Latest News and Top Stories

Syria Imposes the Astana Deal by Force as Turkish, Russian Tensions Rise By Elijah J. Magnier, February 13, 2020
Johnson’s Administration Has Just Dumped an Unexploded Time Bomb in Our Midst By True Publica, February 13, 2020
A Culture of Cheating? By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, February 13, 2020
Crisis in Syrian Idlib Has Firmly Put Turkey Back into NATO’s Sphere By Paul Antonopoulos, February 13, 2020
Is Oil Behind Washington’s Venezuela Coup Madness? By F. William Engdahl, February 13, 2020
The Syrian Arab Army Secures Fully Control of the Damascus – Aleppo Highway By Arabi Souri, February 12, 2020
“Fake President” Juan Guaido Ends His International Tour, Returns to A Divided Venezuelan Opposition By Nino Pagliccia, February 12, 2020
Video: Turkey Fights Back Against ‘Assad Aggression’ in Idlib By South Front, February 12, 2020
US Ambassador Sends Strong Message to Netanyahu: Patience, Young Grasshopper, You’ll Annex the West Bank Soon By Sarah Abed, February 12, 2020
Wall Street Invading Wet’suwet’en First Nation Territory. Uprising Across Canada By Joyce Nelson, February 12, 2020
How The 1979 Revolution Reshaped Iran and Saudi Arabia By David Hearst, February 12, 2020
Does Duterte’s “Military Independence” from the U.S. Create New Opportunities for China? By Paul Antonopoulos, February 12, 2020
2020 US Elections: The Top Issue for Democratic Voters Is … By Eric Zuesse, February 12, 2020
Turkey Sends Reinforcements to Protect ISIS-Daesh in Idlib, Syria By Stephen Lendman, February 12, 2020
Washington’s Policy of Strangling China. US Nuclear Threats, Militarization of the Taiwan Straits By Shane Quinn, February 12, 2020
War or Peace: Turkish backed Terrorists, Erdogan’s Decision on Idlib By Steven Sahiounie, February 12, 2020
Will China Virus Trigger New Great Depression? US Economy Already Fragile By F. William Engdahl, February 12, 2020
The Moroccan Atlas Mountains: Where Tradition Meets Climate Change By Nicolas Pantelick, February 12, 2020
Baltic Republics’ “De-Russification” Sees Increased Poverty and Depopulation By Paul Antonopoulos, February 12, 2020
Energy Company Drops Lake Huron Nuclear Waste Plan Following Saugeen Ojibway Nation Vote By Native News Online, February 12, 2020
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa Slams Donald Trump’s Israel Plan as Apartheid By BDS South Africa, February 12, 2020
US Sanctions Venezuelan State Airline, Threatens Russian Oil Giant By Paul Dobson, February 12, 2020
Fungi that Absorbs Radiation Has Been Growing All Over Chernobyl Plant By John Vibes, February 12, 2020
Deal Breaking Trump Regime to Abandon New START? By Stephen Lendman, February 12, 2020
Valuing Venezuela’s Orinoco Oil Belt By William Walter Kay, February 12, 2020
The Russia-India Oil Deal Is an ‘Unpleasant Surprise’ for Iran, Not the US By Andrew Korybko, February 12, 2020
Warfare Tools
Venezuela: From Oil Proxy to the Bolivarian Movement and Sabotage. Abysmal Poverty under US Proxy Rule (1918-1998) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner, February 12, 2020
US Regime Change in Venezuela: The Documented Evidence By Tony Cartalucci, February 12, 2020
Israeli Blocking of Palestinian Exports to Jordan Shows Reality of Apartheid that the Kushner Plan Would Only Cement By Prof. Juan Cole, February 12, 2020
Angry and Vindicated By James J. Zogby, February 12, 2020
The Beasts and the Bombings: Reflecting on Dresden, February 1945 By Brett Wilkins, February 12, 2020
Irish Election Result Is a Victory for Nationalism By Johanna Ross, February 12, 2020
In Our American Empire, “Never Give a Sucker an Even Break…” By Philip A Farruggio, February 11, 2020
Subverting the Hollywood Blacklist: Kirk Douglas’s Modest Contribution By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 11, 2020
The Mideast’s Place in Russia’s Greater Eurasian Partnership By Andrew Korybko, February 11, 2020
Ontario Government’s Fight with Educators: A Student’s Perspective By Victoria Lunetta, February 11, 2020
Trump Budget Gives Top Priority to New Generation of Nuclear Weapons By Patrick Martin, February 11, 2020
Democrats Ignore Trump’s Real Violations By Rep. Ron Paul, February 11, 2020
Video: The Battle for Idlib is Ongoing. Turkish Forces to the Rescue of “Peaceful Al Qaeda Militants” By South Front, February 11, 2020
Hollywood and Syria: The Uses of Enchantment in Crimes Against Peace By Miri Wood, February 11, 2020
Keep War, Environmental Degradation and Profit Out of Space By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 11, 2020
