Latest News and Top Stories

Down with Dictators! Fake Democracy in America By Philip A Farruggio, January 06, 2019
Addressing Urban Pollution, Reversing Climate Change: Electric Vehicles and Hydrogen Powered Cars By Roy Morrison, January 06, 2019
As Government Shutdown Enters Third Week, Trump Threatens to Declare National Emergency to Build Border Wall By Niles Niemuth, January 06, 2019
‘The Decision Is Taken’: Brazil to Move Its Embassy to Jerusalem, Says Bolsonaro By Middle East Eye, January 06, 2019
Within Hours of Taking Office, “Trump of the Tropics” Starts Assault on the Amazon By Andy Rowell, January 06, 2019
Bolsonaro and the Rainforest By Paul R. Pillar, January 06, 2019
Japan to Push for WWII-Era Peace Treaty with Russia By Telesur, January 06, 2019
Global Research News Hour: Global Economy, Geo-Politics, Militarization. The Most Significant Stories of 2018, Projections for 2019 By Michael Welch, Rick Rozoff, Andy Lee Roth, Dr. Jack Rasmus, and Dmitry Orlov, January 05, 2019
Iraq Rejects Iran Sanctions and US Troop Presence By Jim Carey, January 05, 2019
9/11: Finally the Truth Comes Out? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 05, 2019
Nicaragua and the Corruption, Co-optation of Human Rights By Stephen Sefton, January 05, 2019
Canadian Political Prisoners. Human Rights and the Persecution of Canadian Muslims By J. B. Gerald, January 05, 2019
Video: Military Situation in Syria, Intra-militant Struggle for Idlib Enters New Stage By South Front, January 05, 2019
Biting into Apple: The Giant’s Revenues Fall By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 05, 2019
Looking Backward (2018) and Forward (2019). Trump’s Unpredictable Behavior By James J. Zogby, January 04, 2019
Peace for Syria and a “New Kurdistan” as Regional Stabilizing Factor? By Peter Koenig, January 04, 2019
NAFTA 2.0: Nothing for Workers By Bruce Allen, January 04, 2019
French Police Arrest “Yellow Vest” Spokesman Eric Drouet By Anthony Torres, January 04, 2019
“The Machine of Perpetual War Acceptance”: Veteran NBC Journalist Resigns in Protest over One-Sided Coverage By Jonathan Turley, January 04, 2019
Has Trump Been Outmaneuvered on Syria Troop Withdrawal? By Richard H. Black, January 04, 2019
A Gaullist Reflex? General de Villiers and the Yellow Vest Movement By Umberto Pascali, January 04, 2019
The Demise of the West. Western Elites Are Anti-Democratic By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 04, 2019
Syria and Afghanistan: Two Different Realities By Andre Vltchek, January 04, 2019
Everything Is Plunging: Stocks, Yields, Dollar Tumble as ISM, Apple Panic Spreads By Zero Hedge, January 04, 2019
Video: Macron Resign! French Authorities Deploy 150,000 Policemen and Soldiers on New Year’s Eve. Macron Refuses the Demands. By Defend Democracy Press, January 03, 2019
Selected Articles: Empire-Building Continues in 2019 By Global Research News, January 03, 2019
Syria: The Western Rogue States Must Confess Their Crimes Against Humanity and be Held Accountable By Vanessa Beeley, January 03, 2019
More Reckless Behavior by Israel: Netanyahu Plays by His Own Rules. Christmas Day Air Raids against Syria By Philip Giraldi, January 03, 2019
Liberté, Égalité, Impérialisme! Vive la France in Black Africa! By Ann Garrison, January 03, 2019
The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered By Alan Mosley, January 03, 2019
Fight for Net Neutrality Continues as Congress Exposes Its Own Corruption By Fight for the Future, January 03, 2019
On the Origins and Legacies of Really Existing Capitalism: In Conversation with Prof. Kari Polanyi Levitt By Kari Polanyi Levitt and Prof. Andrew M. Fischer, January 03, 2019
The World Known to Me Is Fading Away. Towards the Virtual Era of Holograms By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 03, 2019
The Great Myth of the Anti-War Left Exposed By Andrew Moran, January 03, 2019
The Tory Descent into Oblivion By True Publica, January 03, 2019
Trump Bows to Domestic Pressure by Delaying His Withdrawal from Syria; A Storm Is Gathering in the Levant By Elijah J. Magnier, January 03, 2019
NATO Member-states to be Sued for 1999 Attack on Serbia By Srdjan Aleksic, January 03, 2019
Why France’s Yellow Vest Protests Have Been Ignored by “The Resistance” in the U.S. By Max Parry, January 03, 2019
The Hidden Structure of US Empire By Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 03, 2019
Resisting Tyranny in the New Year. Headquartered in Washington: The Most Egregious Human Rights Offender in World History By Stephen Lendman, January 03, 2019
Indonesian Tsunami — Thievery, Ineptness and Presidential Elections By Andre Vltchek, January 03, 2019
