Latest News and Top Stories

Sanders Quits Race, Endorsement of Corporatist/Warmonger Biden to Follow By Stephen Lendman, April 09, 2020
NATO Still Seeks Expansion in Ukraine and Georgia Despite Coronavirus Pandemic By Paul Antonopoulos, April 09, 2020
Beyond Words. Assange’s COVID-19 Bail Related Application By Craig Murray, April 09, 2020
Libya War Was Based on Lies, Bogus Intelligence, NATO Supported and Armed the Rebels. British Parliamentary Report By Washington's Blog, April 09, 2020
Video: Mutant Viruses. Makes Me Nervous with All that Weird Stuff Floating Around By Global Research News, April 08, 2020
‘Collateral Murder’ and the My Lai Massacre By Joe Lauria, April 08, 2020
Bureaucrat: Stay Home and Starve By Kurt Nimmo, April 08, 2020
End the Shutdown; It’s Time for Resurrection! By Rep. Ron Paul, April 08, 2020
Life in Gaza: Dispatches From Palestine on COVID-19 By Asmaa Tayeh, Prof. Weeam Hammoudeh, and Aaron Lakoff, April 08, 2020
Putin Believes that the Situation in Russia with the Coronavirus Is “Complicated but Not Hopeless” By Archyde, April 08, 2020
As Washington Privatized Pandemic Preparation, the National Security State Left Americans Defenseless Against Coronavirus By Gareth Porter, April 08, 2020
More People Died of Suicide Last Week in Tennessee Than COVID-19 By Mac Slavo, April 08, 2020
Corporate Buybacks Artificially Inflated Stock Prices to Bubble Levels By Stephen Lendman, April 08, 2020
UK- Australia COVID-19 Deaths, Deprivation Deaths in Developing Countries, Indigenous Avoidable Deaths By Gideon Polya, April 08, 2020
Prisons: Breeding Grounds for Disease. Julian Assange’s Life in Danger By Stephen Lendman, April 08, 2020
Neoliberalism, Climate Change and the Future of Architecture By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, April 08, 2020
Video: Infighting Among Turkish Proxies Erupts in Syria. Rocket Strike Hits US-operated Oil Facility in Iraq By South Front, April 08, 2020
Julian Assange and Lockdown Injustice By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 08, 2020
Open Letter to Condemn Trump Administration’s Hypocritical Indictment on Drug Charges of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and High-Ranking Venezuelan Officials By Alliance for Global Justice and Code Pink, April 08, 2020
COVID-19 in Democratic Republic of the Congo (CRC): Hoping for the Best, Preparing for the Worst By Dr. Jean-Claude Maswana and Ann Garrison, April 08, 2020
The U.S. Should Fight COVID, Not Venezuela. The Danger of Military Action By Leonardo Flores, April 08, 2020
“The Lancet” on Nicaragua – Cynical Disinformation Posing as Concern By Stephen Sefton, April 08, 2020
Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu By Lisa Lockerd Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., April 08, 2020
They Told Us So. “This Was Not a Strike out of the Blue”. Towards A New World Order… By Jim Miles, April 08, 2020
Coronavirus: The Great Geopolitical Leveller By Johanna Ross, April 08, 2020
The COVID-19 Catastrophe: A Global Platform to Take Legal Action against the WHO and Corrupt Governments By Jose Francisco Fernández-Bullón, April 08, 2020
Video: US Confirms Deployment of Patriot Missiles in Iraq. Iran Prepares for Conflict in Strait of Hormuz By South Front, April 08, 2020
Quercetin: A Made-in-Canada Solution to the Coronavirus Outbreak? By Nick Taylor-Vaisey, April 07, 2020
The COVID-19 Crisis: The Homeless and the Poor. How Can We Help Those under Duress By Hassanal Noor Rashid, April 07, 2020
Video: Collateral Murder 10 Years On By Kristinn Hrafnsson, April 07, 2020
Video: New York Medical Doctor: Is COVID-19 Really ARDS? Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome? It’s Not Pneumonia? By Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, April 07, 2020
Trump and the COV-19 Hydroxychloroquine Cure By Andrew Korybko, April 07, 2020
Letter from President Nicolás Maduro to the People of the United States By Nicolas Maduro, April 07, 2020
‘It Is Disease that Makes Health Sweet and Good’ By Pepe Escobar, April 07, 2020
COVID-19’s Challenge to the Christian Church: What Would Jesus Do? By John W. Whitehead, April 07, 2020
COVID-19: A Pretext for World Government and Totalitarianism By Kurt Nimmo, April 07, 2020
Greece and Turkey Clash in NATO Teleconference Waging Mini War of Words By Paul Antonopoulos, April 07, 2020
Britain on the Brink: Boris Johnson Moved to Intensive Care By Johanna Ross, April 07, 2020
