Latest News and Top Stories

Reiwa Shinsengumi: A New Unconventional Politician has Emerged in Japan. Power to the People! By Reiwa Shinsengumi for the World, August 05, 2019
The Canaries that Sang “Things Suck” By Jack Tucker, August 04, 2019
Trump and the World By Robert Fantina, August 04, 2019
Trump Ponders Deadly Blockade of Venezuela By Kurt Nimmo, August 04, 2019
Is the Endless Iraq Conflict Finally Over? By Rossen Vassilev Jr., August 04, 2019
US-backed Opposition Prime Suspects in Thai Bombings By Tony Cartalucci, August 04, 2019
Another Failed Ceasefire in Syria By Stephen Lendman, August 04, 2019
More Fake Happy News About Jobs and Employment in America By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 04, 2019
Defending Tulsi Gabbard from the Programmed War Propagandists By Kurt Nimmo, August 04, 2019
The World Financial Order: An Instrument of the US Empire By Prof Michael Hudson and Michael Welch, August 04, 2019
Bioweapons: Lyme Disease, Weaponized Ticks By Makia Freeman, August 03, 2019
The Myth of a Racist Quebec By Nadia Alexan, August 02, 2019
No, Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Is Not “Assad Apologist” By Sarah Abed, August 02, 2019
Climate Change in Siberia: Massive Wildlife Tragedy as Bears and Foxes Flee Taiga, While Smaller Animals Suffocate in Smoke By Svetlana Skarbo, August 02, 2019
The Geopolitical Wrecking Ball Trump Regime. “MAGA Gone Mad” By Stephen Lendman, August 02, 2019
Why Did the UK Commander of HM Montrose Refrain from Firing on Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC)? Who in Iran Gave Orders to Capture the “Stena Impero”? By Elijah J. Magnier, August 02, 2019
XXV Sao Paulo Forum Demonstrates that Venezuela Is Not Alone! By Alicia Jrapko, August 02, 2019
Video: Al Qaeda Idlib “Militants” Rescued by Another “Ceasefire”, Israeli Airstrikes against Syrian Army Positions By South Front, August 02, 2019
Syria’s “Opposition” Fails to Represent Syrians By Steven Sahiounie, August 02, 2019
A Mother, Six Newborns Die Every Two Hours in Yemen By Daily Sabah, August 02, 2019
Glyphosate Should be Phased Out Worldwide. Devastating Health Impacts By GMWatch, August 02, 2019
UAE Withdrawal from Yemen. Turning Point. Did the Ansar Allah Just Win the Yemeni War? By Andrew Korybko, August 02, 2019
US Federal Court Exposes Democratic Party Conspiracy Against Assange and WikiLeaks. Judge Dismisses DNC Lawsuit By Eric London, August 02, 2019
The Retainer Solution: The European Union, Libya and Irregular Migration By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 02, 2019
The Western Alliance Is Falling Apart By Peter Koenig, August 02, 2019
The American Empire and Its Media By Swiss Propaganda Research, August 02, 2019
Defending Venezuela Is Defending Our America By Nino Pagliccia, August 02, 2019
Video: Game Changer: What’s Behind US-Turkish Conflict over S-400 Deal By South Front, August 02, 2019
When the Lie Is Accepted as the Truth By Mark Taliano, August 02, 2019
A Brief History of the CIA’s Dirty War in South Sudan By Ryan Dawson, August 02, 2019
Foro de São Paolo: Venezuela Is Today the First Trench of the Anti-Imperialist Struggle By Arnold August, August 02, 2019
5G Telecommunication: Tesla’s Coil and the T-Mobile Merger By Renee Parsons, August 02, 2019
Trump’s Afghan Drawdown Plans. Reducing US Military Presence in Afghanistan Before 2020 Elections? By Andrew Korybko, August 01, 2019
America’s Economic Collapse. Capitalism is a Plunder Mechanism By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 01, 2019
The Spy Game: It Ain’t What It Used to be By Philip Giraldi, August 01, 2019
Democratic National Committee (DNC) Law Suit Against Russia, Kremlin Accused of “Election Meddling”, Wikileaks and Trump Campaign, “Case Dismissed with Prejudice” By Stephen Lendman, August 01, 2019
Germany Rejects US Anti-Iran Maritime Coalition. Will Other EU Member States “Follow Suit”? By Stephen Lendman, August 01, 2019
It’s Too Late for India to Rethink Its Failed Afghan Strategy By Andrew Korybko, August 01, 2019
Bolsonaro: Legalized Toxic Pesticides Endanger People Worldwide By Telesur, August 01, 2019
When Corporations Ransack Countries: A Primer on Investor-state Dispute Settlement (ISDS) By Red Carpet Courts, August 01, 2019
