Latest News and Top Stories

US Air Forces Strike Deir Ez-Zor with Banned Phosphorus Shells – Mod By Muraselon, September 10, 2018
Moscow Has Upped the Ante in Syria By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, September 10, 2018
How the U.S. Does Propaganda By Eric Zuesse, September 10, 2018
The Amazon Business Model is A Job Killer: The Shift Towards E-Commerce. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 31 Million Jobs Destroyed By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 09, 2018
Russia and Iran Versus Turkey: Strange Bedfellows on Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 09, 2018
Trump Cuts $25m in Aid for Palestinians in East Jerusalem Hospitals By Middle East Eye, September 09, 2018
Trump’s Mission of Distraction: Finding the NYT “Anonymous Author” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 09, 2018
Trump Commits US to ‘Indefinite’ Military Presence in Syria By Jason Ditz, September 09, 2018
Britain Should be in the Dock Over Skripal Saga, Not Russia By Strategic Culture Foundation, September 09, 2018
Why I Don’t Speak of the Fake News of “9/11” Anymore By Edward Curtin, September 09, 2018
Tony Blair Confirms Receiving Millions in Donation From Saudi By Middle East Monitor, September 09, 2018
US Cuts off Aid to Pakistan, Obstructing Pakistan’s Economic Cooperation with China By Andrew Korybko, September 09, 2018
Elections in Sweden: Opening the Door to the Far Right By Petter Nilsson, September 09, 2018
Video: The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw By Barrie Zwicker and Michael Welch, September 09, 2018
Demonization of Middle East Leaders Prior to Invasion and “Regime Change”. Trump’s Iran Policy By Farhang Jahanpour, September 08, 2018
Netanyahu Regime Secretly Arming and Funding Twelve or More Terrorist Groups in Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 08, 2018
Where’s the Rest of Our Country? America’s Illegal and Immoral Invasions and Occupations By Philip A Farruggio, September 08, 2018
Idlib: Al Qaeda’s Last Stand By Tony Cartalucci, September 08, 2018
New York Times
The New York Times Anonymous Op-Ed – A Neocon Generated Document? By Philip Giraldi, September 08, 2018
More Jobs Fictions. Payroll Job Reports and Labor Statistics in America By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 08, 2018
“We Love the CIA!”—or How the “Left” Lost Its Mind By Ann Garrison, September 08, 2018
Triggering War. A Manufactured “Catalytic Event” Which Will Initiate An All Out War? Are We Going to Let this Happen Again? By Prof. Graeme MacQueen, September 08, 2018
The Hysteria in the Conservative Press Indicates That There Will Now be a Labour Government in Britain By Hans Stehling, September 08, 2018
Trump’s Tariffs Might Jumpstart Japan’s “Eurasian Pivot”. Russia-Japan Rapprochement? By Andrew Korybko, September 08, 2018
Will Brexit Drag Britain into Poverty? By True Publica, September 08, 2018
New York Times
The New York Times as Iago: Undermining Peace Efforts by Sowing Suspicion By Diana Johnstone, September 08, 2018
Donald Trump
Donald Trump to the Rescue of the Same Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” Who Attacked America on 9/11? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 08, 2018
Citizens of the World
Global Research: “The Indispensable Resource for Citizens of the World” By The Global Research Team, September 07, 2018
Video: Israel Censors News on Its Support to Al Qaeda Militants in Syria By South Front, September 07, 2018
War on Terrorism
Al Qaeda and the “War on Terrorism” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 07, 2018
Parliamentary Elections in Sweden. Shift to the Right? Towards “A NATO Sweden”? By Peter Koenig, September 07, 2018
Trade War
China and the United States: Cooperation and Competition Instead of Trade War and Cold War By Roy Morrison, September 07, 2018
Invasion and Interference: US Designs on Venezuela By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 07, 2018
West Support Al Qaeda
Civilization Versus Barbarism. Why Does the West Support Al Qaeda? By Mark Taliano, September 07, 2018
Latin America: Rightwing Interlude and the Death Rattle of Neoliberalism By Prof. James Petras, September 07, 2018
Senator Rubio
Senator Rubio’s “Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative”: How Scared is the U.S. of China’s “Belt and Road”? By Andrew Korybko, September 06, 2018
Saudi Arabia
Criticism of Saudi Leadership Seeps Through Cracks as Report Questions Kingdom’s Utility for Britain By James M. Dorsey, September 06, 2018
The Gaza Strip: Funding for Emergency Fuel Needed Immediately to Avoid Catastrophic Breakdown in Essential Services By UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, September 06, 2018
