Latest News and Top Stories

Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk COVID-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis By Dr. Harvey Risch, August 02, 2020
Video: Turkey Cries Foul About Deployment of Egyptian Troops in Idlib. What’s Going On? By South Front, August 02, 2020
Video: Covid-19 Lies and Fraud: How the Fear Campaign is Affecting US Hospitals and Clinics By Dr. Dareld Morris and Mark Taliano, August 02, 2020
Seattle’s “Bolshevik Revolution” By Mike Whitney, August 02, 2020
“Doctors for the Truth” Speak Out in Madrid, Denounce Covid-19 “False Pandemic” By Doctors for the Truth, August 02, 2020
Malaysia: Former Prime Minister Najib Razak Found Guilty in Fraud Trial By Telesur, August 02, 2020
Congress Fails to Agree on Extending Aid to Jobless Americans By Stephen Lendman, August 02, 2020
Deteriorating Sino/US Relations: From Engagement to Containment and Confrontation By Stephen Lendman, August 02, 2020
Racism, Sexism, Classism: Incoherence of ‘Mainstream’ Ethical Debate. Obfuscating Crimes against Humanity By Media Lens, July 31, 2020
Will Hezbollah Seek Revenge Against Israel? By Paul Antonopoulos, July 31, 2020
Ecological Civilization
Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Attack on Landmark Environmental Law By Center For Biological Diversity, July 31, 2020
Foreign Interference in Elections: Is It Real or Just Political Noise? By Philip Giraldi, July 31, 2020
The Ultimate Divide and Conquer: Submission, Social Conformity, Terror Campaign By Russ Bangs, July 31, 2020
Malaysian Parliament Calls for the Expulsion of Israel from the United Nations By Days of Palestine, July 31, 2020
US institutions
Psychological Warfare: The CIA Then and Now: Old Wine in New Bottles By Edward Curtin, July 31, 2020
UN Officials Cite Study that Finds Lockdowns, School Closures Killing More Children than COVID By Steve Watson, July 31, 2020
A “Brazen Giveaway” GOP HEALS Act Is a $30 Billion Bonanza for the Pentagon By Alan MacLeod, July 31, 2020
China Calls to Confront US Bullying and Uphold Multilateralism By Telesur, July 31, 2020
US Oil Company Signs Deal with Syrian Kurds By Amberin Zaman, July 31, 2020
Boeing Posts Massive Loss, Burns $5.3 Billion as Aircraft Production Slows and Debt Explodes By Zero Hedge, July 31, 2020
Let’s Defund the Pentagon, Too By John Horgan, July 31, 2020
Syrian Christians in Aleppo, Victims of US-EU Sanctions By Steven Sahiounie, July 31, 2020
Turkey’s Erdogan: From Haga Sophia to the Shores of Tripoli and Beyond By F. William Engdahl, July 31, 2020
“The War That Ended Peace”. How the West Stole Democracy from the Arabs By Jim Miles, July 31, 2020
“Operation Gideon”: The Amphibious Assault against Venezuela. By Jack Delaney, July 31, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Uncovers Organ Trading Hub of Turkish-backed Militants in Southern Idlib By South Front, July 31, 2020
Video: “Planet of the Humans”: Michael Moore’s Documentary By Michael Moore, July 31, 2020
Journalism Under Attack in Assange Case By Asad Ismi, July 31, 2020
Video: Covid-19 and the Censorship of Medical Doctors. LancetGate and the Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 30, 2020
China and Iran to Sign Comprehensive Economic and Security Deal. Reviving Atoms for Peace By Matthew Ehret-Kump, July 30, 2020
Video: Turkey Shifts Focus to Southern Libya Amid Stalemate Near Sirte By South Front, July 30, 2020
Military Escalation, Dangerous Crossroads in US-China Relations: Mike Pompeo Goes Wild By Stephen Lendman, July 30, 2020
One Nation Under House Arrest: How Do COVID-19 Mandates Impact Our Freedoms? By John W. Whitehead, July 30, 2020
Dangerous Crossroads: Australian Government Signs Up to US Military, Diplomatic and Economic Confrontation with China By Mike Head, July 30, 2020
Yemen: A Torrent of Suffering in a Time of Siege By Kathy Kelly, July 30, 2020
The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. Hydroxychloroquine. We Need to Start Using It By Dr. Harvey Risch, July 30, 2020
Wireless Radiation: Russian Government Recommends Banning Wi-Fi and Cell Phones in Primary Schools By Dafna Tachover, July 30, 2020
Commemorating US Occupation of Haiti By Yves Engler, July 30, 2020
The True Face of Covid-19: Fear and “Shock Therapy” to Impose a Totalitarian Society? By Dr. Pascal Sacré, July 29, 2020
Iranian Military Exercises Prepare to Counter Aggression if Occurs By Stephen Lendman, July 29, 2020
