Latest News and Top Stories

Tales of Resistance: ‘The Cheapest Gasoline in the World’ By Jessica Dos Santos, June 29, 2020
The Gates / Fauci Vaccine Developed by Moderna. Video Featuring Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Andrew Kaufman By Lila York, June 29, 2020
Kosovo and Metohija is an Integral Part of Serbia By Živadin Jovanović, June 28, 2020
‘Ordinary’ Israelis Don’t Perceive Themselves as Ordinary People By Rima Najjar, June 28, 2020
Trump Unloads on Bolton After Bolton Unloads on Trump By Philip Giraldi, June 28, 2020
US Middle East Wars Far from Over By Tony Cartalucci, June 28, 2020
Phony Experts with Veiled Conflicts of Interest Polluting Debates on GMOs, Glyphosate, Endocrine Disruptors By Jonathan Matthews, June 28, 2020
Video: Idlib Militants Use Battle Tanks to Kill Each Other Under Turkish Nose By South Front, June 28, 2020
What Happens if Congress and the White House Let Unemployment Benefits Expire? By Stephen Lendman, June 28, 2020
Fear in the JFK Assassination: Continued Secrecy, Fraudulent Autopsy By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 28, 2020
Is the Deep State Attempting a Hybrid War in Mexico? By Nino Pagliccia, June 28, 2020
Why Iran Won’t be Broken By Pepe Escobar, June 28, 2020
US Plans to Break Up China: CIA Funding for Terrorists, Narco-trafficking and Proxies By Shane Quinn, June 28, 2020
Trump Regime Imposes Visa Restrictions on Chinese Officials By Stephen Lendman, June 28, 2020
The Sin Just Continues! By Philip A Farruggio, June 28, 2020
“COVID Cases” Versus the Real Virus By Mark Taliano, June 28, 2020
Building an Antiwar Perspective: Ten Questions to Guide a Reset of Canada’s Foreign Policy By Bianca Mugyenyi, June 28, 2020
Major Mexican Cartels: Drug Wars and Business By South Front, June 27, 2020
Fraud, Money Laundering and Narcotics. Impunity of the Banking Giants By Tom Burghardt, June 26, 2020
Afghanistan, Garden of Empire: America’s Multibillion Dollar Opium Harvest By Julien Mercille, June 26, 2020
New US Anti-China Measure: Towards Rupture and Confrontation with China By Stephen Lendman, June 26, 2020
Workers on the Edge in Bangladesh. Covid Lockdown Undermines Garment Industry By Asad Ismi, June 26, 2020
NATO at the Helm of Italian Foreign Policy By Manlio Dinucci, June 26, 2020
Abraham Lincoln and Karl Marx: ‘Death to Slavery’ By John Wight, June 26, 2020
Stop Treating Israel as a State Above the Law and End Annexation By Saeb Erekat, June 26, 2020
Again, What Were the Benefits of Locking Down? By Edward Peter Stringham, June 26, 2020
Get Ready for ‘Shock and Awe’ Brexit Propaganda Campaign By True Publica, June 26, 2020
Iran Sets Conditions to Resume Negotiations with the US By Telesur, June 26, 2020
MSM “Fake News” Against Syria. Describe Al Qaeda as “Rebels”, Elected President as “Dictator” By Steven Sahiounie, June 26, 2020
Spanish Government Moves Forward on Hypervigilance Project. Towards a Surveillance Police State By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 26, 2020
Journalist Julian Assange Charged with New American Indictment By Dr. Leon Tressell, June 26, 2020
Video: Clashes Rage Between Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham and Other Al-Qaeda Groups in Idlib By South Front, June 26, 2020
CHOP-CHAZ Folds, Throws Support Behind Joe Biden By Kurt Nimmo, June 26, 2020
Indicting Hashim Thaçi: The Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office Gets Busy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 26, 2020
Geopolitical Destabilization: India’s US-Backed “Decoupling” from China Is a Very Dangerous Development By Andrew Korybko, June 26, 2020
War Crimes: US Destruction of North Korea Must Not be Forgotten By Brett Wilkins, June 26, 2020
What’s Happening to Michigan’s Insects? A Farmer’s Tale. By Brian Allnutt, June 26, 2020
Eastern Partnership of Post-Soviet States Gives Members False Illusions of Joining the EU By Paul Antonopoulos, June 26, 2020
Media Executive Warns that Big Tech Is Secretively Seizing “All the Power” over Information By Steve Watson, June 25, 2020
The US “Soft War” on Iran and Its Allies Turns Against Washington By Elijah J. Magnier, June 25, 2020
Deregulating GMOs via the UK’s Agriculture Bill – What Happens Next? By Pat Thomas, June 25, 2020
Beyond COVID-19 Aid, Ethiopia Hoists Africa’s Flag By Kester Kenn Klomegah, June 25, 2020
