Latest News and Top Stories

Medical Consequences of Drone Attacks against Gaza: Amputation Injuries By Hanne Heszlein-Lossius, Yahya Al-Borno, and et al., January 17, 2019
Al Shabaab Terror Attacks on Kenya. Geopolitical Implications By Andrew Korybko, January 17, 2019
U.S. House Passes Bill to Nominate “Anti-Semitism” Head to Monitor Criticism of Israel By Alison Weir, January 17, 2019
China Is a Work in Progress: Renewable Energy, Science and Technology, Battle against Air Pollution By Tom Clifford, January 17, 2019
Video: Chemical Attack Preparations in Idlib De-escalation Zone By South Front, January 17, 2019
Dust in the Wind. “America has become Nothing more than a Cartoon!” By Philip A Farruggio, January 17, 2019
The “Universal Influenza Vaccine” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, January 17, 2019
Video: Turkey, Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham Work to Defend ‘Syrian Revolution’ By South Front, January 17, 2019
China and India in Central Asia: Competition or Convergence? By Andrew Korybko, January 17, 2019
‘Real Journalists Act as Agents of People, Not Power’ By John Pilger and Eresh Omar Jamal, January 17, 2019
Selected Articles: US War Agenda, Undemocratic Media, Worker’s Rights By Global Research News, January 16, 2019
As Support Grows to Extend Los Angeles Teacher Strike, Unions Colluding with Democrats to End Walkout By Jerry White, January 16, 2019
Is the US Planning to Wage War on Russia and China? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner, January 16, 2019
My Heart Suddenly Stopped. Sudden Cardiac Arrest By Rob Benn-Frenette, January 15, 2019
Uniting for a “Green New Deal” By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, January 15, 2019
Democratic Media: For the People, By the People By Mark Taliano, January 15, 2019
The Fall of Biafra. Landmark in Nigerian History By Adeyinka Makinde, January 15, 2019
The US Institute of Peace… Promotes Endless Syrian War By Tony Cartalucci, January 15, 2019
Benefiting Israel Tops US Congressional Agenda By Philip Giraldi, January 15, 2019
Are U.S. Newspapers Biased Against Palestinians? Analysis By Dorgham Abusalim, January 15, 2019
Entering a Major Regional Re-set – The Syria Outcome Will Haunt Those Who Started this War By Alastair Crooke, January 15, 2019
Trump, Bolton and the Syrian Confusion By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 15, 2019
The ‘Private Governments’ that Subjugate U.S. Workers By Chris Hedges, January 15, 2019
Media Reports “Good News”: Kids Are Dying in Venezuela, Sanctions are Working… By David William Pear, January 15, 2019
Weaken the Business Model of Banknotes Forgeries: New Security Strategies By William Harrison, January 15, 2019
Democrats Prepare Hearings on “Rightwing Extremism” By Kurt Nimmo, January 15, 2019
A Gentrified Little Town Goes to Pot By Edward Curtin, January 15, 2019
The Infowar on China’s Xinjiang-Uyghur Crisis. Now They’re Targeting Pakistan and PM Imran Khan By Andrew Korybko, January 14, 2019
A New Narrative Control Firm Works to Destroy Alternative Media By Caitlin Johnstone, January 14, 2019
White House Asked for Options to Strike Iran After Baghdad Attack: Report By Middle East Eye, January 14, 2019
Two-step Solution for the American Government Shutdown By Massoud Nayeri, January 14, 2019
Selected Articles: Regime Change in America? By Global Research News, January 14, 2019
A New Day for Mexican Workers By David Bacon, January 14, 2019
“China’s Nightmare”: B-2 Stealth Bombers Deployed to Hawaii, “On Watch” 24/7 By Zero Hedge, January 14, 2019
Fat Cats Private Club
Campaign Finance Reform Helps Special Interests By Rep. Ron Paul, January 14, 2019
Video: Netanyahu Claims “Depots Full of Iranian Weapons” Destroyed in Syria By South Front, January 14, 2019
William Barr’s Confirmation as New US Attorney General. Does Trump have a Plan or Was He Duped by the Deep State? By Larry Chin, January 14, 2019
Grim Middle East Reality. Permanent US Occupation. American Forces will Stay Indefinitely By Stephen Lendman, January 14, 2019
Trump’s “Hail Mary” Becomes Bolton’s Nightmare By Tom Luongo, January 14, 2019
Political Prisoners in America By J. B. Gerald, January 14, 2019
Dances of Disinformation: The Partisan Politics of the “Integrity Initiative” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 14, 2019
