Latest News and Top Stories

Reflections on Movement-building Strategies for the Current Period By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 12, 2019
Hundreds Stand Tall in Solidarity with the People of Latin America at Havana Conference By Alicia Jrapko, November 11, 2019
The Military Coup Against Morales Won’t End the Hybrid War on Bolivia By Andrew Korybko, November 11, 2019
Revaluing Capitalism for the Long-Term? By Dr. Kyle Bailey, November 11, 2019
World Leaders, Organizations Condemn Coup Against Evo Morales in Bolivia By Telesur, November 11, 2019
PSL Statement: We Condemn Military Coup; US Hands Off Bolivia By Party for Socialism and Liberation, November 11, 2019
Gaza Specialist Doctors Emigrate Due to Israel Siege By Middle East Monitor, November 11, 2019
The 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Oil & Gas By Julianne Geiger, November 11, 2019
US Congressional Panel Outlines Next Phase of Dirty War on Syria: Occupy Oil Fields and Block Reconstruction By Ben Norton, November 11, 2019
Brazil’s Lula Released While Appealing Imprisonment on Dubious Charges By Stephen Lendman, November 11, 2019
Bolivia: President Evo Morales Resigns Amid Right-Wing Coup By Telesur, November 11, 2019
Boris Johnson’s 19 New Powers Will Kill Democracy By True Publica, November 11, 2019
Russian Connections in Albion: The ISC Report By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 11, 2019
Pentagon Claims US Authority to Shoot Any Syrian Govt Official Who Tries to Take Control of Syrian Oil By Andrea Germanos, November 11, 2019
U.K. Home Office-backed Counter-extremism Group Waging Twitter Campaign Against Corbyn By Simon Hooper, November 11, 2019
The 5G Roll Out of 20,000 Telecom Satellites. Cosmic Junk By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, November 11, 2019
Chile Demonstrations Continue Despite Declaration of a State of Emergency By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 11, 2019
Lebanon and Iraq Protesters, the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia Are Fed Up with Iran By Elijah J. Magnier, November 11, 2019
Former British Ambassador to Syria: UK Complicit in Trump’s Syria Oil Grab By Peter Ford, November 11, 2019
Agrarian Crisis and Malnutrition: GM Agriculture Is Not the Answer By Colin Todhunter, November 11, 2019
Three Deep State Confessions on Syria By Brad Hoff, November 11, 2019
U.S.-backed coup Deposes Evo Morales in Bolivia By Marco Teruggi, November 11, 2019
Syria, Oil, and the Exceptional, Indispensable Kleptocrats By Kurt Nimmo, November 10, 2019
Video: Russia Captured Advanced Israeli Interceptor Missile By South Front, November 10, 2019
Billionaire US Presidential Aspirant Michael Bloomberg? By Stephen Lendman, November 10, 2019
Homeland Insecurity. “Perpetual War” By Philip A Farruggio, November 10, 2019
Ecuador: The Restoration of Neoliberalism and the Monroe Doctrine By Dr. Birsen Filip, November 10, 2019
US Coup Plot to Oust Bolivia’s Evo Morales By Stephen Lendman, November 10, 2019
The Passing of Fidel, Three Years Later By Prof Susan Babbitt, November 10, 2019
US Support for General Franco’s Regime and the Spanish Dictator’s Commercial Links to Cuba By Shane Quinn, November 10, 2019
The Secret of Cuba’s Success: International Solidarity By Nino Pagliccia, November 10, 2019
Iraqi Protestors: They Demand Basic Services and an End to Corruption By Steven Sahiounie, November 10, 2019
Syria, War Propaganda and the “White Helmets” By Mark Taliano, November 10, 2019
Never Again? Can We Stop the War When Big Business Profits from it? By Michael Welch, Ajamu Baraka, and Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, November 09, 2019
Defeating the US / EU / NATO Axis of Domination: A Global De-Colonial Imperative By Canadian Peace Congress, November 09, 2019
Is the Run on the Dollar Due to Panic or Greed? By Ellen Brown, November 09, 2019
Geneva Is Key to Syria’s Recovery By Steven Sahiounie, November 09, 2019
The War on Syria was Pre-Planned. ISIS Was Financed by the US and its Allies By Mark Taliano, November 09, 2019
Video: Russia Setting Up Military Bases Across Northeastern Syria. To Undermine US Mission to Appropriate Syria’s Oil? By South Front, November 09, 2019
A “Blue Dot” Barely Visible from China’s “New Silk Roads” By Pepe Escobar, November 09, 2019