Meng, Huawei and Canadian Law: Soap, Rinse and Dry-Laundered By Harry Glasbeek, June 25, 2020
UN Secretary General Urges ‘Israel’ to Cancel the Annexation of the West Bank By QudsN, June 25, 2020
Fear in the John F. Kennedy Assassination. “Some Americans Consider the Possibility that it Was A Regime Change Operation” By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 25, 2020
UN Security Council Members Slam Illegal Israeli Annexation Scheme By Stephen Lendman, June 25, 2020
US Sends Powerful Message to Iran, Venezuela as Warship Sails Near Caracas By Almasdar News, June 25, 2020
US Government Expands Assange Indictment to Criminalize Assistance Provided to Edward Snowden By Kevin Gosztola, June 25, 2020
Trump Admitted Relocation of American Soldiers to Poland Is Aimed Against Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, June 25, 2020
UK Health Ministry Has No Records on Turkish Protective Equipment (PPE) Fiasco and Won’t Say if Files Destroyed By Ian Cobain, June 25, 2020
Video: Infighting Among Idlib Al Qaeda Radicals Resumes with Renewed Energy By South Front, June 25, 2020
War is Good for Business and Organized Crime: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Opium Trade. Rising Heroin Addiction in the US By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 25, 2020
Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the Neoliberal Color Revolution in America By Kurt Nimmo, June 25, 2020
Bolton Weaves a Tall Tale in His Venezuela Chapter By Leonardo Flores, June 25, 2020
Bolton’s Memoir Bolts from the Stable By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 25, 2020
The Struggle against Racism in the United States By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 25, 2020
Trudeau Should Withdraw from the Lima Group, Rescind Sanctions on Venezuela By Arnold August, June 25, 2020
Capitalism and the Throttling of Democracy in India By Colin Todhunter, June 25, 2020
Normal Human Virome: 2017 Study Finds HIV, Hepatitis and Many Other Viruses Present in People By Makia Freeman, June 24, 2020
This Way Lies Madness: The Summer of Hate Meets the Age of Intolerance By John W. Whitehead, June 24, 2020
Rechargeable Electric Car Batteries. Strategic Raw Materials By UNCTAD, June 24, 2020
First Ebola, then COVID-19. The Plight of West Africa By Hazel Healy, June 24, 2020
COVID-19 and the Dire Living Conditions of India’s Bottom Half Billion By Joseph D’Souza, June 24, 2020
Public Library Closures: Covid and the Act of Sanitizing Human Cultures By Brett Jordan, June 24, 2020
NATO 2030: How to Make a Bad Idea Worse. Expanding the “Atlantic Alliance” into the Pacific… By Matthew Ehret-Kump, June 24, 2020
“Greater Israel” in the Making: Netanyahu Regime’s Illegal Annexation Scheme Nears Implementation By Stephen Lendman, June 24, 2020
Troubling India-China Border Skirmishes. Dangerous Game. Was Washington Involved in Spearheading Conflict? By Stephen Lendman, June 24, 2020
Video: The Social Impacts and Economic Dimensions of the Drug Trade By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Mehrnews, June 24, 2020
Behind the Veil of the Protest Movement, the War on the American People Is Gaining Pace By Mike Whitney, June 24, 2020
Video: “Militants” Launch Massive Drone Attack on Russian Airbase in Syria By South Front, June 24, 2020
Chinagate Is the Craziest Conspiracy Theory Yet. Alleged Pro-Trump Election Meddling By Andrew Korybko, June 24, 2020
Bayer Pays $10 Billion to Settle Thousands of Monsanto Glyphosate Lawsuits By Zero Hedge, June 24, 2020
China vs India: Who Benefits? US Meddling By Tony Cartalucci, June 24, 2020
Filing Challenges Trump Administration Approval of Alaska LNG Project By Center For Biological Diversity, June 24, 2020
Dishonour on the Bench: Dyson Heydon and the Australian High Court By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 24, 2020
Leading Scientists Conclude Elephant Poaching in Africa Has Not Decreased in Past Decade By Environmental Investigation Agency, June 24, 2020
Is the JCPOA Nuclear Deal Doomed? By Stephen Lendman, June 23, 2020
Trump’s Advisor Peter Navarro’s Dangerous Agenda. Preventing “Made in China” from Entering the US Market? By Junaid S. Ahmad, June 23, 2020
“Beyond the Pandemic, Geopolitics as Usual”. A Permanent Brainwash By Michel Raimbaud, June 23, 2020
If Trump Is Thinking About a Meeting with Maduro, What About Trudeau? By Arnold August, June 23, 2020