Conspiracy Theory
Apparently the “Deep State’s” a “Conspiracy Theory” But the “Steady State” Isn’t By Andrew Korybko, September 06, 2018
British government
Once Again, Palestinians Are Shafted by The British Government, Responding to Pressures from pro-Israeli Lobby By Rima Najjar, September 06, 2018
Controversy Regarding China’s Investments in Africa By Andrew Korybko, September 06, 2018
Skripals – The Mystery Deepens By Craig Murray, September 06, 2018
Donbass Leader Zakharchenko: A Hero Is Dead. Killing the Minsk Peace Initiative. Kiev Troop Movements Near Donbass By Christopher Black, September 06, 2018
The Burning Down of Brazil’s National Museum: A Capitalist Crime Against the Heritage of Humanity By Bill Van Auken, September 06, 2018
Israel to Sell Freedom Flotilla Boats to Support Settlers By Middle East Monitor, September 06, 2018
US Ambassador: Jerusalem Made Israel’s Capital ‘Under God’s Direction’ 3,000 Years Ago By Middle East Monitor, September 06, 2018
Brexit: Chaos in British Politics, Thoughts for the Next Six Months By True Publica, September 06, 2018
Video: Who Is Instigating “Hot War” Between NATO and Russia? By South Front, September 06, 2018
Global System Collapse: Genes and “Human Nature” Are Not the Cause of “World Chaos” By Prof. John McMurtry, September 06, 2018
India, Russia and the Post-American Century By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 06, 2018
The Burning Blaze of Neoliberalism in Brazil By Massoud Nayeri, September 06, 2018
US Continues to Resist North Korean Calls for Peace Declaration By Jason Ditz, September 06, 2018
UN Says the Obvious: Al-Qaeda Able to Produce Chlorine Gas in Syria By Paul Antonopoulos, September 05, 2018
Alexander Zakharchenko
Video: Who Was Behind Assassination of Donbass Leader. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Press TV, September 05, 2018
No Wonder Jeremy Corbyn Is Reluctant to be Gagged by the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) Lobby at Westminster By Hans Stehling, September 05, 2018
Senator Fraser Anning and the Smugness of Australian “Values” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 05, 2018
Lifting the Darkness: American and Vietnamese War Poets By Lorrie Goldensohn, September 05, 2018
Turkish and US Regimes Allied Against Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 05, 2018
US to Drastically Expand Military Assistance to Ukraine. “They Need Lethal Assistance” according to US Envoy Kurt Volker By Peter Korzun, September 05, 2018
Financial + Technology: Fintech, Hotbed of Offshore Deregulation and Crime By Nick Shaxson, September 05, 2018
9/11 Attacks: Thousands of 9/11 First Responders Have Cancer By Derrick Broze, September 05, 2018
UK Complicity in Post-9/11 Torture and Rendition, We’re Still Waiting for the Truth By Gracie Bradley, September 05, 2018
Mayor of Jerusalem to Stop UNRWA’s Operations By Middle East Monitor, September 05, 2018
Turkish Media Slam Washington Over “Exploiting Christianity Against Ankara” By Gizem Akbash, September 05, 2018
Trudeau Government Acknowledges Nazi Genocide Against Roma By Suzanne Weiss, September 05, 2018
As Social Opposition Mounts, Silicon Valley and Washington Step Up Internet Censorship By Andre Damon, September 05, 2018
Cyber Risks, the Achilles’ Heel of Cashless Economies By William Davis, September 05, 2018
US institutions
China’s “Influence Ops” in the USA. “Long March through US Institutions” By Andrew Korybko, September 05, 2018
Chemically Induced Frankenstein-Humans By Robert Hunziker, September 05, 2018
“Dear Vlad, Is It Something I Said?”: The Fierce Rivalry Between John McCain and Vladimir Putin By Adeyinka Makinde, September 05, 2018
Israel’s Fifth Column By Philip Giraldi, September 04, 2018
Trump Regime Aiding Kiev Plot, Escalated War on Donbass? By Stephen Lendman, September 04, 2018
Canada’s “Progressive” Left and US Imperialism: Why on This Despoiled Earth Would NDP Leaders Praise John McCain? By Yves Engler, September 04, 2018
Basra Residents Reeling From Contaminated Drinking Water By Mustafa Saadoun, September 04, 2018
Israel’s Smear Campaign Will Not Stop Until Jeremy Corbyn Fights Back By Asa Winstanley, September 04, 2018
European settlers
A Diabolic False Flag Empire By Edward Curtin, September 04, 2018
Can’t We Just Leave Syria Alone? By Rep. Ron Paul, September 04, 2018
Open letter From UNRWA Commissioner-General to Palestine Refugees and UNRWA Staff By Pierre Krähenbühl and ReliefWeb, September 04, 2018
US or Russia? The Mystery Airstrikes Against Tajikistan By Joseph Fitsanakis, September 04, 2018
Will the Trump Regime Clash with Russia and Iran Over Syria’s Offensive to Liberate Idlib? By Stephen Lendman, September 04, 2018