Dwindling US Hegemony in South East Asia in Favor of China By Paul Antonopoulos, November 08, 2019
The Vaccine Deep State. Impacts of Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines By Richard Gale, November 08, 2019
The Globalization of Poverty: What Is Neoliberalism? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 08, 2019
Syria: Where Have All the “Professional” Journalists Gone? By Janice Kortkamp, November 08, 2019
The Completion of the Kartarpur Corridor Is a Victory for the Sikh Community By Andrew Korybko, November 08, 2019
“American Self Preservation Doctrine”: US National Security Agreements (MCC, ACSA, SOFA) Incompatible with International Law By Tamara Kunanayakam, November 08, 2019
Thirst for Justice: America’s Struggle for Clean Water By Leana Hosea, November 08, 2019
Breaking Open a Black Hole: The World’s Most Dangerous Experiment By Haley Zaremba, November 08, 2019
New Chapter in Greek-Russian Relations? By Paul Antonopoulos, November 08, 2019
Israel’s Supreme Court — Upholding “Targeted Assassinations” and Torture By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2019
Syria: “U.S. Get Out!” By, November 08, 2019
‘All Eyes on Nestlé’: The Commodification and Privatization of Water By Doreen Nicoll, November 08, 2019
China and US Agree on Phased Tariffs Rollback? By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2019
Mao Zedong
China’s Vision for the Future: “Give Peace a Chance” By Peter Koenig, November 08, 2019
Time Is Running Out to Salvage the Iran Nuclear Deal By Sarah Abed, November 08, 2019
‘Forever Chemicals’ in Over 500 New Jersey Water Systems and Sources – More than 1,000 Contamination Sites Nationwide By Jared Hayes and Dr. David Andrews, November 08, 2019
Chicago Teachers Didn’t Win Everything, But They’ve Transformed the City—And the Labor Movement By Rebecca Burns, November 08, 2019
Anti-Trump Impeachment Scam Ignores What US Military Aid to Ukraine Goes For By Stephen Lendman, November 07, 2019
Is There a Place for Ethics in Smart Cities? By Dr. Jaspal Kaur Sadhu Singh, November 07, 2019
Nuclear Outlaw Israel Slams Iran’s Legitimate Uranium Enrichment By Stephen Lendman, November 07, 2019
The Cold War Never Stopped: US Pressures UN Members to Vote Against Cuba Anti-Blockade Resolution By Drago Bosnic, November 07, 2019
What’s Joker’s Joke? By Edward Curtin, November 07, 2019
Neoliberalism’s Children Rise Up to Demand Justice in Chile and the World By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 07, 2019
Protecting the Oil Fields: Syria Army Deployments on the Northeastern Borders with Turkey By Arabi Souri, November 07, 2019
The New World Order. Trade and Power: The Economies of China, India and the US By Shane Quinn, November 07, 2019
India’s RCEP Refusal: Geopolitical Blunder or Pro-American Pivot? By Andrew Korybko, November 07, 2019
India’s S-400 Missile Defense Deal with Russia. Geo-Strategic Implications By Padraig McGrath, November 07, 2019
US Constructing Two New Bases In Syria’s Oil-Rich Region: Report By Zero Hedge, November 07, 2019
In Bolsanaro’s Brazil, Dams Are Ticking Time Bombs By Tchenna Maso, November 07, 2019
Is Russia Right About US Shale Energy? Geopolitics of LNG By F. William Engdahl, November 07, 2019
Addiction to Online Video Games? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 07, 2019
How to Help Julian Assange by Writing to Him in Prison By Elizabeth Woodworth, November 07, 2019
5G Space Appeal Is Ready for Delivery; SpaceX Plans 30,000 More Satellites By International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, November 07, 2019
How the Deep State ‘Justifies’ Itself in America By Eric Zuesse, November 07, 2019
Turkish Forces Loot Electric Power Transformers in Northeastern Syria By Arabi Souri, November 06, 2019
Over 100 Missiles against Syria: US, UK and France Committed an International War Crime Against Syria on 14 April 2018 By Eric Zuesse, November 06, 2019
China’s Development of the Russian Far East Can Improve EU-Moscow Relations By Paul Antonopoulos, November 06, 2019
US Army Purchases 624 “Robotic Mules” for Combat Use By Zero Hedge, November 06, 2019
Listen to the Lebanese People By James J. Zogby, November 06, 2019
One Million Brexit Coins Ordered by Over-Confident Boris Johnson: Now Both Invalid By Hans Stehling, November 06, 2019