Latest News and Top Stories

Video: Russian S-300 Air Defense System Spotted in Libya? By South Front, August 07, 2020
America had first Contemplated Nuclear War against both China and North Korea in 1950 By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 07, 2020
The Heart of the Matter in the South China Sea By Pepe Escobar, August 07, 2020
Beirut: “It was not an Accident”. Former Member of Israel Knesset Declares Lebanon Blast as “Gift from God”. By Middle East Monitor, August 07, 2020
Cyprus Is No Longer a Tax Haven for Russia’s Oligarchs By Paul Antonopoulos, August 07, 2020
Impacts of 5G Wireless Radiation on Children’s Health: CHD Law Suit against FCC By Children’s Health Defense, August 07, 2020
“Conspiracy Theory” – What Is It? By Peter Koenig, August 06, 2020
Global Research Newsletter Temporarily Suspended By The Global Research Team, August 06, 2020
The Covid-19 Pandemic, Does It Exist? The Truth is Being Obliterated. The Global Elite’s Campaign Against Humanity By Robert J. Burrowes, August 06, 2020
There Is No Political Solution to the Syrian Conflict By Steven Sahiounie, August 06, 2020
Voting Fraud Is Real: The U.S. Electoral System Is Vulnerable By Philip Giraldi, August 06, 2020
On the Enduring Significance of Hiroshima after 75 Years By Canadian Peace Congress, August 06, 2020
Can Trump Legally Suspend Payroll Taxes by Executive Order? By Stephen Lendman, August 06, 2020
“Weapons of Mass Radiation”: Hundreds of 5G Spy Satellites Launched into the Ionosphere By Julian Rose, August 06, 2020
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS): To Nancy Pelosi — Did Russia Hack the DNC Emails? By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, August 06, 2020
Wearing the Mask is Mandatory in Quebec: The Legault Government’s Legitimacy Questioned By Dr. Micheline Ladouceur, August 06, 2020
Huawei and 5G Technology. US-China Confrontation By Azhar Azam, August 06, 2020
The Lessons We Haven’t Learned By Dr. Helen Caldicott, August 06, 2020
Taxing the Rich. Imposing A “Pigou Wealth Tax” in the Time of COVID-19 By Kavaljit Singh, August 06, 2020
Trump Administration Approves the “Stealing” of Syria’s Oil By TRT World, August 06, 2020
Video: War Drums Beat in the Middle East and the Beirut Explosion By South Front, August 06, 2020
Covid Aid, Relief and Economic Security. The CARES Act: Is the Money is Going the More Prosperous Neighbourhoods? By Bart Naylor and Ann Garrison, August 06, 2020
Watch Enormous Beirut Blast from 15 Synchronized Camera Angles as Mystery Surrounding Its Cause Persists By RT News, August 06, 2020
Legacies of African American Struggle: Rev. C.T. Vivian and Rep. John Lewis Efforts to Dismantle “Legalized Segregation” By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 06, 2020
Brazil’s Money Laundering Scandal from Hell By Pepe Escobar, August 06, 2020
Bangkok Political Unrest. Is the US Funding Protesters to Attack Thailand’s Military and Monarchy? By Tony Cartalucci, August 05, 2020
Hydroxychloroquine: An Effective COVID Treatment the Media Continues to Tag as “A Dangerous Drug” By Dr. Steven Hatfill, August 05, 2020
Up to 300,000 Left Homeless by Beirut Explosion: Live Updates By Ted Regencia, Linah Alsaafin, and Farah Najjar, August 05, 2020
5 August 2019: The Kashmir Conflict and the Aksai Chin Border Clash, A Dark Day for India-China Relations By Andrew Korybko, August 05, 2020
US-German Relations Are Beyond Repair as Result of Decades-long Clash of Views & Ideas. Troop Pullout Is Only a Symptom By Scott Ritter, August 05, 2020
Breaking: Israel Bombed Beirut? By Richard Silverstein, August 05, 2020
US War on Chinese Enterprises By Stephen Lendman, August 05, 2020
Kashmir, India and Human Rights By Robert Fantina, August 05, 2020
COVID-19: Are We Being Misled Again by Big Pharma? By Third World Network, August 05, 2020
Devastating Beirut Explosion: An Accident or Something More Sinister? By Stephen Lendman, August 05, 2020
P Is for Predator State: The Building Blocks of Tyranny from A to Z By John W. Whitehead, August 05, 2020
Massive Explosion Destroys Beirut Harbor, Hundreds of Casualties By Arabi Souri, August 05, 2020
COVID-19: We have a Treatment: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). We do Not Need a Vaccine! By Dr. Pascal Sacré, August 04, 2020
Lithuania’s Alleged Involvement in 2014 Ukraine Maidan Coup. By Paul Antonopoulos, August 04, 2020
The Power Elite Has Always Run America. The Super Rich Bundled into the “Deep State” By Philip A Farruggio, August 04, 2020
