Latest News and Top Stories

“With 5G, We are Guinea Pigs”: Swiss Magazine Reports First 5G Injuries in Geneva By Marc David, July 22, 2019
Venezuela and Imperialist Confrontation in Latin America By Alison Bodine, July 22, 2019
Manus, Nauru and an Australian Detention Legacy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 22, 2019
India and the Khalistan Liberation Movement. Fleshing Out The Future Vision Of Indian Federalism By Andrew Korybko, July 22, 2019
In the Wake of Fukushima. Imagining Disasters in the Era of Climate Change: Is Japan’s Seawall a New Maginot Line? By Peter Matanle, Joel Littler, and Oliver Slay, July 22, 2019
National Security and Press Freedoms in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 22, 2019
Chronic Illnesses: Why Are Natural and Complementary Therapies Under Attack in Australia? By Leisa Woodman, July 22, 2019
Pitfalls of Economic Globalization By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, July 21, 2019
Video: 5G Apocalypse, The Imminent Dangers By debunkified, July 21, 2019
Video: US-China Trade War Explained By Soapbox, July 21, 2019
Washington’s Bully Tactics Have Failed to Persuade Tehran to Negotiate a New Nuclear Deal By Sarah Abed, July 21, 2019
Erdogan, Cyprus and the Future of NATO By F. William Engdahl, July 21, 2019
Me, Me, Me: The Neurotic Satisfactions of the Selfie Generation By Julian Rose, July 21, 2019
Video: “MH17 – Call for Justice” By Bonanza Media, July 21, 2019
Lunar Narratives: Landing on the Moon, Politics and the Cold War By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 21, 2019
Putin Just Did a 180 on the Skripal Affair and Raised Countless Questions By Andrew Korybko, July 21, 2019
Mark Esper, New US Pentagon Chief, Vested Interest in War and Conflict By Strategic Culture Foundation, July 21, 2019
Venezuela: Trump Diverts Central America Aid to Guaido as EU Threatens More Sanctions By Ricardo Vaz, July 21, 2019
Piracy or War? By Christopher Black, July 21, 2019
Korea: In the Era of Peace, Dissolve the UN Command, A Relic of the Cold War By Peoples' Party of South Korea, July 21, 2019
Aleppo: Glorious Rebuilding, Despite Illicit Western ‘Sanctions’ By Miri Wood, July 21, 2019
What Makes Iran Strong Enough to Stand Against a Superpower Like the USA? By Elijah J. Magnier, July 21, 2019
How Corporate Media Are Fueling a New Iran Nuclear Crisis By Gareth Porter, July 21, 2019
US Says Trudeau Adopts “America First” Foreign Policy, Media Ignores It By Yves Engler, July 21, 2019
The Dark Side of the Moon Landings By Dr. Stuart Parkinson, July 21, 2019
Consortium News Website Taken Down by a Malware Attack after Streaming Program Defending Julian Assange By Kevin Reed, July 21, 2019
“Global Order” Equals the “New Fascism” By Mark Taliano, July 21, 2019
Is Trump Psychologically Deranged? By Stephen Lendman, July 20, 2019
Endangered Species Mural Project By Center For Biological Diversity and Roger Peet, July 20, 2019
Trump Regime Bans Sale of F-35 Fighter Jets to Turkey for Purchasing Russian S-400s By Stephen Lendman, July 20, 2019
US “Downs” Legitimacy After Claims of Downing Iranian Drone By Tony Cartalucci, July 20, 2019
Brain-Damaging Pesticide for Use on Foods Kids Eat. It’s Legal By EWG, July 19, 2019
Russia and China Compete In Africa. Moscow’s “Pivot to Africa” By Andrew Korybko, July 19, 2019
‘An Insanely Bad Move’: Experts Sound Alarm as Trump’s Nuclear Safety Agency Weighs Rollback of Plant Inspections By Jessica Corbett, July 19, 2019
Israel’s Choice for U.S. President By Philip Giraldi, July 19, 2019
Sudan’s Agreement on Political Declaration Leaves Many Unanswered Questions By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 19, 2019
Rural America and the 5G Digital Divide. Telecoms Expanding Their “Toxic Infrastructure” By Renee Parsons, July 19, 2019
The “Squad” Will Need to Realize that You Can’t Defeat White Supremacy with White Supremacy By Ajamu Baraka, July 19, 2019
The World Is Dedollarizing By Peter Koenig, July 19, 2019
Nigerian Political Prisoner Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky By Stephen Lendman, July 19, 2019
