Latest News and Top Stories

Kept Secret for 17 Years: Intel Memo Warned Bush’s Iraq Invasion to Create “Perfect Storm” By Zero Hedge, March 18, 2019
Upping the Stakes in Yemen. Endless US-led War By Stephen Lendman, March 18, 2019
John McCain’s Disastrous Militaristic Legacy By James Bovard, March 18, 2019
Map (and Objectives) of the Irregular War on Energy in Venezuela By Misión Verdad, March 18, 2019
French Colonel Slams US Tactics Against ISIS-Daesh in Syria, Accuses Washington of “Prolonging the Conflict” By Middle East Monitor, March 18, 2019
Saving the Planet One Child at a Time: Children, School Strikes and Global Climate Action By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 18, 2019
Paying the Price for Peace: The Story of S. Brian Willson and Voices from the Peace Movement By S. Brian Willson, March 18, 2019
The Advent of Extreme Weather Events and Climate Tipping Points By Dr. Andrew Glikson, March 18, 2019
Right Now, Trump Can Start a Nuclear War, “On a Whim” By Olivia Alperstein, March 18, 2019
Canada’s Next Target After Venezuela: Cuba? By Yves Engler, March 18, 2019
The USDA Admits to Killing Over a Million Wild Animals Per Year to Protect Livestock By Sara Burrows, March 18, 2019
Venezuela: US Imperialism Is Based on Lies and Threats By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 18, 2019
Trump’s FY2020 Budget Request Bloats Militarized Spending—and Slashes Actual Human Needs By Lindsay Koshgarian, March 18, 2019
Fukushima at Eight: Ongoing Cover-Up of the Nuclear Hazards in Japan and Abroad By Michael Welch, Dr. Helen Caldicott, and Arnie Gundersen, March 17, 2019
David Cameron, Wikileaks, America and Brexit By True Publica, March 17, 2019
War Against Venezuela Is War Against Us All By Christopher Black, March 17, 2019
Lest We Forget, 20 Years Since the NATO Aggression Against Yugoslavia By Živadin Jovanović and Enrico Vigna, March 17, 2019
VIPS: Mueller’s Forensics-Free Findings By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, March 17, 2019
Quantitative Easing and Universal Basic Income By Ellen Brown and Philip A Farruggio, March 17, 2019
Trump’s Methylene Chloride Rule Leaves Workers Exposed to Deadly Chemical By Earth Justice, March 17, 2019
Veterans Call on U.S. Troops to Resist Illegal Orders to Invade Venezuela in Response to Trump By Veterans for Peace, March 17, 2019
North Korea Warns ‘Gangster-Like’ Tactics of Bolton and Pompeo Undermining Nuclear Talks By Jessica Corbett, March 17, 2019
The Dangers of Values: Brenton Tarrant, Fraser Anning and the Christchurch Shootings By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 17, 2019
‘Thuggish’: Trump Imposes Visa Bans on ICC Staff Probing US War Crimes in Afghanistan By Telesur, March 17, 2019
A Comprehensive List of Vaccine-Associated Toxic Reactions By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 17, 2019
ICC Tribunal Declares Trump and Duterte Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 17, 2019
Israel: The 10-Point Paradigm for Right-Wing Extremists By Hans Stehling, March 16, 2019
The US-Taliban Talks Are “Renewing” the US Occupation of Afghanistan By Sami Karimi, March 16, 2019
Report: Only 10 Vaquita Remain, May Not Survive President Obrador’s Tenure By Center For Biological Diversity, March 16, 2019
Australians Are Furious About Google’s Commercial Delivery Drone By Zero Hedge, March 16, 2019
New Zealand Mosque Senseless Massacre. Action Against Islamophobia, CJPME Calls Upon Canadian Government By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, March 16, 2019
The US Revisits the Cold War Era in Its Stance on Cuba. Enacting Title III of the Helms-Burton Act By Dr. Birsen Filip, March 16, 2019
Can China and Russia Survive in this Unharmonious World? By Andre Vltchek, March 16, 2019
President Trump and the Democratic Congress: The Score Sheet By Prof. James Petras, March 16, 2019
2,891 Murdoch Media Stories Trashing Islam in a Single Year, Study Reveals By Michael Brull, March 16, 2019
Death in New Zealand: The Christchurch Shootings By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 16, 2019
US-Taliban Talks: Real or Illusory Progress? Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Mineral Wealth By Stephen Lendman, March 15, 2019
Video: Israeli Defense Firm Released Video Showing An “Animated Destruction” of Russia’s S-400 6L6 Surveillance Radar By South Front, March 15, 2019
