Latest News and Top Stories

A Picture of Global Complicity: Aiding Myanmar’s Military Regime By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 18, 2023
After COVID Vaccine Roll Out, the FAA Tacitly Admitted that Pilots Electrocardiogram (EKG) Are No Longer Normal. By Steve Kirsch, January 18, 2023
What Price “Defense”? America’s Costly, Dysfunctional Approach to Security Is Making Us Ever Less Safe By William D. Hartung, January 18, 2023
Scotland’s Plan to Implement 20-Minute Neighborhoods Nationwide By Rhoda Wilson, January 18, 2023
‘Investment Already Paying Off’: McCarthy Assigns Big Oil Favorites to Key Environment Panel By Brett Wilkins, January 18, 2023
The UK Loophole That Keeps Russian Oil Coming In, “Refined in India” By Alex Kimani, January 18, 2023
Syria’s Power Dynamic Is Shifting By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 18, 2023
The Biden Administration’s Dangerous Move to Deepen Military Ties with Israel By Mitchell Plitnick, January 18, 2023
Rev. M. L. King Preached Nonviolence. To Observe Birthday, His Church Hosts Guest Sermon by Our Violent President By Paul W. Lovinger, January 18, 2023
Majority of Members of UK’s New GMO Regulatory Committee Have Conflicts of Interest By Claire Robinson, January 17, 2023
Sri Lanka Trapped into Debt and IMF Sponsored Poverty By Shenali D Waduge, January 17, 2023
Prominent Cardiologist ‘Truthbombs’ Live BBC Broadcast, Calls for Suspension of mRNA Vaccines By Michael Nevradakis, January 17, 2023
Every Facet of Government Is in the Censorship Business By Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 17, 2023
Hungary Votes: 97 Percent Reject Sanctions Against Russia By Free West Media, January 17, 2023
US Trains Ukrainian Forces in Germany By DW, January 17, 2023
Top 20 Most Cringeworthy Zelensky PR Moments By Caitlin Johnstone, January 17, 2023
Energy Crisis – A Ticking Time Bomb By Stewart Brennan, January 17, 2023
The Banshees of Inisherin (2022): A Parable of Irrationalism By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, January 17, 2023
Polish PM Decries WWIII, Says More Arms to Ukraine Will Prevent It By Kurt Nimmo, January 17, 2023
Iraqi Prime Minister Supports Open-Ended US Troop Presence By Dave DeCamp, January 17, 2023
Video: The Key to Ending COVID-19 Is Buried in the WTC Wreckage By Emanuel Pastreich, January 17, 2023
Pfizer Has a Long History of Fraud, Corruption and Using Children as Human Guinea Pigs By KanekoaTheGreat, January 17, 2023
Nuclear Submarine Doubts: US Lawmakers and AUKUS By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 17, 2023
Critical Woke Theory for Dummies By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale, January 17, 2023
All Quiet (Panic) on the Western Front. The Davos Freak Show. By Pepe Escobar, January 17, 2023
Adolescent Palpitations and Syncope after COVID-19 Vaccination By Dr. Peter McCullough, January 17, 2023
A Third Intifada and the Last War. Palestine and the Global South By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 17, 2023
Martin Luther King, Yesterday and Today By John Kirby, January 17, 2023
Peru: Under Siege by the US, CIA and the WEF? By Peter Koenig, January 17, 2023
Did J. Edgar Hoover Order the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr? By Jeremy Kuzmarov, January 16, 2023
MLK Day January 15, 2024: Remember MLK: Memphis, Tenn. Court Decision: U.S. “Government Agencies” Found Guilty in Martin Luther King’s Assassination By Carl Herman, January 16, 2023
“Orders to Kill” Dr. Martin Luther King: The Government that Honors MLK with a National Holiday Killed Him By Edward Curtin, January 16, 2023
Are Athletes Dropping Dead from the COVID Jab? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 16, 2023
Pixels, Bots and Human Cruelty. Dr. Naomi Wolf By Dr. Naomi Wolf, January 16, 2023
Lucid Summations When Tomorrow Is Today and Martin Luther King Day By Edward Curtin, January 16, 2023
Algeria Aspires to Becoming Key Energy Provider to Europe, But Conflict with Morocco Is a Problem By Uriel Araujo, January 16, 2023
Russia Accuses Sweden of “Hiding Something” About the Nord Stream Sabotage By Michael Kern, January 16, 2023
Israel: Tens of Thousands Protest Government in Tel Aviv By Middle East Eye, January 16, 2023
Britain’s 42 Coups Since 1945: Over 40 Attempts to Remove Foreign Governments in 27 Countries By Mark Curtis, January 16, 2023
NY Healthcare Workers Fired for Declining COVID Shot Win in Court! By Michael Kane, January 16, 2023
Rampant Speculation: Uranium, Dirty Bombs and Heathrow By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 16, 2023
上海的疫情清零政策——人为导致的中国经济萧条? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 16, 2023