From Mad Cow Disease to Agrochemicals: Time to Put Public Need Ahead of Private Greed By Rosemary Mason and Colin Todhunter, July 19, 2019
The Sidama Region and Ethiopia’s “Perfect Storm” By Andrew Korybko, July 19, 2019
Inside Junior’s War Room By Philip A Farruggio, July 19, 2019
Five Years Ago: Was Malaysia Flight MH17 Shot Down by a Ukrainian Fighter Plane? By Mike Whitney, July 18, 2019
Trump Ignorant of China’s Resolve By Stephen Lendman, July 18, 2019
Media Lies About Iran Deal, Headlines Repeat Unfound State Department Claims By Dave DeCamp, July 18, 2019
Video: Waiting for New Idlib Offensive. US Continues to Provide Syria Rebels with Weapons and Military Supplies By South Front, July 18, 2019
Trophy Hunting in Southern Africa. Elephant Poaching By Ross Harvey, July 18, 2019
The Mad Corruptions of Trump Inc. By Jim Hightower, July 18, 2019
Vaccine Safety and Immunization: Suppressing Critique, Silencing Scientific Evidence By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, July 18, 2019
New Zealand’s Role at the Biggest US Bombing Base in the Middle East By Darius Shahtahmasebi, July 18, 2019
Donald Trump, “the Democrat Squad” and Failed Impeachment By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 18, 2019
How Iranian MEK Went from US Terror List to Halls of Congress By Ali Harb, July 18, 2019
African Free Trade Area Launched in Niger By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 18, 2019
Brexit ‘Deal Dead’, New Financial Market Fears and Unredacted Riot Report By True Publica, July 18, 2019
Trump: America’s “Racist-in-Chief” By Stephen Lendman, July 18, 2019
Julian Assange: US Coopts Patriotic Opposition in Ecuador, Former President Correa goes against Wikileaks Founder By Andrew Korybko, July 18, 2019
Top 10 Facts About Cell Phones and Wi-Fi By Environmental Health Trust, July 18, 2019
Trump Outreach: Pandering to Christian Zionism, “Preparing the Nation for An Inevitable War”? By Philip Giraldi, July 18, 2019
Impeaching Trump for the Wrong Reason By Kurt Nimmo, July 18, 2019
Western Intellectuals Freak Over ‘Frankenstein’ China By Pepe Escobar, July 18, 2019
Why the Canadian Government Is Confronting Venezuela By Arnold August, July 18, 2019
Korea-Japan Trade Plus War: Where Are You Going Mr. Shinzo Abe? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, July 18, 2019
Some Like It Hot By William Bowles, July 18, 2019
BDS in the Face of Israeli Apartheid By Palestinian BDS National Committee, July 18, 2019
The Race for the Domination of Space By Manlio Dinucci, July 18, 2019
Global Research: Giving Voice to Unspoken Truths By The Global Research Team, July 17, 2019
Support MH17 Truth: Machine Gun-Like Holes Indicate Shelling from a Military Aircraft. No Evidence of a Surface-to-Air Missile Attack. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 17, 2019
Reopening of Pakistan’s Airspace: A Bad Omen for India? Implications for Iran and Afghanistan By Andrew Korybko, July 17, 2019
Free Speech No Longer Exists in US Universities By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 17, 2019
Merger Mania: The Military-Industrial Complex on Steroids By William D. Hartung, July 17, 2019
It’s “Un-American” to be Anti-Free Speech: Protect the Right to Criticize the Government By John W. Whitehead, July 17, 2019
The Truth About – ‘Taking Back Control’. Britain’s Post-Brexit Debacle By True Publica, July 17, 2019
Provoking War? British Hijack Iranian Ship, Another Day, Another Dangerous Provocation By Tony Cartalucci, July 17, 2019
The World Bank Saw the Debt Crisis Looming By Eric Toussaint, July 17, 2019
Trump Has 150 Nuclear Bombs in Europe Giving the White House a Dangerous Stranglehold Over EU By Hans Stehling, July 17, 2019
Decision to Keep Nuclear Weapons Data Classified Hurts US National Security By Hans M. Kristensen and Heather Wuest, July 17, 2019
Towards an India-US-Israel Alliance directed against Iran? Prime Minister Modi “Pivots to the West” By Andrew Korybko, July 17, 2019
Trump May Appoint Fringe Neocon to Head Intelligence By Kurt Nimmo, July 17, 2019
Media Intrigue: Spying on Julian Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 17, 2019