Latest News and Top Stories

Israel Forces Palestinian to Demolish His Home on His Wedding Day By Middle East Monitor, August 25, 2018
Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 24, 2018
US Threatens Sanctions on Nations Buying Russian S-400s? By Stephen Lendman, August 24, 2018
America Needs the Philippines More Than the Philippines Needs America? Duterte Has Made It So By Adam Garrie, August 24, 2018
Monsanto Trial Exposes Risks of Roundup Herbicide. Thousands of Cancer Patients Suing Monsanto By Lois Ross, August 24, 2018
Video: ISIS Attacks US-occupied Oil Fields in Euphrates Valley By South Front, August 24, 2018
America’s Footprint and Iran’s Political History: Resistance in the Name of Self-determination By Catherine Shakdam, August 24, 2018
Head of UN Gaza Inquiry Steps Down After Less Than a Month By Kaamil Ahmed, August 24, 2018
Revolutionary Optimism, Western Nihilism By Deena Stryker, August 24, 2018
China’s Strategic Interests in Central America: El Salvador Breaks Off with Taiwan By Andrew Korybko, August 24, 2018
The War Being Hidden From You: Yemeni Tragedy in Three Photos By Jonathan Azaziah, August 24, 2018
Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal, A Double-flash From the Past. Public Silence on Israel’s Nuclear Program By Leonard Weiss, August 24, 2018
Saudi-led Strikes Kill Dozens of Yemeni Children, Trapped by Hodeidah Fighting By Middle East Eye, August 24, 2018
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Beijing’s Alternative Idea of Globalization By Prof. Fabio Massimo Parenti, August 24, 2018
Rage to Impeach Trump for the Wrong Reasons By Stephen Lendman, August 24, 2018
What Is Financial Imperialism? Looting Greece By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 24, 2018
Revolt of the Spymasters By Fred Goldstein, August 24, 2018
How China’s Mobile Payment Ecosystems Are Making Banks Obsolete By Ellen Brown, August 24, 2018
Chemical Injuries Attributable to Pesticides, Toxic Products and Hazardous Waste: Nefarious Obstructions to Scientific Goals By Elizabeth M. T. O’Nan, August 24, 2018
“Fake Democracy”: Manifest Destiny: Democracy as Cognitive Dissonance, F. William Engdahl By F. William Engdahl and Michael Welch, August 24, 2018
Hijacked Democracy: Normalised Instability in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 24, 2018
The Genoa Morandi Bridge Tragedy: The Western Media Unchained Against Italy. The Campaign to Declare Italy a “Failed State” has already Begun By Umberto Pascali, August 23, 2018
Is Paying Hush Money to Trump’s Paramours a Criminal Offense? By Stephen Lendman, August 23, 2018
The Empire’s Greatest Trick and “Let Them Eat Cake” By Philip A Farruggio, August 23, 2018
Elections and War. A United Front against War and Totalitarian Government By Massoud Nayeri, August 23, 2018
Pope Francis
Pope Francis, Apology and Child Abuse By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 23, 2018
US-Saudis Enlist Al Qaeda Mercenaries for Yemen War By Tony Cartalucci, August 23, 2018
Inside America’s Meddling Machine: The US Funded Group That Interferes in Elections Around the Globe By Max Blumenthal, August 23, 2018
US Leaders Aid and Abet War Crimes in Yemen By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, August 23, 2018
Samir Amin on Centre, Periphery and the World Economy: An Appreciation of His Original Insights By Peter Lawrence, August 23, 2018
Consequences of Childhood Chemical Injury By E. Margaret Stuart O’Nan, August 23, 2018
European Holocaust Had Roots in Africa, Now Namibia Is Suing Germany By Andre Vltchek, August 23, 2018
Weaponizing the US Dollar Is Accelerating Global De-Dollarization By Federico Pieraccini, August 23, 2018
Leaving Afghanistan Won’t be Easy By Philip Giraldi, August 23, 2018
Censorship in America: The New Normal. Suppressing “Inauthentic Behavior” By Stephen Lendman, August 23, 2018
Large Quakes Hit Oregon, Alaska and Mexico as the Number of Major Earthquakes over the Last 7 Days Rises to 157 By Michael Snyder, August 23, 2018
Israeli Restrictions Strangle Gaza’s Cancer Patients By Ahmad Kabariti, August 23, 2018
Politicians in High Office Who Wage Wars of Aggression Should be Prosecuted. Michel Chossudovsky By Cynthia Ng, August 22, 2018
Washington’s Strategic Interest: Overthrowing Progressive and Revolutionary Governments in Latin America By Network in Defense of Humanity, August 22, 2018