Washington’s Ultimate Goal in Tehran Remains “Regime Change” By Sarah Abed, August 01, 2019
The Human Toll of Economic Sanctions Directed against Iran By Prof. Muhammad Sahimi, August 01, 2019
‘An Ugly Wave’: Israeli Artists Say Defunded Film Reveals Culture of Censorship By Moran Nakar, August 01, 2019
Trump’s “Space Force”: Weaponizing Space Is the “New” Bad Idea Coming from Washington By Federico Pieraccini, August 01, 2019
Pacific Island States Declare Climate Crisis By Patricia Mallam, August 01, 2019
Idlib and NATO’s War of Terror against the Syrian People By Miri Wood, August 01, 2019
The National Security State Needs an Enemy: Senator Warren Warns About “White Supremacist” Threat By Kurt Nimmo, August 01, 2019
5G Agriculture – Food from Frankenstein Farming By Julian Rose, August 01, 2019
Romanticism and Literature: Serving Human Liberty? By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, August 01, 2019
Psychotechnology: How Artificial Intelligence Is Designed to Change Humanity By Makia Freeman, August 01, 2019
Bolsonaro’s Clearcut Populism.”The Barbarism has Begun” By Asad Ismi, August 01, 2019
Erdogan’s Risky Geopolitical Pirouette. Turkey’s Economy in “Troubled Waters” By F. William Engdahl, August 01, 2019
Intimacies from an Awful War. “For Sama” by Waad Al-Kateab and Edward Watts By Barbara Nimri Aziz, August 01, 2019
India Involved in China-Vietnam Dispute in the South China Sea? By Andrew Korybko, August 01, 2019
Is India Preparing to Unleash “Weapons of Mass Migration” in Kashmir? By Andrew Korybko, August 01, 2019
Video: Syrian Army Advancing in Northern Hama By South Front, July 31, 2019
Toxic Mine Waste. The Dangers of Copper Sulfide Mining By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 31, 2019
As US Beefs Up Military Presence in the Gulf, Yemen’s Houthis Turn to Russia for Support By Ahmed AbdulKareem, July 31, 2019
Israeli Pesticides Contaminating Gaza Crops. Report By IMEMC, July 31, 2019
The Injustice of Economic Warfare By Daniel Larison, July 31, 2019
States and Capitalist Society By Leo Panitch, July 31, 2019
China’s Proposed “Code of Conduct” for Antarctica By Andrew Korybko, July 31, 2019
British Pound Faces a Two-year Low as “Back Door Johnson” Prepares UK for “No Deal Brexit” By Johanna Ross, July 31, 2019
Trump Replaces Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats with Right Wing Extremist Rep. John Ratcliffe By Stephen Lendman, July 31, 2019
12th Round of Sino/US Trade Talks Falls Flat. US Rage for Global Dominance By Stephen Lendman, July 31, 2019
Video: The War on Syria and the Next Loop of the Great Game By South Front, July 31, 2019
Will Shake Up at IAEA Impact Iran? Washington’s Abuse of International Institutions By Tony Cartalucci, July 31, 2019
The Rise of the American Gestapo: Has It Already Happened Here? By John W. Whitehead, July 31, 2019
Ukraine: Language-laws Are Not Purely Symbolic By Padraig McGrath, July 31, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard vs Google Goliath By Rick Sterling, July 31, 2019
Killing Democracy: US Imperialism, Civil War and Genocide in Guatemala 1954-1996 By Edward B. Winslow, July 31, 2019
Publishing Stolen Material: WikiLeaks, the DNC and Freedom of Speech By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 31, 2019
Financial Capitalism Gone Amok: Ultra-low Interest Rates and Price Bubbles By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, July 31, 2019
Return to the Discourse of the Cold War Era to Justify US Imperialist Aggression Against Cuba By Dr. Birsen Filip, July 31, 2019
It’s Deceptive to Talk About a ‘Cycle of Violence’ in Hong Kong By Andrew Korybko, July 30, 2019
Information Warfare: Iran’s “B-Team” Branding Is Effective in Putting a Lot of Pressure on Bolton By Andrew Korybko, July 30, 2019
Deer Caught in the Headlights By Philip A Farruggio, July 30, 2019
US Stealing Syrian Oil. Controls About 30% of Syrian Territory By Stephen Lendman, July 30, 2019
Israel Has “the Most Moral Army in the World”? By Philip Giraldi, July 30, 2019
Media Propaganda Creates “Know-Nothing Americans”. Majority In Favor of War By Stephen Lendman, July 30, 2019