By Steve Hanley, June 30, 2018
Why Palestine Matters By Sheldon Richman, June 30, 2018
The Supreme Court’s Deference to the Pentagon By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 30, 2018
The President Shouldn’t Act as an Arms Dealer to the Saudis By Dr. Veronique de Rugy, June 30, 2018
GM Crops in India: Approval by Contamination? By Colin Todhunter, June 30, 2018
US Sanctions Against Iran Aimed at Regime Change By Peter Symonds, June 30, 2018
Global Affairs Canada Statement: Disconnect From Realities on the Ground in Syria, Tacit Endorsement of Al Qaeda By Mark Taliano, June 30, 2018
How the Military Industrial Complex Controls America By Eric Zuesse, June 30, 2018
The Arctic Climate Tipping Points: Methane and the Future of the Biosphere By Dr. Andrew Glikson, June 30, 2018
Hijacking My Flag! “Save our Nation from Fiscal and Moral Bankruptcy” By Philip A Farruggio, June 30, 2018
The Battle of the Three Seas. Geopolitics of Central and Eastern Europe, US-Russia Confrontation By Andrew Korybko, June 30, 2018
Merck Receives FDA Priority Review to Expand Dangerous Gardasil Vaccine to Women and Men Ages 27 to 45 By Brian Shilhavy, June 30, 2018
Family of Man? Building Global Awareness By Jim Miles, June 30, 2018
That Time the Media Cheered for Gestapo Immigration Tactics By James Bovard, June 30, 2018
The Peril on Your Plate: the Human Health Effects of Genetic Engineering and Chemical Agriculture By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 30, 2018
Enforcing Dollar Hegemony: Only Thing New About Trump’s Economic Wars Are Tweets By F. William Engdahl, June 30, 2018
America’s National Defense Strategy: U.S. Defense Secretary Mattis “Hawks Weapons and Hegemony” By Tony Cartalucci, June 30, 2018
Obrador and Mexico’s Watershed Election By Richard Roman and Edur Velasco Arregui, June 30, 2018
“Trumpet to War”: Spectators and Pragmatists… at Their Own Execution By Philip A Farruggio, June 29, 2018
Voice Recognition Technology: U.K. Revenue and Customs (HMRC) Has Taken 5.1 Million Taxpayers’ Biometric Voiceprints Without Consent By True Publica, June 29, 2018
Video: Government Forces Liberate Multiple Settlements in Southern Syria By South Front, June 29, 2018
Did Sen. Warner and FBI Director Comey ‘Collude’ on Russia-gate? By Ray McGovern, June 29, 2018
Australia, The Catholic Church in Resistance: Priests, Child Abuse, and Breaking the Seal of the Confessional By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 29, 2018
Hong Kong’s Paradoxical “Independence” Movement By Tony Cartalucci, June 29, 2018
India’s “Playing Hard to Get” with America by Letting the AIIB Fund China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) By Andrew Korybko, June 29, 2018
The Philippines Tax Reform Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law Triggers Mass Poverty. A Calamity Worse Than Yolanda By Prof. Phoebe Zoe Maria Sanchez, June 29, 2018
Borneo – Not Just Nature, But Also Great Ancient Culture Has Been Destroyed By Andre Vltchek, June 29, 2018
Blair and Brown Governments Gory with Torture By Craig Murray, June 29, 2018
Hassan al-Tamimi: Sightless Freedom By The Palestinian Information Center, June 29, 2018
New House Bill Would Empower Donald Trump to Punish U.S. Companies that Boycott Israel By Alex Emmons, June 29, 2018