Were the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a War Crime and a Crime Against Humanity? By Rossen Vassilev Jr., August 04, 2020
Reckless President Trump: Escalation of US Aggressive Posturing against China By Junaid S. Ahmad, August 04, 2020
State of Pandemic Disaster in Australia: Victoria Moves into Stage Four By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 04, 2020
The Tyranny of Lithium Extraction in Argentina By Yanis Iqbal, August 04, 2020
Censorship. Does the U.S. Military Assassinate Journalists? By Robert Fantina, August 04, 2020
Can Israelis Broaden Their Protests Beyond Netanyahu? By Jonathan Cook, August 04, 2020
Dutch Government Ditches the Mask. Political Pressure Exerted on Sovereign Governments? By John C. A. Manley, August 04, 2020
“ChinaGate” in the Making: US Hostility Toward China Is Bipartisan By Stephen Lendman, August 04, 2020
New Reports Suggest Libyan Warlord Khalifa Haftar Is Working with Mossad By Raul Diego, August 04, 2020
Despite Official Reports, China Has Been Importing Millions of Barrels of Iranian Crude Oil By Simon Watkins, August 04, 2020
Media Grossly Underestimates Massive Turnout at Berlin’s “End of the Pandemic” Protest By John C. A. Manley, August 04, 2020
Europeans Are Waking Up to Government COVID Tyranny. Why Are We Still Asleep? By Rep. Ron Paul, August 04, 2020
Empire Is the Root of U.S.-China Hostilities By Jacob G. Hornberger, August 04, 2020
Stories Of Economic Despair From America’s Worst Economic Downturn Since The Great Depression Of The 1930s By Michael Snyder, August 04, 2020
US GDP Collapses and Economic Rebound Fades By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 04, 2020
Australia-US (AUSMIN) Strategic Consultations. What To Do About China and the South China Sea By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 03, 2020
US Blasts Venezuela-Iran ‘Alliance of Pariah States’ By Ilya Tsukanov, August 03, 2020
Masks Are a Psychological Preparation for Mandatory Vaccinations By Prof. Bill Willers, August 03, 2020
“V For Vendetta”: Was V’s 2005 “Sermon” Warning Us of COVID-19(84) Tyranny? By John C. A. Manley, August 03, 2020
What They are Not Telling You! The Mask’s Impact on Your Health By Laura Ingraham, Dr. Pascal Sacré, and Dr. Russell Blaylock, August 03, 2020
Exempting Big Pharma from COVID-19 Vaccines Liability By Stephen Lendman, August 03, 2020
Pulling US Troops Out of Germany: Trump Adjusts the Military Furniture By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 03, 2020
Poland’s “Lublin Triangle” Will Create Lots of Trouble for Russia-Belarus Relations By Andrew Korybko, August 03, 2020
Reviving Soviet-era Confrontation with the United States, Russia Exposes Its Weakness in Africa By Kester Kenn Klomegah, August 03, 2020
U.S. Cold War China Policy Will Isolate the US, Not China By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, August 03, 2020
COVID-19 and the Reification of the US-China “Cold War” By Dr. Giulio Pugliese, August 03, 2020
Red Flags Soar as Big Pharma Will be Exempt from COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims By Zero Hedge, August 03, 2020
Can the International Criminal Court Hold the Trump Administration in Contempt? By Uzay Yasar Aysev, August 03, 2020
Another Hiroshima Is Coming — Unless We Stop It Now By John Pilger, August 03, 2020
Escalating Trump Regime Cold War on China By Stephen Lendman, August 03, 2020
What We Are Told and Not Told About the South China Sea By James ONeill, August 03, 2020
The Spirit of Apollo-Soyuz Is Alive… With the Russia/China Space Alliance By Matthew Ehret-Kump, August 03, 2020
Fires Are Raging in the Amazon—Again By Diego Gonzaga, August 03, 2020
The Coronavirus May be Novel, but It’s the Same Old Foreign Policy By Ted Snider, August 03, 2020
American Troops to Leave Germany: Is It Goodbye or Just Auf Wiedersehen? By Philip Giraldi, August 03, 2020
Brazilian Amazon Drained of Millions of Wild Animals by Criminal Networks: Report By Sharon Guynup, August 03, 2020
Fake Coronavirus Data, Fear Campaign. Spread of the COVID-19 Infection By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 02, 2020
Video: That Sinking Feeling: Ukrainian Naval and Coastal Forces By South Front, August 02, 2020
Video: Hollywood Celebrities and the Covid-19 Fear Campaign By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 02, 2020
UK’s Stunning Hypocrisy over Hong Kong By Joseph Thomas, August 02, 2020