Latest News and Top Stories

The Middle Man: The Jurisprudence of Justice Anthony Kennedy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 26, 2018
Novichok 2.0: The Silence of the Whores By Craig Murray, July 26, 2018
A South Carolina Nuclear Fuel Plant Has Leaked Radioactive Pollution By Mac Slavo, July 26, 2018
Mexico’s New Populist President Considers Foreign Pipeline Plans Despite Indigenous Protests By Steve Horn, July 26, 2018
Visiting Christian Delegation: Christians Are No Longer Welcome in the Holy Land By The Palestinian Information Center, July 26, 2018
Syrian City Rocked by Deadliest Terror Attack in the Last Two Years By Zero Hedge, July 26, 2018
The U.S. Enables Deliberate Saudi Attacks on Civilian Targets in Yemen By Daniel Larison, July 26, 2018
Saudi Oil Shipment Halt: A Potential Watershed in the Yemen War By James M. Dorsey, July 26, 2018
Israel Illegally Enshrines Apartheid in Its “Basic Law” By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 26, 2018
BRICS Bank Fails to Live Up to Hype By Thulebona Mhlanga, July 26, 2018
Warfare Tools
Trump Marches Onward and Downward By Prof. James Petras, July 26, 2018
Video: Bad, Bad Russians, Should be Punished By Global Research News, July 26, 2018
“Automated Journalism”, Robots in the Newsroom: The Future of Corporate Media By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 26, 2018
United States of Paranoia: Surveillance of Suspects or Gang Stalking Targeted Individuals By William Edstrom, July 26, 2018
Of Genocide and Those Who Do Nothing By J. B. Gerald, July 26, 2018
High Crimes and Misdemeanors: Not by Trump But Obama and Democrats By Ajamu Baraka, July 26, 2018
Supported by US-NATO: ISIS-Daesh Defeated in Iraq and Syria? By Stephen Lendman, July 25, 2018
‘Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War’ By Peter Burt, July 25, 2018
The US Is in Constant Arm-wrestling with Iran Over Iraq and Syria By Elijah J. Magnier, July 25, 2018
Action Alert: It’s Been Over a Year Since MSNBC Has Mentioned US War in Yemen By Adam Johnson, July 25, 2018
Strategy and Conscience: Subverting Elite Power So We End Human Violence By Robert J. Burrowes, July 25, 2018
The Karma of Manifest Destiny By Philip A Farruggio, July 25, 2018
Israel: A Lodestar State for the White Nationalist Movement By Adeyinka Makinde, July 25, 2018
Trudeau’s Broken Promise Part of Build-up to War Against Iran By Yves Engler, July 25, 2018
A New World Order: That Possible Dream By Christopher Black, July 25, 2018
‘Truly Terrible’: As Many as 463 Parents Have Already Been Deported, Putting Family Reunification in Jeopardy By Julia Conley, July 25, 2018
America’s Largest Creditor: Will China End U.S. Trade War with a “Debt Reset”, by Dumping U.S. Treasury Holdings? By Chris Marcus, July 25, 2018
Selected Articles: BRICS and the Fiction of “De-Dollarization” By Global Research News, July 25, 2018
The Realities of the Mental Health Crisis for Refugees on Greece’s Samos Island By Chris Jones, July 25, 2018
Entering a 1984 Tripolar World Order, Trump-Style By Michael T. Klare, July 25, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Kicks Off Operation Against ISIS East of Golan Heights By South Front, July 25, 2018
Syria: The White Helmets’ Final Performance By Tony Cartalucci, July 25, 2018
Syrian Army Forces Find Israeli-made Medicine in Militant Field Hospital in Quneitra By Press TV, July 24, 2018
The Human Heart Is Not a Technological Construct. Block 5G from Gaining Momentum By Julian Rose, July 24, 2018
Trump to Try to Poison California by Repealing Their Power to Fight Smog By Jason Easley, July 24, 2018
Congressional Committee Investigation Exposes History of Testing on American Soldiers By Brandon Turbeville, July 24, 2018
Key Fact Obscured in Immigration Coverage: MS-13 Was Made in USA By Justin Anderson, July 24, 2018
Behind the New Threats to Iran By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, July 24, 2018
Israel Evacuated Alleged Mossad-Linked Rebel Commanders During “Humanitarian” White Helmet Rescue By Whitney Webb, July 24, 2018
Here’s the Real Reason the US Must Talk to Russia By Pepe Escobar, July 24, 2018
