Latest News and Top Stories

The Holocaust, the BBC and Antisemitism Smears By Jonathan Cook, February 04, 2020
Palestine – “Deal of the Century” – or Fraud of the Century? By Peter Koenig, February 04, 2020
Coronavirus Pandemic: Economic Disruption. China Bashing and Hate Campaign against Chinese-Americans By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 04, 2020
VIDEO: Watch the Impeachment Trial Live. Trump Acquittal “All But Certain” By Global Research News, February 03, 2020
A World Without War: Global Research Needs Your Support By The Global Research Team, February 03, 2020
BRICS and the Digital Money Project: Alternative to US$, New Wave in International Payment System? By Yana Grigoryeva, February 03, 2020
Nuclear Treaty Busting Trump Regime. Doomsday Clock Closer than Ever to Midnight By Stephen Lendman, February 03, 2020
The Making of the First American Dictator By Massoud Nayeri, February 03, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Offensive in Greater Idlib By South Front, February 03, 2020
The U.S. War on Iran and Venezuela: Interview with Ajamu Baraka By Ajamu Baraka and The Organizer, February 03, 2020
Libya and the Modern Colonial Legacy of the Berlin Conference By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 03, 2020
A New US Air Force Video Game Lets You Drone Bomb Iraqis and Afghans By Alan MacLeod, February 03, 2020
“Deal of the Century” Greenlights Israeli Annexation, Apartheid, and Subjugation of Palestinians By Sarah Abed, February 03, 2020
Do Not be Indifferent to the Proposed Rape of Palestine by the Trump-Netanyahu Family! By Hans Stehling, February 03, 2020
These Chains Will be Broken – Palestinian Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons By Jim Miles, February 03, 2020
Victory for Canada’s First Nations: Saugeen Ojibway Nation Has Saved Lake Huron from a Nuclear Waste Dump By Joyce Nelson, February 03, 2020
Video: Turkey’s Madman Erdogan Sends NATO Troops to Defend al-Qaeda Terrorists in Idlib By Arabi Souri, February 03, 2020
Imperialism and Liberation Strategies in the Middle East By Pal Steigan, February 03, 2020
UN Assembly
UN Rejects Trump’s Annexation Scheme? By Stephen Lendman, February 03, 2020
The Afghanistan Papers. “Teflon Lies” and Mowing Lawns… By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 03, 2020
The Health Impacts of Cell Phone Radiation in America By Microwave News, February 03, 2020
Coronavirus – China Fights Determinately, While Others Smear! By Andre Vltchek, February 03, 2020
How Iran Decided to Bomb US Bases and How Trump Avoided All Out War By Elijah J. Magnier, February 03, 2020
Deepening Cruelties and Delusions on the Greek Frontier Islands By Chris Jones, February 03, 2020
US Deploys “Usable” Nuclear Weapon Amid Continuing War Threats Against Iran By Bill Van Auken, February 03, 2020
Massive Rejection of Trump’s Plan in Palestine, Jordan, Yemen By Telesur, February 03, 2020
Even After the Afghanistan Papers, the Washington ‘Blob’ Still Embraces Staying Forever By Mark Perry, February 03, 2020
Earth Is Heating at a Rate Equivalent to Five Atomic Bombs Per Second. Or Two Hurricane Sandys. By Dana Nuccitelli, February 03, 2020
Romania Willingly Becomes a U.S. Drone Base Aimed Against Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, February 03, 2020
The United States of America’s Doll House: A Vast Tapestry of Lies and Illusions By Edward Curtin, February 03, 2020
Private Equity Firm to Purchase the Assets of the .ORG Domain Registry for $1 Billion By Kevin Reed, February 03, 2020
The U.S.’ Monroe Doctrine Against South America Is Still Alive in the 21st Century By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 03, 2020
Guaido’s Failed Foreign Tour Ends with a Flop By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 03, 2020
‘The US Has Become a Force of Evil’: Oliver Stone By Oliver Stone and Rafael Correa Delgado, February 03, 2020
The “Repo” Fiasco; the Fed’s Cash Injections Send Stocks Soaring By Mike Whitney, February 03, 2020
Ten Acts of Gross British Misgovernment Since 1945 By Prof. Philip Allott, February 03, 2020
Palestine: Legally Overriding a UN Security Council Veto. In Response to Trump’s Annexation Scheme By Stephen Lendman, February 03, 2020
America at War Forever By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 03, 2020
Stumbling into Catastrophe By Daniel McAdams, February 03, 2020