Video: Hezbollah-Israeli Escalation on Lebanese Border. Rocket Strikes against US Bases in Iraq By South Front, July 29, 2020
Trump Is Daring Us to Stop Him By Sonali Kolhatkar, July 29, 2020
Video: Doctors from the #WhiteCoatSummit Host Second Press Conference at SCOTUS By Frontline Doctors, July 29, 2020
Elon Musk Confesses to Lithium Coup in Bolivia By Telesur, July 29, 2020
Post-Brexit Agrochemical Apocalypse for the UK? By Colin Todhunter, July 29, 2020
U.S. Household Eviction Crisis: 43% of American Renters Now Face Risk of Eviction By Eric Zuesse, July 29, 2020
U.S. Is Pushing for a New Provocation Against Serbia over the Kosovo Issue By Paul Antonopoulos, July 29, 2020
Chinese Participation in 5G Auction Could Save Brazilian Economy By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 29, 2020
It Is Now the “Israel-led” Coalition that Is Destroying Yemen By Karin Brothers, July 29, 2020
Romanticism and the Modern World: Re-Examining Emotion and Justice in Enlightenment Ideals By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, July 29, 2020
Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors’ Coronavirus Press Conference By Allum Bokhari, July 29, 2020
American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Sues the FDA to End Its Arbitrary Restrictions on Hydroxychloroquine By Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, July 29, 2020
Crash the Economy, Burn the Cities, Infect the People: The Destabilization Plan to “Remake America” By Mike Whitney, July 29, 2020
Julian Assange’s Political Indictment: Old Wine in Older Bottles By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 29, 2020
New “Brain Science” Specialization, “Neuroetics”: Remote Control of Human Thinking, Neuroweapons, “Personality Simulations”, Nanobotes By Mojmir Babacek, July 28, 2020
How a Police Spy’s Stunning Testimony Threatens the Official US-Israeli AMIA Bombing Narrative By Gareth Porter, July 28, 2020
China Is to Stay in Latin America and US Has No Choice but to Accept By Paul Antonopoulos, July 28, 2020
Public Money to Plunder the Planet: Development Banks Fund Big Meat and Dairy By Shefali Sharma, July 28, 2020
Does My Jesus Really Support Trump? By Philip A Farruggio, July 28, 2020
Video: Israel Reinforces Troops Near Golan Heights Fearing Hezbollah Retaliation to Strikes on Syria By South Front, July 28, 2020
China, Militarism and Bipartisan Games By Ajamu Baraka, July 28, 2020
China’s Vision in a Post-COVID World By Peter Koenig, July 28, 2020
The Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection and Schools (HEALS) Act. The GOP’s Let ‘Em Eat Cake Stimulus Plan’ By Stephen Lendman, July 28, 2020
Human Rights Fraud from Ukraine to Nicaragua By Stephen Sefton, July 28, 2020
Climate Change: “Mind-blowing” Warnings from Arctic and Antarctica By Andy Rowell, July 28, 2020
What Is Morally Wrong with Discrimination? A Kantian Analysis By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, July 28, 2020
The Beginning of the U.S.-Iran Hot War? By Sina Toossi, July 28, 2020
Brazil: Labor Union Sues Bolsonaro for Crimes Against Humanity By Telesur, July 28, 2020
Venezuela Rejects Washington’s ‘Wild West’ Bounty Against Chief Justice Moreno By Paul Dobson, July 28, 2020
Fedcoin: A New Scheme for Tyranny and Poverty By Rep. Ron Paul, July 28, 2020
Heightened Tensions Along the Lebanese/Israeli Border By Stephen Lendman, July 28, 2020
VIDEO: Covid-19 and “The Spiderweb of Fear”. American Medical Doctors and Health Experts are being Silenced… By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 28, 2020
Global Research TV: New Video Interviews Coming Soon… By The Global Research Team, July 28, 2020
What Will Happen to Neoliberalism after the COVID-19 Crisis? Will It Survive? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, July 27, 2020
The U.S. Empire Is Ending? A Turning Point in World History By Eric Zuesse, July 27, 2020
Overinflated Covid Death Counts: Gunshot Wounds, Parkinson’s Disease, Car Accidents. Incorrectly Attributed to COVID-19. By Zero Hedge, July 27, 2020
Capitalism Is the Parasite; Capitalism Is the Virus By Prof. Matthew Flisfeder, July 27, 2020
News and “Fake” News By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, July 27, 2020
Mephistopheles of Wall Street: Goldman Sachs, 1MDB and the “Malaysia Settlement” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 27, 2020
Cuba’s Nobel Nomination and Baldwin’s Call to “Begin Again” By Prof Susan Babbitt, July 27, 2020