Latest News and Top Stories

Financial Imperialism – The Case of Venezuela By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 28, 2019
15 Years Ago: US Sponsored Coup d’Etat. The Destabilization of Haiti By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 28, 2019
Economic Sabotage and Crimes against Humanity: Venezuela Must Sue the US at the International Court By Jay Janson, February 28, 2019
2019 Science Award Retracted Amid Controversy Over Glyphosate’s Danger By Dr. Joseph Mercola, February 28, 2019
Has the Elite’s Slavish Pro-Israel Agenda Finally Gone Too Far? By Craig Murray, February 28, 2019
Video: US Sanctions on Venezuela Possibly Worse Than Iraq Sanctions before War By Mark Weisbrot and Gregory Wilpert, February 28, 2019
The Trump Regime’s Military Option in Venezuela. The Option of Russian and Chinese Peacekeepers By Stephen Lendman, February 28, 2019
Canadian Military Flouts Access to Information Law By Yves Engler, February 28, 2019
America’s “Wilderness Areas” and “Animal Kingdoms”: The Showbiz of Wildlife Conservation By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 28, 2019
Video: Russia’s Kalashnikov Kamikaze Drone ‘KUB-BLA’ Already Battle-tested in Syria By South Front, February 28, 2019
The Key to the Brexit Backstory. The Legacy of the Defunct British Empire By Prof. Sally Tomlinson and Prof. Danny Dorling, February 28, 2019
Genocide Survivors Demand Elliott Abrams Leave Holocaust Committee Board By Telesur, February 28, 2019
As Tensions Rise, UK Criticised for Arming Both India and Pakistan By Joe Lo, February 28, 2019
Russia, Japan and the USA: The Unfinished Business of War By Christopher Black, February 28, 2019
International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Shields Israeli Systematic Mutilation Machine By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, February 28, 2019
U.S. Condemns Venezuela’s Government Yet Commits Human Rights Abuses Across the Middle East By Dr. Leon Tressell, February 28, 2019
Poisoning the Public: Toxic Agrochemicals and Regulators’ Collusion with Industry By Colin Todhunter, February 28, 2019
Historic Supreme Court Win: World Bank Group Is Not Above the Law By EarthRights International, February 28, 2019
Who are the “Brutal Dictators”? By Mark Taliano, February 28, 2019
Video: Michael Cohen Testimony on Hush Money, Fraud and Trump’s Skyscraper Project in Moscow By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Mike Harris, and Press TV, February 28, 2019
The Venezuelan War Council: Pence, Pompeo, Bolton, Abrams and Green LLP By William Walter Kay, February 28, 2019
History: Resistance to the Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonialism By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 28, 2019
The Chagos Islands Case, WikiLeaks and Justice By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 28, 2019
Pence Threatens War in Venezuela at Colombia Summit: “There Is No Turning Back” By Eric London, February 28, 2019
China’s Discovery of Major Gas Reserves in the Bohai Sea: How Will it Affect LNG Gas Imports from the US? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 27, 2019
Varoufakis’s Secret Negotiations and His Disappointments with China, Obama and the IMF By Eric Toussaint, February 27, 2019
Killing Elephants ‘for Pet Food’ Condemned By The Ecologist, February 27, 2019
US Army Transferring 50 Tons of Gold from ISIS-Daesh Held Areas in Syria and Iraq back to the US. Reports By Daily Sabah, February 27, 2019
Roll Out of 5G: The Threat Posed by Modern Microwave Technology to Human Life By John Weigel, February 27, 2019
Congress Is Unlikely to Stop Trump’s “Emergency,” But Lawsuits Could By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 27, 2019
Alert: Feb. 27, OneWeb Begins Launching Satellites to Beam 5G and Wi-Fi Worldwide By Nina Beety, February 27, 2019
US Troops Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Underlying Cause of Friction Between India and Pakistan? By Nauman Sadiq, February 27, 2019
“Trump is a Racist, a Conman, a Cheat”: Michael D. Cohen’s Testimony to US House of Representatives Committee By Global Research News, February 27, 2019
Does Pakistan Have the Capability to Eradicate Terrorism? By Nauman Sadiq, February 27, 2019
Democratic Assault by ‘Alternative Facts’ By True Publica, February 27, 2019
The $32 Trillion Push to Disrupt the Entire Oil Industry By Dr. Cyril Widdershoven, February 27, 2019
How Politics Trump Intel in the US-Russia Nuke Treaty Pullout By Scott Ritter, February 27, 2019
US-backed Opposition Activists Caught on Video Throwing Molotov Cocktails at Aid Truck on Venezuela Border By RT News, February 27, 2019