The BBC: The Most Potent State Propagandist By Dr. David Halpin, March 15, 2019
US College Admissions Scandal. “Affirmative Action for the Rich” By Stephen Lendman, March 15, 2019
North America’s Indigenous Peoples: “Ongoing Genocide…” and Its Shadow World… By Robin Mathews, March 15, 2019
Trudeau’s Position on Honduras Reveals Hypocrisy About Venezuela By Yves Engler, March 15, 2019
Colluding in War Crimes: Britain’s Unreported Military Alliance with Israel By True Publica, March 15, 2019
Native Leaders Tell Congress How Trump Trampled ‘Spiritually Occupied Landscape’ to Carve Up National Monuments By Julia Conley, March 15, 2019
Pentagon Spent $4.6 Million on Lobster Tail and Crab in One Month By Joe Setyon, March 15, 2019
Helms-Burton Act Meant to Re-colonize Cuba By Raúl Capote, March 15, 2019
Venezuela — More Might Makes Right By Barry Kissin and Frederick, March 15, 2019
Fox News Doubles Down on the Big Lie and Venezuela By Kurt Nimmo, March 15, 2019
Cancellation Chaos: $600 Billion in Boeing 737 Max Orders at Risk By Zero Hedge, March 15, 2019
Video: Russian Warplanes “Rain Hell” on Terrorist Strongholds in Idlib By South Front, March 15, 2019
The EU Is Steadily Moving Towards Creation of 1984-style “Ministry of Truth” By South Front, March 15, 2019
The Trump Phenomenon as Seen in Europe By Philip Giraldi, March 15, 2019
Selected Articles: Trump’s $34 Trillion Deficit and Debt Bomb By Global Research News, March 15, 2019
Has the World Been Ignoring an Almost Decade-Long “African Spring”? By Andrew Korybko, March 15, 2019
Brainwashing Future Generations. The American Nightmare By Philip Linder, March 15, 2019
India’s Agrarian Crisis: Dismantling ‘Development’ By Colin Todhunter, March 15, 2019
French Politics: Are the Centre-Right Conservatives Still Economic Liberals? By William Harrison, March 14, 2019
Trade Wars: Trump Wants US Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to Replace Russian Natural Gas Nord Stream Exports to the EU By Stephen Lendman, March 14, 2019
Is AIPAC in Violation of Federal Election Law? By Renee Parsons, March 14, 2019
Boeing’s 737 Max 8: Lobbies and Belated Groundings By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 14, 2019
The Kosovo War: “Humanitarian Intervention” or Undeclared War Against Yugoslavia? By Dragan Vladic, March 14, 2019
US Anti-Russia Legislation Directed against Vladimir Putin By Stephen Lendman, March 14, 2019
Plight of Women in Indian Prisons By CJP, March 14, 2019
Artificial Intelligence: Concerned About Facial Recognition AI? What About Behavior Recognition Software? By Matt Field, March 14, 2019
EPA Proposes Use of 650,000 Pounds of Antibiotics Per Year on Citrus Fields By Center For Biological Diversity, March 14, 2019
Venezuela: The Neoliberal Brain Behind Juan Guaido’s Economic Agenda By Anya Parampil, March 14, 2019
The Rightful Owners of a Key Island Military Base for the U.S. Would Like It Back, and the UN Agrees By Prof. Vijay Prashad, March 14, 2019
US Regime Change Blueprint Proposed Venezuelan Electricity Blackouts as ‘Watershed Event’ for ‘Galvanizing Public Unrest’ By Max Blumenthal, March 14, 2019
Contesting the Arctic Railway By Clemence Waller, March 14, 2019
Video: CIA Is Turning Refugee Camps in Eastern Syria into ISIS Hotbeds By South Front, March 14, 2019
Hezbollah: Israel’s Excuse for Stealing the Golan Heights By Kurt Nimmo, March 14, 2019
Painting as Metaphysics: Hilma af Klint and the Birth of Abstract Art By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, March 14, 2019
Another Reason for Washington in Venezuela? Monroe Doctrine: “This Country is in Our Hemisphere” By F. William Engdahl, March 14, 2019
Wealth Concentration Drives a New Global Imperialism By Peter Phillips, March 14, 2019
Trump’s $34 Trillion Deficit and Debt Bomb By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 14, 2019
Vietnam Anniversary: A Legacy of Resistance, Deception and Human Tragedy By Michael Welch, Prof Peter Dale Scott, Abayomi Azikiwe, Barrie Zwicker, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 14, 2019
Imperialism on Trial. Conference Event By Global Research News, March 13, 2019
The People’s Climate Movement. No Mention of War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 13, 2019
Brexit: Beware: It’s All Starting to Stink of Something Else By True Publica, March 13, 2019
Post-INF “Tit-for-Tat” Between US and Russia Might Destabilize EU By Andrew Korybko, March 13, 2019