Latest News and Top Stories

Israel Again Tests Chemical Weapons on Gaza Protesters By Dr. Ariyana Love, August 16, 2018
Ontario: Doug Ford’s New Poor Laws Replace Basic Income, “A Tiny Survival Stipend for All Low Income People” By John Clarke, August 16, 2018
UN Report Finds ISIS Given “Breathing Space” in US-Occupied Areas of Syria By Whitney Webb, August 16, 2018
The Search for an Elusive Peace in the Horn of Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 16, 2018
Turkey Ready for War, Says Erdogan, US Involved in Financial Warfare against Turkey By Global Research News, August 16, 2018
Institutionalizing Intolerance: Bullies Win, Freedom Suffers When We Can’t Agree to Disagree By John W. Whitehead, August 16, 2018
Living Forests: Ecuador’s Kichwa People of Sarayaku Launch Defence of Indigenous Territories Worldwide By Bethany Pitts, August 16, 2018
America’s Infowar against China’s Belt and Road Initiative (OBOR) By Andrew Korybko, August 16, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Advances on Remaining ISIS Cells. Battle in the Al-Suwayda Desert By South Front, August 16, 2018
A Response to Misinformation on Nicaragua: It Was a Coup, Not a “Massacre” By Charles Redvers, August 16, 2018
Trump to Netanyahu: Palestinians Must be Completely Conquered By Eric Zuesse, August 16, 2018
Great Barrier Reef Politics By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 16, 2018
America’s “Global War on Terror”, Al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 16, 2018
Israel’s Money Machine By Philip Giraldi, August 15, 2018
Denouncing ‘Wanton Disregard for Congress and the American People,’ Dems Call on Ajit Pai to Come Clean About False FCC Cyberattack By Jessica Corbett, August 15, 2018
Economists for Free Trade: Meet the ‘Independent Experts’ with Ties to Climate Science Denial Pushing a No Deal Brexit By Chloe Farand, August 15, 2018
History: How Did Socialists in Italy Respond to the Advent of Fascism? By John Riddell, August 15, 2018
Towards the Political Partition of Kosovo? The Serbian People are Opposed to Vucic’s Unconstitutional Scheme By Andrew Korybko, August 15, 2018
Our Dear America: The Long-lasting Cult in our Nation’s History. Isn’t It Time For Americans to “Connect the Dots” By Philip A Farruggio, August 15, 2018
Is It ‘Reporting’ or ‘Creative Writing’ in the Province of Alberta? Academic Freedom and the Campaign against Prof. Anthony Hall By Robin Mathews, August 15, 2018
Taking a Meaningful Anti-war Position: Opposing Bipartisan Warmongering Is Defending Human Rights of the Poor and Working Class By Ajamu Baraka, August 15, 2018
Selected Articles: Is the Saudi War on Yemen a Proxy War by the US? By Global Research News, August 15, 2018
Video: Taliban Pushes Back Against ISIS Expansion in Afghanistan. Increased US Troops Deployed By South Front, August 15, 2018
Mueller Investigation Seeks to Implicate WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in “Russian Interference” By James Cogan, August 15, 2018
Donald Trump, Gunrunner for Hire By William D. Hartung, August 15, 2018
Tabloids and Media Disinfo: Swedish Woman Detained in Dubai – Don’t Believe Everything You Read By True Publica, August 15, 2018
As America Burns From Climate Change, Trump Officials Attend Denial Conference to Discuss Why Climate Change Is Fake By Andy Rowell, August 15, 2018
Destabilizing Impacts of US Policies. The End of the US Unipolar Moment Is Irreversible By Federico Pieraccini, August 15, 2018
US Provided “Intelligence” and Bomb Used in Massacre of Yemeni Schoolchildren By Whitney Webb, August 15, 2018
Exploring the Human Figure: Klimt and Schiele at New York’s Neue Galerie, Two of Austria’s Greatest Artists By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, August 15, 2018
The World in Crises By Richard Galustian, August 15, 2018
Amid Ethnic Protests, Iran Warns of Foreign Meddling By James M. Dorsey, August 15, 2018
The World’s Most Liveable Cities: Melbourne Loses to Vienna By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 15, 2018
Eric Swalwell a Major Contender for US Presidency in 2020 By Eric Zuesse, August 15, 2018
187 Organizations Call for Mass Protest Against Trump’s Military Parade By No Trump Military Parade, August 15, 2018
Monsanto Guilty Verdict Is Only The Beginning By F. William Engdahl, August 15, 2018
Financial Fragility and Currency Markets. What’s Going on with Turkey? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 15, 2018