UK Rejects International Court of Justice Opinion on the Chagos Islands By Craig Murray, February 27, 2019
Cohen Tips Off NYT: Will Call Trump “Racist” , “Con Man” and “Cheat” in Wednesday Testimony By Zero Hedge, February 27, 2019
India’s “Surgical Strike 2.0” against Pakistan or Big Bollywood Spectacle? By Andrew Korybko, February 27, 2019
Globalist Kingpin Calls for Invasion of Venezuela By Kurt Nimmo, February 27, 2019
Venezuela Must Draw Inspiration from Survival of Cuban Revolution By Shane Quinn, February 27, 2019
Why Have Israel and UK Rushed to Sign a Trade Deal Ahead of Brexit? By Hans Stehling, February 27, 2019
In Washington, Regime Change Is Truly and Urgently Needed! By Andre Vltchek, February 27, 2019
Video: Russia Slides Towards Internal Political Crisis By South Front, February 27, 2019
New Studies Confirm Dangers of Glyphosate By F. William Engdahl, February 27, 2019
Israel Burying Nuclear Waste in Syria’s Golan: UN By Press TV, February 27, 2019
Selected Articles: “Humanitarian Aid” for Nefarious Purposes By Global Research News, February 27, 2019
Meet Juan Guaido’s First Ambassador, Fake Twitter Diplomat Slammed by Costa Rica for ‘Unacceptable Entry’ By Anya Parampil, February 27, 2019
Is Israel’s Tax Grab a Prelude to Further Hollowing Out the Palestinian Authority? By Jonathan Cook, February 27, 2019
Mike Pence: Orchestrator of the Venezuelan Coup. The Invasion Option Is On The Table By Kurt Nimmo, February 27, 2019
Russia Regards the “Indo-Pacific Region” as an “Artificially Imposed” Pro-US Concept By Andrew Korybko, February 26, 2019
The Current State of the Swedish Submarine Industry By Jose Morales, February 26, 2019
Shifting the Centre of Gravity: Julian Assange Receives His Passport By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 26, 2019
“Humanitarian Aid” for Nefarious Purposes. USAID and Guaido’s February 23, 2019 – The Second Battle of Cucuta By William Walter Kay, February 26, 2019
Video: Why There Will be No Full US Troops Withdrawal from Syria By South Front, February 26, 2019
Cuba’s Referendum on a New Constitution: Cuba Has Indeed “Changed”, But Not as Some Had Hoped By Arnold August, February 26, 2019
Renewed Attempt to Ban Uranium Mining Permanently Near the Grand Canyon. Rep. Raúl Grijalva By Andrew Nicla, February 26, 2019
Final Steps of the Multipolar Revolution: Containing the US in Europe By Federico Pieraccini, February 26, 2019
Black History: Trump Era Resistance, Mumia’s Plight, and Freedom for the Move 9 By Michael Welch, Glen Ford, Suzanne Ross, and Mumia Abu-Jamal, February 26, 2019
“Arab NATO” Isn’t NATO-like at All By Andrew Korybko, February 26, 2019
The “New NAFTA” and Agribusiness’ Secretive Plans to Unravel Food Safety and Worker Protections By Sharon Anglin Treat, February 26, 2019
Alexander von Humboldt, Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution By Franklin Frederick, February 26, 2019
The Conservatives, “Nam-Nam Friction” and Nuclear Crisis in South Korea By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, February 26, 2019
Trump Threatens a Second Embargo of Cuba By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 26, 2019
Attacking Iran. Fake News About a Terrorist Connection Could Serve as a Pretext for War By Philip Giraldi, February 26, 2019
Dangerous Escalation Between Nuclear-armed Rivals India and Pakistan By Nauman Sadiq, February 26, 2019
France and Italy Are Involved in a Proxy War in Libya By Andrew Korybko, February 26, 2019
Diego Garcia: UN Court Calls on Britain to ‘Decolonize’ Chagos Islands By Brett Wilkins, February 26, 2019
Emergencies Do Not Trump the Constitution By Rep. Ron Paul, February 26, 2019
Canadian ‘Aid’ to Venezuela Part of Plan to Overthrow Government By Yves Engler, February 26, 2019
UK Aid to Yemen: The Best Thing May Can Do for Yemen Is to Stop Arming the Saudi Regime By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, February 26, 2019
Juan Guaido: A Traitor to His People By Radio Havana Cuba, February 26, 2019
Is President Trump Seeking a Pretext for War against Venezuela? “Why Can’t the U.S. Simply Invade the Troubled Country?” By Stephen Lendman, February 25, 2019
Federal Reserve “Tightening” and Crumbling Economic “Fundamentals” Expose the Recovery Lie By Brandon Smith, February 25, 2019
Leading Israel Lobby Group Sees Massive Rise in Budget By David Cronin, February 25, 2019
5G and GMO: Electromagnetic Waves and Genetic Engineering: Profit Driven Destruction By Julian Rose, February 25, 2019
Conspiracy Theory
The Media and the “Deep State”: The Military-industrial Complex Eisenhower Warned About. By Eresh Omar Jamal, February 25, 2019
Former US President Carter: Venezuela’s Electoral System “Best in the World” By Ewan Robertson, February 25, 2019