Latest News and Top Stories

Venezuela Takes Action Against COVID-19 Amid the US Blockade By Telesur, March 14, 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19: “Made in China” or “Made in America”? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 14, 2020
Coronavirus Scaremongering, US-China Economic Rivalry. The Geopolitics of an Unfolding Global Crisis By Shane Quinn, March 13, 2020
White House Removes Public Health Experts from Coronavirus Discussions By Michael Halpern, March 13, 2020
Markets Screaming Global Recession By Stephen Lendman, March 13, 2020
“Blue No Matter Who!” By Keith Harmon Snow, March 12, 2020
China Steadily Continues to Promote Influence on the African Continent By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 12, 2020
The US Federal Reserve’s Baffling Response to the Coronavirus Explained By Ellen Brown, March 12, 2020
The Case of Professor Tariq Ramadan: Calling on France’s Minister of Justice to Cease “Masquerade of Justice” By International Movement for a Just World, March 12, 2020
Top Saudi Intelligence Official ‘Chased’ to Canada by Crown Prince MBS By Dania Akkad, March 12, 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 in South Korea: Cult Sect, Corruption and Politics By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, March 12, 2020
Coronavirus: Why Is Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Lying to Congress and the American People? By Target Liberty, March 12, 2020
Lebanon’s Political Elite Is Responsible for the Failure to Reform By Michael Jansen, March 12, 2020
Video: Great Idlib “Rebranding” and Al Qaeda “Turkish Victories” over Russian Air Defense By South Front, March 12, 2020
US Marines Arrive on Yemen’s Socotra Island to Back UAE Troops: Reports By Tasnim News Agency, March 12, 2020
Global COVID-19 Pandemic, This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown? By John W. Whitehead, March 12, 2020
Congress Tries to Sneak Through Dangerous Spying Bill Under the Cover of the Coronavirus Crisis By Free Press, March 12, 2020
Chelsea Manning Hospitalized After Reported Suicide Attempt By Stephen Lendman, March 12, 2020
Federal Court Hears Arguments on Funding for Trump’s Border Wall By Helen Christophi, March 12, 2020
Syria Chemical Attack: Douma Whistleblowers Respond to OPCW’s Attempts to Discredit Them By Dave DeCamp, March 12, 2020
In a Europe Closed Down by the Coronavirus the EU Opens its Doors to the US Army. Could the Defender become the Invader of Europe? By Manlio Dinucci, March 12, 2020
Covid-19 “Is a Significant Economic Threat” By UNCTAD, March 12, 2020
Two Other Pandemics: The Lemming and Apathy Viruses By Philip A Farruggio, March 11, 2020
Golden Anniversaries for Flawed Treaties: The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) Turns Fifty By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 11, 2020
Greece’s Migrant Crisis Has Further Exposed Turkish Fake News By Paul Antonopoulos, March 11, 2020
Coronavirus Offerings and Job Losses: University Reliance on China Bites By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 11, 2020
Video: Saudi-initiated All-out Oil War Could Lead to Collapse of Kingdom Itself By South Front, March 11, 2020
Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Technologies: How Safe Are We? By Naren and et al., March 11, 2020
70,000 Demand ‘Corporate Courts’ Kept Out of Post-Brexit Trade Deals By Global Justice Now, March 11, 2020
How Turkey Lost a Battle of Wills, and Force, to Russia By Scott Ritter, March 11, 2020
How Black Swans Are Shaping Planet Panic By Pepe Escobar, March 11, 2020
CoVid-19 – What the UK Government Is Really Covering Up By True Publica, March 11, 2020
How the UK Press Is Misinforming the Public About Britain’s Role in the World By Mark Curtis, March 11, 2020
US-Israel Predictably Behind Turkish Aggression in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, March 11, 2020
MAS Presents New Legal Resort to Enable Evo Morales’ Candidacy By Telesur, March 11, 2020
Biden Rejects Medicare for All By Stephen Lendman, March 11, 2020
Dirty System Triumph on Mini-Super Tuesday By Stephen Lendman, March 11, 2020
30,000 U.S. Soldiers Sent into Europe Without Masks By Manlio Dinucci, March 11, 2020
Saudi’s Brave Women Pull Back the Curtain on Crown Prince MBS By Medea Benjamin and Ariel Gold, March 11, 2020