Targeting Iran While America Locks Down By Philip Giraldi, April 07, 2020
Nicaragua and COVID-19 – Western Media’s Best Kept Secret By Jorge Capelan, April 07, 2020
COVID19 Distance-Learning Rules Help Big Tech Shut Down Brick-and-Mortar Public Schools, Replace Human Teachers with Artificial Intelligence (AI) By John Klyczek, April 07, 2020
Coronavirus: Sanctions and Suffering By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, April 07, 2020
Ecuadorian Humanitarian Catastrophe Amidst Pandemic By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 07, 2020
A Tale of Two Stockpiles: Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr. on the Anniversary of His Murder in a Pandemic Year By Brian Terrell, April 07, 2020
Venezuelan Leader Pens Open Letter to US Public By Telesur, April 07, 2020
Coronavirus Being Used to Scare You Away from Using Cash By Nick Hankoff, April 07, 2020
Bread Lines in the US By Stephen Lendman, April 07, 2020
COVID19 – Can Britain Avert the Coming Catastrophe By True Publica, April 07, 2020
Global Research Strives for Peace By The Global Research Team, April 06, 2020
Washington Slams Cuba’s Doctors as US Embargo Blocks Coronavirus Aid By Dave DeCamp, April 06, 2020
Ten Years Since WikiLeaks Published the “Collateral Murder” Video By Oscar Grenfell, April 06, 2020
Who Is “Winning” and Who Is “Losing”.The “Transnational Corona Crisis” is Fabricated on a Bedrock of Unreliable Evidence. By Mark Taliano, April 06, 2020
Assange Extradition: Assange Won’t be Released Amid Virus Crisis, Australian Newswire Reports By Consortiumnews, April 06, 2020
Iran’s Call for Sanctions Removal Rejected Due to US’ Bullying: MFA By Mehrnews, April 06, 2020
“The Coronavirus pandemic is Magnifying the Cruelty of US Foreign Policy”: The Decade of Transformation: Remaking International Relations By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, April 06, 2020
Doomsday Thinking: Imagining End Times By Greg Guma, April 06, 2020
Henry Kissinger Calls for a New Post-Covid World Order By Mike Whitney, April 06, 2020
COVID-19 a Diabolical Totalitarian Plot? By Stephen Lendman, April 06, 2020
The Troubled Middle East: An Endless Cauldron of Violence By Stephen Lendman, April 06, 2020
The Revival Of OPEC+ Is the Next Step in the New Detente By Andrew Korybko, April 06, 2020
Corona Pandemic: The Perfect Scapegoat for the Financial and ‘Everything Bubble’ Market Crash: The Great Depression 2.0 By Sianny Rooney, April 06, 2020
Turn Self Isolation Into Self Liberation! Covid-19 and the “Law of Unintended Consequences” By Julian Rose, April 06, 2020
Henry Kissinger: “The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order”. Depopulation is on the Agenda By Stephen Lendman, April 06, 2020
People, Profit and Planned Economy By Massoud Nayeri, April 06, 2020
A Globalized World Economy, COVID-19 and China’s “Health Silk Road” By Sara Flounders, April 06, 2020
University Bailouts, Funding and Coronavirus By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 06, 2020
Internal Documents: Monsanto Knew for Years Their Products Damaged Farms By Mac Slavo, April 06, 2020
The Italian Quarantine By Baret Magarian, April 06, 2020
COVID-19 Reveals Why Medicare for All Is an Idea Whose Time Has Come By Stephen Lendman, April 06, 2020
Was the Federal Reserve Just Nationalized? By Ellen Brown, April 06, 2020
Video: Syrian Soldiers Killed in Turkish Strikes in Idlib. Kurdish Rebels Attack Turkish Proxies in Afrin By South Front, April 05, 2020
COVID-19 Depression: Trump Needs a War By Kurt Nimmo, April 05, 2020
Boastful Pay Cuts: The Coronavirus Incentive By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 05, 2020
Switching Focus: From the Coronavirus Crisis to the Cuban Missile Crisis By Shane Quinn, April 05, 2020
Big Brother in the Age of Coronavirus: 100+ Groups Warn Against Exploiting Pandemic to Permanently Expand Surveillance State By Jessica Corbett, April 05, 2020
Coronavirus in Albania and the Presence of Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) in Tirana. By Robert Fantina, April 05, 2020
Coronavirus Pandemic Will Inevitably Cause Food Crisis By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 05, 2020
A Simple “Democratic Transition” Framework for Venezuela: End All “Sanctions” By Nino Pagliccia, April 05, 2020
Covid-19: Have “Real Journalists” Forgotten the H1N1 Scandal They Reported On? By Tony Cartalucci, April 05, 2020
How Deadly Is the Coronavirus? It’s Still Far from Clear By John Lee, April 05, 2020