The American Malaise: Reflecting on Whether U.S. Politics Is “Beyond Repair” By Adeyinka Makinde, February 11, 2020
The Siren Call of a ‘System Leader’ By Pepe Escobar, February 11, 2020
Recession Engineered by the Creditors: Seven Years of Demanding the Impossible in Greece By Yiannis Mouzakis, February 11, 2020
Video: The Truth About Venezuela’s Blackout By Telesur, February 11, 2020
China, Russia to Defy US Sanctions Over Support to Venezuela By Telesur, February 11, 2020
‘Bombshell’: Iraqi Officials Say ISIS —Not Iran— Likely Behind Rocket Attack Trump Used to Justify Soleimani Assassination By Jake Johnson, February 10, 2020
Trump Administration’s EPA’s New Shameful Tactic: Avoid People Poisoned by Coal Ash By Anita Desikan, February 10, 2020
It’s No Big Deal that There Are Some Limits to Russia-Israel “Cooperation” in Syria By Andrew Korybko, February 10, 2020
9/11 Analysis: Carbon Nanotubes in World Trade Center Dust By Kevin Ryan and Prof. Niels Harrit, February 10, 2020
From Pétain to Macron, from the Resistance to the Yellow Vests…: 1944-1945, France’s Fake Purge of “The Collaborators” By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, February 10, 2020
Coronavirus Is Becoming a Western Excuse for Sinophobia and “China-Bashing” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 10, 2020
In Oman the Old Monarch Passed Away, but the New One Will Guarantee Continuity By Andre Vltchek, February 10, 2020
Iowa: Where The Democrats’ DNC Dreams Go to Die. Bernie, The “Trumpian Front Runner” By Brett Redmayne-Titley, February 10, 2020
West Virginia Legislation: The Criminalization of Peaceful Protests against Oil and Gas “Critical Infrastructure”. Anti-protest Bills By Connor Gibson, February 10, 2020
German Ruling Class Commemorates Liberation of Auschwitz by Planning New Wars and New Crimes By Johannes Stern, February 10, 2020
‘Low Point in US Politics’ as Pence Shares ‘Crazy Conspiracy Theory’ About Iran, that Soleimani was Behind the 9/11 Attacks. By Middle East Monitor, February 10, 2020
The American Empire Mistakenly Believes the Shale Oil-Gas Revolution Will Continue Until 2050 and Beyond By Dr. Leon Tressell, February 10, 2020
NATO “Preparations” for Attack on Russia. Operation Barbarossa II: Setting the Stage for War By Christopher Black, February 10, 2020
Step to Nuclear Doomsday: US Puts Low-yield Nukes on Submarines to Counter Made-up Russian ‘Strategy’ By Scott Ritter, February 10, 2020
The “Low-yield” Nuclear Warhead: A Dangerous Weapon Based on Bad Strategic Thinking By Andrew Facini, February 10, 2020
Hassan Diab Files Civil Claim Regarding His Extradition By Hassan Diab Support Committee, February 10, 2020
The Truth About Julian Assange By Nils Melzer, February 10, 2020
World War III’s Newest Battlefield: U.S. Troops Head for the Far North By Michael T. Klare, February 10, 2020
Being a Democrat—Ugh By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 10, 2020
Chinese Slams “Racist” Reports by German Media over Coronavirus By Telesur, February 10, 2020
Brazilian Government Wants to Destroy the Culture of Native Peoples By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 10, 2020
Menace on the Menu in Post-EU Britain By Colin Todhunter, February 10, 2020
The Bad Blood of Brexit Coursing Through Our Veins By True Publica, February 10, 2020
Deported to Death: US Sent 138 Salvadorans Home to be Killed By Prof. Mneesha Gellman, February 10, 2020
Gas Wars in the Mediterranean By Mike Whitney, February 10, 2020
From Nuremberg to Gaza – Can Netanyahu Be Prosecuted For War Crimes? By Inder Comar, February 10, 2020
Glyphosate and Roundup Proven to Disrupt Gut Microbiome by Inhibiting Shikimate Pathway By GMWatch, February 09, 2020
Video: The U.S. Attempted 2018 Coup against Nicaragua By Daniel Kovalik, February 09, 2020
The United States: A “Destroyer Of Nations” By Daniel Kovalik, February 09, 2020
Fish All Gone! Gulf of Alaska Fishery to Close for the First Time Ever: No More Cod: Salmon All but Gone: Millions of Small Sea Birds Died Since 2015 By The Big Wobble, February 09, 2020
Video: What Did Malcolm X Really Think about the Democratic Party? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, February 09, 2020
The Traffic Hierarchy with “Cars at the Top” By Planka, February 09, 2020
China – Western China Bashing – vs. Western Biowarfare? By Peter Koenig, February 09, 2020
Bankers Shape Canadian Policy in Latin America. Juan Guaidó Fêted in Ottawa By Yves Engler, February 09, 2020