Latest News and Top Stories

A Light in the Darkness By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 31, 2020
Warnings of Economic Depression By Stephen Lendman, March 31, 2020
Will Coronavirus End the Fed? By Rep. Ron Paul, March 31, 2020
William Barr Greenlit Bush’s Invasion of Panama, Is Venezuela Next? By Dave DeCamp, March 31, 2020
Pentagon Asks to Keep Future Spending Secret By Steven Aftergood, March 31, 2020
Chinese Team and Equipment Arrive in UK to Support Virus Fight By Han Baoyi, March 31, 2020
Portugal Grants Citizens’ Rights to Migrants During Pandemic By Telesur, March 31, 2020
The ‘Modi Migrants’ Are India’s Self-Inflicted Humanitarian Disaster During “World War C” By Andrew Korybko, March 31, 2020
Fool Me Once… By Philip A Farruggio, March 31, 2020
The Virus of Sanctions: Flattening the Curve By George Capaccio, March 31, 2020
’Chinese Virus’ Rhetoric Shows Ineptness of U.S. Politicians By Andre Vltchek, March 31, 2020
Bob Dylan’s Midnight Message to JFK’s Ghost By Edward Curtin, March 31, 2020
The Swedish Alternative: Coronavirus as a Grand Gamble By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 31, 2020
The Korean Model of the Anti-COVID-19 War: How Successful Is It? Why Is It Successful? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, March 31, 2020
Canadian Crude Selling for “Roughly the Same Price as a Big Mac” By Abizaid N. Alqassier, March 31, 2020
Call for Intervention Before It Is Too Late: PCHR Warns that Gaza’s Healthcare System Would Collapse in Case of Coronavirus Outbreak By Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, March 31, 2020
Video: Syria and Turkey Ramp Up Preparations for New Military Confrontation By South Front, March 31, 2020
German Minister Commits Suicide After ‘Virus Crisis Worries’ By Euractiv, March 31, 2020
North Macedonia Accession to NATO Aims to Maintain Unipolarity in Multipolarity Age By Paul Antonopoulos, March 31, 2020
Brits Unite Against Coronavirus; but How Long Will the Solidarity Last? By Johanna Ross, March 31, 2020
Civilized, Barbarians, Savages By Antonio C. S. Rosa, March 30, 2020
Déjà Vu: Why the WHO Faked the H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic in 2009 By Michael Fumento, March 30, 2020
COVID-19 Lockdown: A Global Human Experiment By Vigilant Citizen, March 30, 2020
Coronavirus Is More Than a Health Disaster – It’s a Human Calamity By Peter Koenig, March 30, 2020
A Virologist and Specialist in Coronaviruses and Respiratory Diseases Explains By Marc Wathelet, March 30, 2020
Handout or Bailout? Transferring Trillions to the Super-Rich. “Crumbs” for US Households By Stephen Lendman, March 30, 2020
Nepal: Turn Around and Realize Your Neighbor — China By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 30, 2020
Murphy Organizes Senate Effort to Call for Ease of US Sanctions Hindering Response to COVID-19 By US Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut, March 30, 2020
COVID-19, Urgent Reassessment, Diagnosis and Basic Principles of Infectiology: Open Letter from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi to German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel By Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, March 30, 2020
The Power of Fear By Stephen Lendman, March 30, 2020
Midnight on Planet Lockdown: Dylan Strikes Again By Pepe Escobar, March 30, 2020
Murder Most Foul: Dylan Recognizes Another “Hit” When He Sees One By John Kirby, March 30, 2020
U.S., Canada Side with Fanatical Coup Regime in Bolivia By Asad Ismi, March 30, 2020
Netanyahu Uses Coronavirus to Lure Rival Gantz Into ‘Emergency’ Government By Jonathan Cook, March 30, 2020
DOJ Seeks to Exploit Coronavirus Emergency to Detain People Indefinitely By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 30, 2020
US ‘Granting Waivers’ to Release Iranian Assets for Coronavirus Fight: Iranian Sources By Rohollah Faghihi, March 30, 2020
Cuba – An Example of Solidarity in a Time of Crisis By Nino Pagliccia, March 30, 2020
Putin Says ‘the Rich Must Pay’ for the Coronavirus By Mike Whitney, March 30, 2020
US Sanctions Against Iran: Double Illegitimacy at the Time of Covid-19 By Saïdeh Khadir, March 30, 2020
Coronavirus Shutdown and the Worldwide Corporate Debt Crisis By Christian Parenti and Dante Dallavalle, March 30, 2020
As World Struggles to Stop Deaths, Far Right Celebrates COVID-19 By Michael Colborne, March 30, 2020