Corporate Spin: Genetically Modifying the Way to Food Security? By Colin Todhunter, July 24, 2018
UK Favours Extremism Over Democracy in Syria By Mark Curtis, July 24, 2018
The Might of Petro Dollar: Why Saudi Arabia Can Continue Its Atrocities in Yemen? By Paul Antonopoulos, July 24, 2018
Israel: The Ultimate Racist Colony. The Jewish Nation State Law By Dr. Elias Akleh, July 24, 2018
What Should “We” Do About Julian Assange? By Kim Petersen, July 24, 2018
Washington Approves Military Assistance to Ukraine After US-Russia Helsinki Summit By Arkady Savitsky, July 24, 2018
BRICS and the Fiction of “De-Dollarization” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 24, 2018
The BRICS Summit. A Multipolar World Order? What’s Russia’s Role? By Andrew Korybko, July 24, 2018
Betraying the President. Trump Attacked by American Political and Academic Community over Helsinki Summit By Oriental Review, July 24, 2018
Son of Frankenstein? UK Body Backs Human Embryo Gene Editing By F. William Engdahl, July 24, 2018
Canadian Government Offers Safe Haven to …. Al Qaeda By Mark Taliano, July 24, 2018
Trudeau Government Admits Terrorist Auxiliaries to Canada By Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, July 24, 2018
The Expansion of U.S. Military Installations in Argentina and Their Implications for Argentine Sovereignty By Dr. Birsen Filip, July 24, 2018
Does Living Near a Nuclear Plant Give Children Cancer? By Cindy Folkers, July 24, 2018
Nepal’s Economy – Can Contented Tourists Match Desperate Migrant Laborers? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 24, 2018
Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Julian Assange and Hand Him Over to the U.K. What Comes Next? By Glenn Greenwald, July 24, 2018
Trump Issues All-caps Threat to Iranian President: ‘You Will Suffer Consequences Few Throughout History Have Ever Suffered’ By Sarah K. Burris, July 24, 2018
Blair Advising Saudis Under $12m Deal with His Institute: Report By Middle East Eye, July 24, 2018
Video: Israel Evacuates White Helmets’ Members From Southern Syria By South Front, July 24, 2018
It’s All Fake: Reality TV That Masquerades as American Politics By John W. Whitehead, July 24, 2018
Israel Intervenes to Extract US-UK-backed White Helmets From Syria By Bill Van Auken, July 24, 2018
Trump – The De-Globalizer?
 By Peter Koenig, July 24, 2018
Why Education Isn’t the Only Solution: An Overview of Female Employment in Morocco and the Region By Katherine O’Neill, July 24, 2018
Mainstream Media Obscure Most Important Issues From Public Eyes By Shane Quinn, July 24, 2018
MSM Disinformation Scam, Trump/Putin Meeting Fake Hysteria, Wells Fargo Troubles By Greg Hunter, July 23, 2018
A Change to Government Financing. How Economics Changed to Work Against Us By Bryant Brown, July 23, 2018
The Democratic Party’s Pitch to Billionaires By Eric Zuesse, July 23, 2018
Distraction. Trapped into Hating Donald Trump By Massoud Nayeri, July 23, 2018
Rod Rosenstein
Chickens with Their Heads Cut Off, Coming Home to Roost. The “Treason Narrative” By Helen Buyniski, July 23, 2018
Report: Former FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Revealed Under Oath That There Was No Basis for Mueller’s Appointment By Thomas Lifson, July 23, 2018
Trump Regime Plot to Topple Iran’s Government? By Stephen Lendman, July 23, 2018
Russiagate Is Like 9/11, Except It’s Made of Pure Narrative By Caitlin Johnstone, July 23, 2018
Madness in Helsinki By Eric Margolis, July 23, 2018
Israeli Parliament Votes to Approve Nation-State Law That Enshrines Jewish Supremacy Over Palestinian Citizens By Adalah, July 23, 2018
5 Times the US Actively Supported ISIS or Similar Groups By Mint Press, July 23, 2018
Bloomberg: “America’s New World Order Is Officially Dead” By Tony Cartalucci, July 23, 2018
Russian IL-20
Americans Are Brainwashed to be Hostile Toward Russia By Stephen Lendman, July 23, 2018
Violent Coup Fails in Nicaragua, US Continues Regime Change Efforts By Kevin Zeese, July 23, 2018
Six Facts That Differentiate Israel From All 194 UN Member States By Hans Stehling, July 23, 2018
Saudi-UK Media Tie-up: Targeting the Non-Arabic-Speaking Middle East By James M. Dorsey, July 23, 2018