Team Trump Tried to Bully the ICC into Dropping War Crimes Probe but Failed By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 11, 2020
Did COVID-19 Originate In China? “We must move beyond the temptation to give nationality to diseases.” By Xinhua, March 11, 2020
Dems Rigging Things for Establishment Figure “Moderate Jo” Biden? By Stephen Lendman, March 10, 2020
IDF Knee-Capping Besieged Gazans. Hundreds of Palestinians Killed By Stephen Lendman, March 10, 2020
Israeli IDF Snipers Boast of Shooting ‘Ducks’ in Gaza’. Boasting About Their Hits. Unspoken Crimes against Humanity By Jonathan Ofir, March 10, 2020
Global Research: Pull-No-Punches Reporting on Global Power Relations By The Global Research Team, March 10, 2020
The Adverse Effects of Genetically Modified Maize. Call for Retraction of EU-funded G-TwYST Study By Claire Robinson, March 10, 2020
Russia’s Rejection of OPEC+ Was the Result of Cold Geostrategic Calculations By Andrew Korybko, March 10, 2020
Saudi Arabia’s Oil Price War Could Very Easily Backfire By Andrew Korybko, March 10, 2020
EU Condemns Netanyahu Promise to Build Settlement Homes in West Bank’s E1 Area By Muhamed Munir Abu Nahl, March 10, 2020
1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan to Destroy Syria, Foreshadows Current Crisis By Brandon Turbeville, March 10, 2020
Selected Articles: Cease Fire Rejected. Al Qaeda is not “a Terrorist Group” By Global Research News, March 10, 2020
Video: New Idlib Ceasefire Is Already Crumbling and Nobody Is Surprised By South Front, March 10, 2020
Financial Times
Global Financial Asset Deflation Underway: Prelude to Next ‘Great Recession’? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 10, 2020
Financial Meltdown: The Impending Credit Crunch; The Next Shoe to Drop? By Mike Whitney, March 10, 2020
The Big Heist: U.S. Imposed Economic Sanctions on One Third of Humanity By Lauren Smith, March 10, 2020
Syrian Christian Village Awaits the End of Al Qaeda’s Occupation of Idlib By Steven Sahiounie, March 10, 2020
Israel’s Third Election: Netanyahu Wins, Justice Loses By James J. Zogby, March 10, 2020
Palestinian Rights Organization Challenges Meritless Lawsuit Filed Against It By Center for Constitutional Rights, March 10, 2020
Lift the U.S. Embargo on Cuba By Jacob G. Hornberger, March 10, 2020
Western Union Suspends Family Remittances to Cuba, Except from the U.S. By Granma, March 10, 2020
Fire Destroys Most Voting Machines in Venezuela’s Capital By Reuters, March 10, 2020
The Violence of ‘Conservation’ By Fiore Longo, March 09, 2020
Market Turmoil. The US Economy is House of Cards By Stephen Lendman, March 09, 2020
Leaving the EU Was the Right Move for the Wrong Reasons By Eric Walberg, March 09, 2020
No End to Endless War in Syria By Stephen Lendman, March 09, 2020
Amid Coronavirus Outbreak, Trump-aligned Pressure Group Pushes to Stop Medicine Sales to Iran By Eli Clifton, March 09, 2020
U.K. R.I.P.: Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to be Shut Out of Post-Brexit Trade Negotiations By Owen Donovan, March 09, 2020
Israel Confiscates Sole Medical Vehicle Serving 1,500 Palestinians By Middle East Monitor, March 09, 2020
Cease Fire Rejected. Turkey Doesn’t Consider Al Qaeda as a Terrorist Group. Erdogan Sends More Troops into Idlib By Arabi Souri, March 09, 2020
The History of Socialism and Social Democracy. SYRIZA’s Betrayal of Greece Is a Spectre Haunting the Left By Max Parry, March 09, 2020
International Court Approves Probe of US War Crimes in Afghanistan By Bill Van Auken, March 09, 2020
New Putin-Erdogan Deal Is Sugar-coating the Turks’ Surrender By Scott Ritter, March 09, 2020
Julian Assange: The Power of Truth By Massoud Nayeri, March 09, 2020
The Criminality of the Democratic Party. DNC Maneuvers to Derail Bernie Sanders By Donald Monaco, March 09, 2020
Ceasefire in Syria: Dead on Arrival? By Stephen Lendman, March 09, 2020
Conservation Groups Argue in Federal Court That Trump’s Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Was Illegal By Center For Biological Diversity, March 09, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Win Battle Against Erdogan Forces in Idlib, but War Is Far from Over By South Front, March 08, 2020
Putin Saves Erdogan from Himself By Pepe Escobar, March 08, 2020
Trump Regime Blocks UN Security Council Support for Syria Ceasefire Already Breached By Stephen Lendman, March 08, 2020
Clinton and Sanders. “Nobody Likes Him” Says Hillary By Robert Fantina, March 08, 2020