Is the 50-year Gold Mining Bear Market Coming to an End? By Hubert Moolman, August 22, 2018
The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT): Secret Deal Which Allows Energy Giants to Sue Governments which take Action to Protect Environment, Stop Climate Breakdown By Pia Eberhardt and Cecilia Olivet, August 22, 2018
‘Secret Directive’ Bans UN Agencies From Helping Rebuild Syria Until ‘Political Transition’. Lavrov By RT News, August 22, 2018
Video: US, France, UK: New Threats against Assad, Accuse Syrian Government of Chemical Attacks against Civilians By South Front, August 22, 2018
Selected Articles: Waging War by Other Means By Global Research News, August 22, 2018
Prime Ministerial Chaos in Australia: Turnbull’s Last Days By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 22, 2018
Shifting Alliances? India’s Purchase of Russia’s S400 Air Defense System. America’s Response By Andrew Korybko, August 22, 2018
The United Kingdom: A Gangster State By Craig Murray, August 22, 2018
Germany Calls for Global Payment System Independent of the US By Zero Hedge, August 22, 2018
Battlefield America: The Ongoing War on the American People By John W. Whitehead, August 22, 2018
More US Marines Coming to Norway, a Strange Way to Seek Friendship with Russia By Adam Dick, August 22, 2018
Israel Slams UN Chief’s Calls to Boost Protection of Palestinians By Press TV, August 22, 2018
“The Weaponization of Sanctions”: Waging War by Other Means against Russia By Stephen Lendman, August 22, 2018
Left, Right – Marching to the Beat of Imperial Canada By Jim Miles, August 22, 2018
“Economic Genocide” of the Greek Nation By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 22, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Eliminates ISIS-Daesh Fighters in Al-Safa. Russian Forces Go Home, Washington Obstructs Return of Refugees to Syria By South Front, August 22, 2018
How the Media Keeps Americans in the Dark About the Slaughter in Yemen By CJ Werleman, August 22, 2018
Stabilizing Ethiopia’s Somali Region Is a Step Towards a National Renaissance By Andrew Korybko, August 22, 2018
Samir Amin: Tribute to the Great Master, Comrade and Brother By Ndongo Samba Sylla, August 22, 2018
Beijing’s Bid for Global Power in the Age of Trump By Prof Alfred McCoy, August 22, 2018
When “Fake Progressives” Crack Down on Progressive Voices: Bonnie Faulkner’s Guns and Butter on KPFA By Bonnie Faulkner and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 21, 2018
Syria: Al Qaeda “Militants” Crack Down on Reconciliation Supporters in Idlib By South Front, August 21, 2018
American Television Audiences Don’t Care for Palestinian Lives – Just Ask the Networks By CJ Werleman, August 21, 2018
Review of UK Torture Policy Launched in U-turn From Theresa May By Reprieve, August 21, 2018
The Israeli Government Has Confiscated Medical Supplies for Gaza By Freedom Flotilla Coalition, August 21, 2018
Selected Articles: A World Full of Discord By Global Research News, August 21, 2018
Dead End Amerika. “Class Divide” in Manhattan By Philip A Farruggio, August 21, 2018
The Metaphysics to Our Present Global Anguish By Alastair Crooke, August 21, 2018
The Cell Phone and the Virgin (2018): A Montreal Odyssey By Edward Curtin, August 21, 2018
A ‘Regime’ Is a Government at Odds with the US Empire By Gregory Shupak, August 21, 2018
‘Be Careful About What You Believe’ – US, UK Media Bias & Lies By Ken Livingstone, August 21, 2018
Saying Goodbye to Planet Earth By Chris Hedges, August 21, 2018
Canada Should Not Accept White Helmets as Refugees By Prof. John Ryan, August 21, 2018
Protectionism Abroad and Socialism at Home By Rep. Ron Paul, August 21, 2018
America’s Fake “Reconstruction” Money to Syria By Andrew Korybko, August 21, 2018
In Detaining Peter Beinart, Israel Has Declared It No Longer Represents Millions of Jews Overseas By Jonathan Cook, August 21, 2018
Uri Avnery, the Israeli Optimist Who Played Chess with Yasser Arafat, Has Died – He Was One of My Few Middle East Heroes By Robert Fisk, August 21, 2018
Trump and Erdogan’s Wars of Words: Impact on the Turkish Economy By Nagapushpa Devendra, August 21, 2018
Baby Elephants in Southeast Asia Are Separated From Their Mothers and Tortured For the Sake of Tourism By Bernadette Deron, August 21, 2018
A Baobab Has Fallen: Remembering Samir Amin By Issa Shivji, August 21, 2018
Trump Lied About His Intentions Toward Russia By Eric Zuesse, August 21, 2018