Congress Must Investigate Pfizer’s Other Dangerous Boondoggle: Paxlovid By Daniel Horowitz, January 16, 2023
FDA Advisers Are Angry at Moderna for Hiding Data By Igor Chudov, January 16, 2023
US, Cuba to Restart Talks on Law Enforcement: State Department By Al Mayadeen, January 16, 2023
Declassified Intelligence Files Expose Inconvenient Truths of Bosnian War By Kit Klarenberg and Tom Secker, January 16, 2023
Biden Stoops to Conquer Brazil’s Lula By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 16, 2023
Russia-Ukraine War: How the US Paved the Way to Moscow’s Invasion. Jonathan Cook By Jonathan Cook, January 16, 2023
“Congressional Trolls”: Democratic Leaders Pushed Refuted Russian Troll Claims By Jonathan Turley, January 16, 2023
The Stepan Bandera Memorial Nuke. “The Kremlin is claiming that Ukraine is developing nuclear weapons” By Kurt Nimmo, January 16, 2023
Covid-19 Pandemic: Open Letter to Premier David Eby on the Reinstatement of BC’s Laid Off Nurses By Arthur Topham, January 16, 2023
The History of Japan and China. Unspeakable Atrocities against the Chinese People. Kishida’s “shameful subservience to the US” By Kim Petersen, January 16, 2023
“Lay Down Your Arms!” Man Awake! “War is the glorification of violence” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, January 16, 2023
2023 Outlook for Ukraine. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, January 16, 2023
Treachery to Some, Opportunism to Others—Horse-trading in the U.S. Congress. By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 16, 2023
Massive Clot Burden Days after Taking Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine By Dr. Peter McCullough, January 16, 2023
Assange: The Decisive Moment By Berenice Galli and Manlio Dinucci, January 16, 2023
Kyiv Shows Signs of Desperation. “The Ukrainian Demilitarized Negotiations Start at Dead End” By John Helmer, January 16, 2023
The Plan of “Breaking up the Country”. “The Decolonization” of Russia, Fomenting Separatism and “Ethnic Nationalism” By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin and Prof. Samir Saul, January 15, 2023
UK Support of the Illegal Annexation of Palestinian Lands By Hans Stehling, January 15, 2023
‘Anecdotals’ Documentary, Covid-19 Shots, Pfizer Trial ‘Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen’ By Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 15, 2023
“Imagining Palestine”: A Strongly Presented ‘Ideation’ of Palestine By Jim Miles, January 15, 2023
CIA Arrives in Libya to Manipulate Elections By Steven Sahiounie, January 15, 2023
Turkey’s Erdogan Government: The Ukrainian Conflict “Has Reached a Stalemate” By Andrew Korybko, January 15, 2023
Is Biden Being Blackmailed to Send US Combat Troops to Ukraine? By Mike Whitney, January 15, 2023
The World Economic Forum & the World Health Organization Are Elevating Themselves Above the World’s Governments By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 15, 2023
ExxonMobil, Suppressing Science and Climate Change By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 15, 2023
January 6 Riot LIVE! Helping to Propel the War on Domestic Terrorism and More By Michael Welch, Joachim Hagopian, Jonathan D. Simon, and Ryan Cristian, January 14, 2023
It Is Official–the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Is Weaponized. The Alleged January 6, 2021 “Attack on the Capitol” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 14, 2023
Dilma Rousseff
Brazil: Neoliberalism with a “Human Face”. Lula Presidency = Extended Dollarization, Subservient to the Washington Consensus By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 14, 2023
Taiwan Defense Ministry Reveals Rare Cooperation with NATO By Dave DeCamp, January 13, 2023
Twitter Censored Posts About Natural Immunity and Vaccines After Pressure from Pfizer Board Member By Ramon Tomey, January 13, 2023
‘Independent’ Advisor Who Evaluated Pfizer Vaccine Safety Was Former Paid Pfizer Consultant By Michael Nevradakis, January 13, 2023
“Prevent Global Warming”, Ban Gas Stoves, Restaurants Everywhere Will Fail By Ethan Huff, January 13, 2023
Who Designed Global Guidelines for Puberty Blockers? By Free West Media, January 13, 2023
Russia Dropping US Dollar for Chinese Yuan – And Fast By Ben Norton, January 13, 2023
The WEF’s “Net Zero Carbon” Lockdown Fraud: British Protest “15-Minute Cities” Where They Will Become Prisoners of the State By Amy Mek, January 13, 2023
CIA Coup in Peru Explodes into Violence By Kurt Nimmo and Ben Norton, January 13, 2023
A Remunerative Religion. Understanding the Climate Cult. By John Leake, January 13, 2023
Cuba’s Hero, American Spy: Ana Belen Montes By Rachel Hamdoun, January 13, 2023