Boris Johnson’s Updated Ministerial Code – and the War Against Reality By True Publica, February 03, 2020
Trump’s “peace deal” for Israel, and it is breathtaking By Craig Murray, February 03, 2020
Palestinians Have Only One Option Left: Stay and Fight By David Hearst, February 02, 2020
Brexit Day By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 02, 2020
Brexit? What Brexit? Anti-Climax as Britain Leaves EU By Johanna Ross, February 02, 2020
Paranoid Groundings and Technocratic States: Hillary Clinton versus Mark Zuckerberg By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 02, 2020
The Online Bomb Hoaxes Against Russia Are Clear Cases of Cyber Terrorism By Andrew Korybko, February 02, 2020
Early Industrial Capitalism in the United States: Oppression, Expansionism and Internal Contradictions By Heather Cottin, February 02, 2020
Maneuvering Hell for Our Advantage By Robert C. Koehler, February 01, 2020
Rising Numbers of US Troops in Iraq with Traumatic Brain Injuries By Stephen Lendman, February 01, 2020
The Rise and Fall of the British Nation. The Land that Labour Built By Ann Talbot, February 01, 2020
Did Vladimir Lenin Foresee the Information Glut? Commemorating the Birth of José Marti By Prof Susan Babbitt, February 01, 2020
The Trump Impeachment Defense. “The Best Interest of the Country” Concept By Robert Fantina, February 01, 2020
Rome Before it Became Empire: A Pax Americana or a Republic If You Can Keep It? By Cynthia Chung, February 01, 2020
Coronavirus Has Been Declared a Global Emergency. What’s Happening in China By Tom Clifford, February 01, 2020
UK News: Brexit, the Election and OPCW Disclosures By Michael Welch, Patrick Henningsen, and Radhika Desai, February 01, 2020
Coronavirus Epidemic: WHO Declares a “Fake” Global Public Health Emergency By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 31, 2020
Brexit – The Realisation Stage … What Next By True Publica, January 31, 2020
Trump’s Annexation Scheme: A Stake in the Heart of the Moribund Two-State Solution and Peace By Stephen Lendman, January 31, 2020
US Announces Three New Military Bases in Iraq After Iraqis Demand Full Withdrawal By Alan MacLeod, January 31, 2020
World Health Organisation Officially Declares Coronavirus a “Global Health Emergency” By James Cogan, January 31, 2020
‘Absolutely Horrific’: Trump Preparing to Roll Back Restrictions on US Military Use of Landmines By Jake Johnson, January 31, 2020
China’s Virus Response Has Been ‘Breathtaking’ By Pepe Escobar, January 31, 2020
More Fallout from Trump’s Annexation Scheme of the Century By Stephen Lendman, January 31, 2020
Trump and Putin Made this the Best Week Ever for Netanyahu By Andrew Korybko, January 31, 2020
England Came and Went, Leaving Europe in a Mess. UK Leaves EU By Diana Johnstone, January 31, 2020
Gaza Is Already Unliveable: Help the Freedom Flotilla Sail Against the Inhuman Blockade of Gaza By Freedom Flotilla Coalition, January 31, 2020
Endless War Is a Disastrous (but Profitable) Enterprise By Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, January 31, 2020
The Deliberate Destruction of Gaza’s Agriculture: Severe Damage to Crops Following Aerial Herbicide Spraying by Israel By Gisha, January 31, 2020
EPA Reapproves Glyphosate, Claims Pesticide Poses No Human Health Threat By Center For Biological Diversity, January 31, 2020
Putin - Erdogan, RIA Novosti
Erdogan’s Outburst Against Russia Reveals Frustration By Paul Antonopoulos, January 31, 2020
Two Books for One Price: Special Offers from Global Research Publishers By Global Research, January 30, 2020
Video: Syria Army Advance on Saraqib. Liberated Areas held by Al Qaeda (Hayat Tahir al Sham) By South Front, January 30, 2020
How the FBI Sabotaged Trump Foreign Policy By Renee Parsons, January 30, 2020
The Torturers and the ‘Ticking Bomb’: How Torture Became Routine in the Global War on Terror By Philip Giraldi, January 30, 2020
Book Review By Gideon Polya, January 30, 2020
Video: Syria Army Develops Momentum in Idlib and Aleppo. Turkish Military Convoy Enters Syria By South Front, January 30, 2020
Trump’s Skewed Vision Gives Israel Everything It Wants By Michael Jansen, January 30, 2020
WHO Impressed by Chinese Response to Coronavirus Outbreak By Padraig McGrath, January 30, 2020
JCPOA Nuclear Agreement Collapsing Due to Western Bad Faith By Padraig McGrath, January 30, 2020
The FBI Has Been Lying About Seth Rich By Craig Murray, January 30, 2020