The Assassination Attempt Against Venezuela’s Maduro By Nino Pagliccia and Andrew Korybko, August 15, 2018
I Don’t Remember Voting for U.S. Bombs to Murder Little Kids in Yemen, Do You? By Will Bunch, August 15, 2018
New York Times
Trump vs. His Own Administration? By Rep. Ron Paul, August 15, 2018
Why Does Israel Keep Destroying Cultural Heritage Sites in Gaza? By Celine Hagbard, August 15, 2018
The Rise and Continued Influence of the Neocons. Media Narratives Enabling War, Militarism and the Decline of Civil Liberties By Michael Welch, Scott Price, Robbie Martin, and Robert Parry, August 14, 2018
The 73d Anniversary of the Bombing of Nagasaki: Unwelcome Truths for Church and State By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 14, 2018
The Iraq Protests and Implications for “Political Stability” By Nagapushpa Devendra, August 14, 2018
Video: Syria, De-escalation and Counter-Terrorism By South Front, August 14, 2018
Syria: The Return of Refugees to Their Homeland By Sophie Mangal, August 14, 2018
Patriotism Has Been Turned Against Patriots By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 14, 2018
A Writer’s Last Port of Call: Nobel Winning Author V. S. Naipaul By Edward Curtin, August 14, 2018
America’s Militarized Economy By Eric Zuesse, August 14, 2018
Destruction of the Biosphere, Timeframe of Global Climate Change: A Last Ditch Strategy to Fight for Human Survival By Robert J. Burrowes, August 14, 2018
Why Confronting Israel Is Important By Philip Giraldi, August 14, 2018
Using the Burka: Boris Johnson’s Bid for Popularity By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 14, 2018
America’s War on Yemen Exposed By Tony Cartalucci, August 14, 2018
The US’ Rebuff of Russia’s Cooperation Request in Syria Shows Its Cynicism By Andrew Korybko, August 14, 2018
U.S. Political Meddling: What Really Happens to Nicaragua, Venezuela and Ecuador By Peter Koenig, August 14, 2018
Is Canada’s Moral Posturing All Just Fluff? Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Indonesia By Michael Werbowski, August 14, 2018
Samir Amin: The Workings of Contemporary Capitalism: It Is Imperative to Reconstruct the Internationale of Workers and Peoples By Samir Amin, August 14, 2018
World Acclaimed Marxist Thinker Samir Amin Dies By Mohammed Saad, August 14, 2018
Maduro Shows His Strength, Looks Death in the Face By Misión Verdad, August 14, 2018
Israel Is Arming Neo-Nazis in Ukraine By Asa Winstanley, August 14, 2018
London’s Grenfell Tower Deaths: Over a Year and Still No Prosecutions for Gross Criminal Negligence By Hans Stehling, August 14, 2018
US Bomb Pieces Found at Yemen Bus Strike Site as Pentagon Says ‘We May Never Know’ Who Supplied It By RT News, August 14, 2018
Israel Targeting Civilians in Gaza as “Collective Punishment” By Whitney Webb, August 14, 2018
US War
Climate Truth: Seven Key Numbers for Sustainability and Local Action By Roy Morrison, August 14, 2018
Bayer Shares Crash Most on Record After Monsanto Cancer Trial Loss By Zero Hedge, August 14, 2018
Video: Syria Tiger Forces Are Deploying in Northern Latakia, Final Push against ISIS By South Front, August 14, 2018
U.S. Is Complicit in Child Slaughter in Yemen By Kathy Kelly, August 13, 2018
“All Hands on Deck!”: Global Research In Unstable Waters By The Global Research Team, August 13, 2018
The Corporate-driven Assaults on the Planet. Irreversible Destruction By Shane Quinn, August 13, 2018
The Uyghur Militant Threat: China Cracks Down and Mulls Policy Changes By James M. Dorsey, August 13, 2018
The Future of NATO By Prof. Richard Falk and Daniel Falcone, August 13, 2018
Selected Articles: The US-Turkey Crisis By Global Research News, August 13, 2018
Gina Haspel CIA Torture Cables Declassified By The National Security Archive, August 13, 2018
World Markets Brace for Impact of Turkish Lira Crisis By Nick Beams, August 13, 2018
The US-Turkey Crisis: The NATO Alliance Forged in 1949 Is Today Largely Irrelevant By Philip Giraldi, August 13, 2018
Our Opponents’ Actions Show We’re Winning By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, August 13, 2018
The Other Hiroshimas: A Review of Napalm: An American Biography By Robert Barsocchini, August 13, 2018
To Hell with US Jobs, Let’s Get Iran! By Eric Margolis, August 13, 2018
Huge Protests Against Racist ‘Apartheid’ Law Rock Tel Aviv By Steve Sweeney, August 13, 2018
Russia Finance Minister: We May Abandon Dollar in Oil Trade as It Is Becoming “Too Risky” By Zero Hedge, August 13, 2018