The Decade of Transformation Is Here: Remaking the Economy for the People By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 30, 2020
A Report on Successful Treatment of Coronavirus By Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, March 30, 2020
US Senators Request to Ease Sanctions Against Venezuela, Iran By Telesur, March 30, 2020
With a Quarter of the World’s Population Under US Sanctions, Countries Appeal to UN to Intervene By Alan MacLeod, March 30, 2020
U.S. Troops Out of Iraq By Mairead Maguire, March 30, 2020
Trump Regime Plotting More War in Iraq? By Stephen Lendman, March 30, 2020
Coronavirus: Where Did It Come From? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 29, 2020
Video: Kurdish Militias Start New Dangerous Game in Northern Syria By South Front, March 29, 2020
USA Activates New Phase of Violence and Coup d’état Against Venezuela By République bolivarienne du Venezuela, March 29, 2020
A Reflection on Trump “The War President” By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 29, 2020
Corona Pandemic: Oligarchs and Politicians Do Not Let a Crisis Go to Waste By Adeyinka Makinde, March 29, 2020
Barbaric Decisions: Coronavirus, Refusing Bail and Julian Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 29, 2020
Italy Leans on Russia After the EU Fails to Deliver. Russian Doctors and Disinfection Units. New Alliances Emerging By Steven Sahiounie, March 29, 2020
“Narco-Terrorism” and the Maduro Bounty Indictment as a Prelude to Panamanian-Style Racist Aggression By Black Alliance for Peace, March 29, 2020
Covid-19 Hysteria Vs. Your Actual (Very Low) Chance of Dying By Ulson Gunnar, March 29, 2020
Video: The Istanbul Canal as an Instrument of Erdogan’s Multipolarity By South Front, March 29, 2020
COVID-19: Martial Law, Digital Currency, and World Government By Kurt Nimmo, March 29, 2020
Hydroxychloroquine to treat Coronavirus Patients: Are the Nevada Governor and President of France in the Pay of Big-Pharma? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 29, 2020
Coronavirus: The Likely Causes and Consequences of Its Rapid Emergence By Shane Quinn, March 29, 2020
Lockdown Lunacy By Hadas Magen and Globes, March 29, 2020
Corona: An Epidemic of Mass Panic By Prof. Peter C. Gøtzsche, March 29, 2020
Trump Signs Corporate Bailout Bill: A Measure That Will Live in Infamy By Stephen Lendman, March 28, 2020
COVID-19 and Economic Duress: A Pretext to Enhance Police State Powers? Suspension of Constitutional Rights During COVID-19? By Stephen Lendman, March 28, 2020
Racism and “Dreams of Extermination” in Puerto Rico: U.S. Biological Warfare and the Legacy of Dr. Cornelius Rhoads By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 28, 2020
Coronavirus Epidemic in America? Can We Trust the Data? How Much Does it Cost to Get a COVID-19 Test? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 27, 2020
Covid-19: The Panic Is Worse Than the Pathogen By Tony Cartalucci, March 27, 2020
Media Repeat Phony Trump Regime Narco-Terrorism Charges against Maduro By Stephen Lendman, March 27, 2020
Whither Coronavirus? When Will It End and What Will Happen Along the Way By Philip Giraldi, March 27, 2020
Western Media Focusses On Big Pharma’s Search for a Coronavirus Vaccine While Suppressing Coverage of High Dose Intravenus Vitamin C to Save Lives in China By Dr. Leon Tressell, March 27, 2020
Why Is the U.S. So Exceptionally Vulnerable to Covid-19? By Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 27, 2020
911 Truth: WTC 7 Not Destroyed by Fire, Concludes Final University of Alaska Fairbanks Report By AE911Truth, March 27, 2020
Lockerbie’s Only Convict May be Exonerated Posthumously By Dr. Mustafa Fetouri, March 27, 2020
Why France Is Hiding a Cheap and Tested Virus Cure By Pepe Escobar, March 27, 2020
Doctors, Not Bombs… “Educated in the Idea of Saving Lives” By Fidel Castro, March 27, 2020
Venezuela Dismisses US Justice Department ‘Narco-terrorism’ Accusations By Lucas Koerner and Ricardo Vaz, March 27, 2020
Video: Mighty “Moderate Rebels” Pressure Turkish Army in Idlib. US-led Coalition Is Crumbling By South Front, March 27, 2020
Covid-19: Lithuania on the Brink of a Catastrophe By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 27, 2020
Real Virus, Fake Shock By Mark Taliano, March 27, 2020
Bolsonaro Needs Help to Overcome Coronavirus Pandemic Despite Loyalty to Trump By Paul Antonopoulos, March 27, 2020