Latest News and Top Stories

‘The Deal of the Century’ and Its Hidden Secrets By Hazim El-Naser, February 18, 2020
US Health Authority Shipped Faulty Coronavirus Test Kits Across Country: Official By Channel News Asia, February 18, 2020
Billionaire Bloomberg Aims to “Buy the US Presidency” By Stephen Lendman, February 18, 2020
Greek Islands Refugee Crisis: An Open Letter to Humanity Crew By Chris Jones, February 18, 2020
Afghan Troops Say Taliban Are Brothers and War Is “Not Really Our Fight.” By Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 17, 2020
Syrian Forces Secure Aleppo City Completely By Arabi Souri, February 17, 2020
Post-Brexit Britain to be the “Largest and Most Destructive Tax Haven in the World” By True Publica, February 17, 2020
US Pressuring Iraq Not to Reveal Details of Soleimani Killing: MP By Iran Front Page, February 17, 2020
Munich Security Conference 2020: Wang Yi vs. Mike Pompeo By Andrew Korybko, February 17, 2020
Doing More Harm Than Good? Our Latest Report on the UK’s Development Bank, CDC By Daniel Willis, February 17, 2020
Is U.S. Sponsored Regime Change War Coming to Georgia? By Paul Antonopoulos, February 17, 2020
Kill the Culture, Destroy a Nation By Timothy Alexander Guzman, February 17, 2020
Mistrial Is Another Blow to US Coup in Venezuela By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 17, 2020
The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and ‘Humanitarian’ Interventionists By Daniel McAdams, February 17, 2020
Russia-Africa NGOs and Media Cooperation: Still Several Steps Away from Reality By Kester Kenn Klomegah, February 17, 2020
A Boom Time for U.S. Sanctions By Kathy Gilsinan, February 17, 2020
Global Mining Corporations Have a Friend in the New Guatemalan Government By Ellen Moore and Jen Moore, February 17, 2020
Wake Up Senators! New bipartisan War Powers Act to Constrain Military Action against Iran By Eric Margolis, February 17, 2020
How AIPAC Is Losing Bipartisan Support in Washington By Ali Harb, February 17, 2020
Sanders Tells New York Times He Would Consider a Preemptive Strike Against Iran or North Korea By Jacob Crosse and Barry Grey, February 17, 2020
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense Submitted Historic Case Against U.S. Government for Children Injured by Wireless Technology Radiation By Children’s Health Defense, February 17, 2020
United Airlines Pulls Boeing 737 MAX from Schedule Until September 4. By Zero Hedge, February 17, 2020
2.5M Pounds of Radioactive Waste Illegally Dumped in Oregon Landfill By Monica Samayoa, February 17, 2020
The Middle East: Ground Zero for Possible Global War? By Stephen Lendman, February 17, 2020
Intelligence Spats: Australia, Britain and Huawei By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 17, 2020
How Trump’s “Peace” Plan Will Redraw Israel’s Borders to Exclude to Non-Jews By Miko Peled, February 17, 2020
Coronavirus May Tip the Global Economy Into Recession? By Dr. Leon Tressell, February 17, 2020
Britain’s OFCOM Regulating Social Media: The Beginning of the End of Free Speech By Kurt Nimmo, February 17, 2020
UN Publishes List of Companies Profiting from Israel’s Illegal Settlements in Palestine By Brett Wilkins, February 17, 2020
Video: Turkey Supports Al Qaeda Against Syrian Forces in Idlib By South Front, February 17, 2020
Video Reveals Threat of “Wholesale Transfer and Privatization of America’s Public Lands” on Trump’s Agenda, Says Watchdog Group By Andrea Germanos, February 17, 2020
US Undeclared War on China by Other Means By Stephen Lendman, February 17, 2020
The Embassy Defenders: Mistrial in US Federal Court Is a Win for Venezuela’s Sovereignty By Leonardo Flores, February 16, 2020
American Citizens Killed and Tortured by Israel? By Philip Giraldi, February 16, 2020
Greece – The Clearance Sale of Greek Military Bases to the United States By Manlio Dinucci, February 16, 2020
Is China Capitalist? By Marc Vandepitte, February 16, 2020
War Criminal Hillary, Bloomberg’s Choice for Running Mate By Kurt Nimmo, February 16, 2020
Painting a True Christ By Edward Curtin, February 16, 2020
2013 Law Suit: Israel Tried and Found Guilty of War Crimes and Genocide By Stephen Lendman, February 16, 2020
Bolivia: An Election in the Midst of an Ongoing Coup By Prof. Vijay Prashad, February 14, 2020
Trump Pledges to Veto Senate “War Powers Resolution”, Uses Pentagon Funds to Build Border Wall By Andre Damon, February 14, 2020
“We the People Refuse to Fight”: Abandon the Battlefield! By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 14, 2020