Speaking Truth to Empire: The Legacy of William Blum By Alison Banville, January 03, 2019
Report: “Israeli Soldiers Killed 312 Palestinians In 2018” By IMEMC, January 03, 2019
Israel Is Bad for America. The Gush of “Fake News” Regarding Israel By Philip Giraldi, January 03, 2019
“Persian Gulf of Tonkin” Ingredients All in Place for US War on Iran? By Whitney Webb, January 03, 2019
Keeping Online in 2019 and Beyond By The Global Research Team, January 02, 2019
Saudi Arabia and the West’s Right Wing: A Dubious Alliance By James M. Dorsey, January 02, 2019
Loving Me Was Easier: A Parable for the Perplexed, Confusing Times By Edward Curtin, January 02, 2019
UN Assembly
Fifteen Lies Per Day in 2018: Trump Put ‘Unprecedented Deception” into Overdrive By Julia Conley, January 02, 2019
The Anti-Base Movement: Reflections on the Okinawa Resistance to the U.S. Military Base By Prof. C. Douglas Lummis, January 02, 2019
Selected Articles: America’s Wars, Coups and Sanctions in 2019 By Global Research News, January 02, 2019
China’s Long Term Trade and Currency Goals: The Belt and Road Initiative By John A. Mathews, January 02, 2019
The Broader U.S. Movement for Peace, Economic Justice, Civil Rights and the Environment By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 02, 2019
Christmas Colors Light Up a Diverse Syria as Peace and Stability Return – and the West Barely Noticed By Vanessa Beeley, January 02, 2019
The New Year Past and Future. Multiple Wars, Coups, Sanctions and Trade Disputes By Prof. James Petras, January 02, 2019
The Global Crisis. War, Ecology and the Global Economy: Reflections on 2018, Forecasting 2019 By Robert J. Burrowes, January 02, 2019
Africa in Review 2018: Imperialist Militarism and the Quest for Reconstruction By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 02, 2019
The Gathering Climate Storm and the Media Cover-up By Dr. Andrew Glikson, January 02, 2019
The Decade-Long U.S. Campaign to Foment Syria’s “Revolution” and Unseat Assad By Sarah Abed, January 02, 2019
Sixteen Environmental, Public-health Organizations Oppose Greenwashing of Fracked Gas-to-methanol Refinery By Center For Biological Diversity, January 02, 2019
Judge Orders Rehearing of 4 Rejected Appeals: Surprise Ruling Opens New Avenue for Mumia to Win New Trial on His Murder Conviction By Dave Lindorff, January 02, 2019
President Trump’s Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Says Do Not Prosecute Julian Assange By Adam Dick, January 02, 2019
“Liberals” and “Progressives” Resist Ending America’s Wars By Philip Giraldi, January 02, 2019
Brexit Armageddon By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 02, 2019
Amid Global Crackdown on Refugees: One Sixth of World’s People Want to Flee Their Home Countries By Eric London, January 02, 2019
Israeli Supreme Court Refuses to Allow Discussion of Full Equal Rights & ‘State of All Its Citizens’ Bill in Knesset By Adalah, January 02, 2019
The U.S. Is on the Side of Terrorists and War Criminals in Yemen By Daniel Larison, January 02, 2019
Turning the Page on 2018: Our Hopes for the New Year By The Global Research Team, January 01, 2019
Unseen Enemy: Doctors in Gaza Battling Superbug Epidemic By Madlen Davies and Ben Stockton, January 01, 2019
Trump U-Turning on Syria Pullout? By Stephen Lendman, January 01, 2019
When “Green” Doesn’t “Grow”: Facing Up to the Failures of Profit-Driven Climate Policy By Sean Sweeney and John Treat, January 01, 2019
The Judge Tucker Court of Appeal’s Decision Opens the Door to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Freedom By International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, January 01, 2019
Global Research Most Popular 2018 Articles By Global Research News, December 31, 2018
War and Climate Change: Did Bombing During Second World War Cool Global Temperatures? By Alan Robock, December 31, 2018
Africa in Review 2018: Electoral Politics, Social Stability and the Need for Genuine Economic Development By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 31, 2018
Syria: The Quest for Truth and Peace in the New Year By Mark Taliano, December 31, 2018
Impact on Workers, Partial Shutdown of the US Federal Government By Patrick Martin, December 31, 2018
Critics of Syria Withdrawal Fueled Rise of ISIS By Max Blumenthal, December 31, 2018
The Worst “Fake News” Articles of 2018: New York Times Claims Russia Influenced African-Americans in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections By Timothy Alexander Guzman, December 31, 2018
Video: Military and Political Trends that Will Shape 2019. Confrontation between Global Forces By South Front, December 31, 2018