Anger Among Iraqi Kurds as Syria Adds Masrour Barzani to Terror List By Adnan Abu Zeed, January 14, 2019
Canada’s Trudeau Accused of Violating First Nations Rights over Gas Pipeline By Andy Rowell, January 14, 2019
France, Germany to Merge Economic and Defense Policies; Create Cross-Border “Eurodistricts” By Zero Hedge, January 14, 2019
New Poll: US Military Occupations Supported Far More by Democrats than Republicans By Caitlin Johnstone, January 13, 2019
New Documents Reveal a Covert British Military-Intelligence Smear Machine Meddling in American Politics By Max Blumenthal and Mark Ames, January 13, 2019
Syria. The Force of Civilization By Marinella Correggia, January 13, 2019
The Plantation Called Haiti: Feudal Pillage Masking as Humanitarian Aid By Ezili Dantò, January 13, 2019
Walls or Roads By Prof. James Petras, January 13, 2019
Brazil and the Illusion of the Rich: An Island of Prosperity Surrounded by Misery and Suffering By Frei Betto and Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, January 13, 2019
Why Is Japan so Bitter About The Unstoppable Rise of China? By Andre Vltchek, January 13, 2019
The Original ‘Fake News’? The BBC and the Information Research Department By Ian Sinclair, January 13, 2019
Russiagate: Is Paul Whelan a Spy? By Philip Giraldi, January 13, 2019
Climate Disruption: “The End of Ice” and Other Threats to the Planet By Michael Welch and Dahr Jamail, January 13, 2019
Social Media Might Ban the Pakistani Map at India’s Behest By Andrew Korybko, January 12, 2019
Video: 5 British Soldiers Reportedly Killed in ISIS Attack By South Front, January 12, 2019
The Great US Border Crisis Hoax. Partial Shutdown of US Government. Trump Mulls Emergency Declaration By Stephen Lendman, January 12, 2019
The Global Rise of Fascism: Capitalism End Game? By Gilbert Mercier, January 12, 2019
The US Five-point ‘Non-Paper’ for Syria Delivered by Bolton to Turkey By Ragip Soylu, January 12, 2019
Gilets Jaunes in 2019: French Democracy Dead or Alive? By Diana Johnstone, January 12, 2019
Evidence of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Innocence: Six “Lost” Mumia Case Boxes Found in District Attorney Abandoned Furniture Closet By Prison Radio, January 12, 2019
If Trump Declares a National Emergency, He’ll Be Breaking the Law By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 12, 2019
Someone’s Finally Going to Jail over the Panama Papers: A Turkish Journalist Who Reported True Facts from Them By Boing Boing, January 12, 2019
Fracked Shale Oil Wells Drying Up Faster Than Predicted, Wall Street Journal Finds By Sharon Kelly, January 12, 2019
Richard Dearlove Helped Blair Kill Millions. The Security Services Are a Danger to Our State and Society By Craig Murray, January 12, 2019
New Mural in Paris Celebrates ‘Yellow Vest’ Revolt By The Local, January 12, 2019
UK: The 2018 State of the Nation Report By True Publica, January 12, 2019
The Middle East: A Review of Geopolitical Structures, Vectors of Power Dynamic By Karsten Riise, January 12, 2019
Who’s Trying to Pull a “Russiagate” on Netanyahu? By Andrew Korybko, January 12, 2019
Secret Russian-Kurdish Negotiations in Moscow: Turkey Has Defined Its Options and Washington Is Trying to Gain Time By Elijah J. Magnier, January 12, 2019
Making Sense of Trump’s Foreign Policy. Understanding How He Operates By Federico Pieraccini, January 12, 2019
Ice Matters: A Meditation on Snow By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 12, 2019
Global Research: More Than Meets the Eye By The Global Research Team, January 11, 2019
How a NeoCon-Backed “Fact Checker” Plans to Wage War on Independent Media By Whitney Webb, January 11, 2019
Video: Al-Qaeda Defeats Another Turkish-backed ‘Opposition’ Group By South Front, January 11, 2019
Trump Administration
“Soft Coup” Ongoing Against Trump? Impeachment is the End Game By Stephen Lendman, January 11, 2019
Video: The EU Votes for the Installation of New US Missiles in Europe By Manlio Dinucci, January 11, 2019
The Ongoing Effort by the Corporate State to Kill Alternative Media By Kurt Nimmo, January 11, 2019
Americans Need a Congress that Represents Americans By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 11, 2019
Can Nepal Realistically Look to China as an Alternative Trade Partner? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 11, 2019