Trump’s Senate “Acquittal” Will Embolden Him to Adopt Increasingly Destructive Policies in the Middle East By Michael Jansen, February 14, 2020
‘Burned at the Stake’ – The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Demolishes the Fake Claims Targeting Julian Assange By Media Lens, February 14, 2020
Lima Group Meets in Canada: Trudeau Consolidates His Position as Main Trump Ally By Arnold August, February 14, 2020
Bolivian Elections Will be an Opportunity to Legalize the Coup By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 14, 2020
Video: Drones in Modern Warfare. Drone Documentary (2014) By Global Research News, February 14, 2020
Black Democrats Endorse Bloomberg after Release of Racist Boasts on “Stop-and-frisk” By Niles Niemuth, February 14, 2020
The Metal Trump Wants More than Gold. China’s Control Over Strategic Metals By Charles Kennedy, February 14, 2020
North Macedonia Is Being Used by NATO to Target Serbia and Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, February 14, 2020
Is the UK a Rogue State? 17 British Policies Violating Domestic or International Law By Mark Curtis, February 14, 2020
New Leaks Shatter OPCW’s Attacks on Douma Whistleblowers By Aaron Mate, February 14, 2020
On Bombing Cultural Heritage Sites, Drone Assassinations, and Spirituality By Prof. Valeria Z. Nollan, February 14, 2020
Prime Minister Johnson Upholds the Government’s ‘Revenge’ on Britain’s Judicial System By True Publica, February 14, 2020
The US’ “Central Asian Strategy” Isn’t Sinister, but that Doesn’t Mean It’ll Succeed By Andrew Korybko, February 14, 2020
Trump Regime Hostility Toward Palestinians By Stephen Lendman, February 14, 2020
Venezuela Files Complaint at The Hague ICC: ‘US Coercive Measures Are Mass Destruction Weapons’ By Telesur, February 14, 2020
Venezuela to Sue Trump Regime in ICJ: Does It Matter? By Stephen Lendman, February 14, 2020
UK Government Approves Net Censorship – British Free Speech Dies By Mark Angelides, February 14, 2020
US Rejects UN List of Firms with Ties to Israeli Settlements By Telesur, February 14, 2020
Japan Leads the Way in Child Health: No Compulsory Vaccines. Banned Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) Vaccine By Kristina Kristen, February 14, 2020
Homewreckers and Nationwreckers United By Philip A Farruggio, February 14, 2020
Video: Battle of Idlib and Prospects of Turkish-Syrian War By South Front, February 14, 2020
The Communist Manifesto Turns 172 By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, February 14, 2020
Can the World’s “Second Superpower” (Public Opinion) Rise from the Ashes of Twenty Years of War? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 14, 2020
Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Against the Colonial Policies of the Canadian State By The Bullet, Greenpeace, and et al., February 14, 2020
Fashion Fetishism, Surgical Masks and Coronavirus By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 14, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Gives Turkey “Flick on Nose” in Nayrab, Secures Entire Aleppo-Damascus Highway By South Front, February 14, 2020
London Attack: West’s Terrorists Bite the Hand that Feeds Them (Again) By Tony Cartalucci, February 14, 2020
The Age of Illusions – How America Squandered Its Cold War Victory By Jim Miles, February 14, 2020
Western Anti-Chinese Propaganda Exaggerates Coronavirus Danger, Creates Panic By Andre Vltchek, February 14, 2020
Regime Change Wars Have No Basis in International Law By Mark Taliano, February 14, 2020
Traditional Indigenous and White Man’s Conflicting Rules of Law: A Coming to Terms that Hasn’t Been Resolved Since “First Contact” By Jerome Irwin, February 14, 2020
Invisible Mega Oil Spill Beyond the Deepwater Horizon Oil Slick Satellite Footprint By Igal Berenshtein, Claire B. Paris, Natalie Perlin, and et al., February 14, 2020
Video: Residents of Syrian Town Open Fire on US Armed Forces Patrol By Almasdar News, February 14, 2020
Boeing Abandons Guidance, Says 737 Max Production Will Take 2 Years to Reach Pre-Grounding Levels By Zero Hedge, February 13, 2020
Corporate America in Israel and Illegal Settlements By Stephen Lendman, February 13, 2020
Dems Phony War Powers Resolution By Stephen Lendman, February 13, 2020
More Lies on Iran: The White House Just Can’t Help Itself as New Facts Emerge By Philip Giraldi, February 13, 2020
Even with Corbyn Gone, Antisemitism Threats Will Keep Destroying the UK Labour Party By Jonathan Cook, February 13, 2020