Latest News and Top Stories

German TV interview: US president repeats “Third World War” warning By Ulrich Rippert, November 14, 2007
Torturing Palestinian Detainees By Stephen Lendman, November 14, 2007
The free market vs. global health By Jason Tockman, November 13, 2007
Venezuela: Reform battle continues as Chavez ally splits By Federico Fuentes, November 13, 2007
Behind the Drums of War with Iran: Nuclear Weapons or Compound Interest By Ellen Brown, November 13, 2007
Iraq, Afghan War Costs Are $1.6 Trillion By Global Research, November 13, 2007
Fact Sheets of Iran-US Standoff: Twenty Reasons against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran By CASMII, November 13, 2007
VIDEO: 9/11 Truth vs. the Mainstream Media By Global Research, November 12, 2007
Who Says Africans/ Haitians Gave AIDS to the World? By Jafrik Aayiti, November 11, 2007
Darfurism, Uganda and the U.S. War in Africa By Keith Harmon Snow, November 11, 2007
Full Spectrum Mercenaries: Blackwater Goes to Mexico By John Ross, November 11, 2007
Bush’s Favorite Lie By Robert Parry, November 11, 2007
Crisis in the U.S.: “Plan B”? By Richard C. Cook, November 11, 2007
Dollar Crisis: None dare call it ‘conspiracy’ By Hal Lindsey, November 11, 2007
US Dollar Plummets By Global Research, November 11, 2007
‘I feared I’d end up dead in the woods like Dr Kelly,’ says biological warfare expert who criticised Britain and U.S. By Global Research, November 11, 2007
Iraq War Veteran Speaks Out: Open Letter to the Government from an AWOL Soldier By James Circello, November 10, 2007
How Cheney Cooked the Intelligence on Iran By Gareth Porter, November 10, 2007
US Military Weaknesses: Top Pentagon Brass reluctant to wage war on Iran By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 10, 2007
Big Food Companies Accused of Risking Climate Catastrophe By John Vidal, November 10, 2007
NATO Expands South, Hindered by US-created Chaos By Nicola Nasser, November 10, 2007
Palestine: Peace and Democracy must go Hand in Hand By Ramzy Baroud, November 09, 2007
Iraq: Fewer Deaths Bring No Reassurance By Ali Al-Fadhily, November 09, 2007
Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust?, By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 09, 2007
Video: July 2006 War: Israel drops over a million cluster bombs on Lebanon By Global Research, November 09, 2007
Shocking Doctrines, Shocking Short Shrift By Carolyn Baker, November 08, 2007
Philippines Army releases political prisoner By Global Research, November 08, 2007
Video: US congressman says impeach Cheney By Global Research, November 08, 2007
Seven Countries Considering Abandoning the US Dollar By Jessica Hupp, November 08, 2007
International Bar Association calls upon the world’s bars and law societies to support lawyers and judges in Pakistan By Global Research, November 08, 2007
Bush Threat of World War III: Cuban Missile Crisis Redux By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, November 08, 2007
Our Man in Islamabad By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2007
The American empire is falling with the dollar By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 08, 2007
As Pakistanis risk life and limb to oppose Musharraf, US elite rallies round military regime By Keith Jones, November 08, 2007
National State of Emergency in Pakistan condemned by National Lawyers Guild By Global Research, November 07, 2007
The deceit of Reporters Without Borders By Salim Lamrani, November 07, 2007
Zombie Nation By David Penner, November 06, 2007
Cheney Pursuing Nuclear Ambitions of His Own By Jason Leopold, November 06, 2007
UN Human Rights Body functions as an Instrument of Political Intervention By Tania Noctiummes and Jean-Pierre Page, November 06, 2007
Brazilian Land Activist Killed In Dispute Over Experimental GM Farm By Leonard Doyle, November 06, 2007
Punishing Gaza By Stephen Lendman, November 06, 2007
H. Res. 333: Impeaching Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors By Global Research, November 05, 2007
Iraq: Millions Trapped in Their Own Country By Ahmed Ali, November 05, 2007
Bolivia: A Democratic Revolution Transforming Society By Adriana Paz, November 05, 2007
Philippines: Arrests and political assassinations By Global Research, November 05, 2007
Warning, this film could make you very angry By Robert Fisk, November 04, 2007
Conférence: Intégration et militarisation de l’Amérique du Nord. By Global Research, November 04, 2007
Blackwater’s Owner Has Spies for Hire By Dana Hedgpeth, November 04, 2007
Bush invokes 9/11 to justify torture, domestic spying and war By Patrick Martin, November 04, 2007
Kucinich will Introduce Privileged Resolution to Force up Or down Vote on Cheney Impeachment By Global Research, November 04, 2007
Sarkozy accused of working for Israeli intelligence By Gamal Nkrumah, November 03, 2007
Condoleezza Rice to face subpoena in espionage case By Global Research, November 03, 2007
Big Brother: House passes the “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act” By Lee Rogers, November 02, 2007
It’s Time to Fire Washington! By Debbie Lewis, November 02, 2007
Kurdish Crisis Boxes In Neocons By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, November 02, 2007
Haiti: The Canadian-backed Coup Regime’s Reign of Terror By Richard Sanders, November 02, 2007
US brushed aside UN nuclear watchdog agency’s warning that there was no proof Iran seeks atomic weapons By Global Research, November 01, 2007
Azerbaijan: Newspaper Editor sentenced over article about possible US attack on Iran By Global Research, November 01, 2007
VIDEO: Confronting NeoCon Ideologue Norman Podhoretz By Global Research, November 01, 2007
Titanium or Water? Trouble brews in Southern India By Nityanand Jayaraman, November 01, 2007
The Neocons’ Crazy Dream of World War III By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, November 01, 2007
Attacking Iran for Israel? By Ray McGovern, November 01, 2007
Congressional Shame and Duplicity By Stephen Lendman, November 01, 2007
Ill-Equipped Soldiers Opt for “Search and Avoid” By Dahr Jamail, October 31, 2007
Video: Al-Baradei says No deviation in Iran’s nuclears By Global Research, October 31, 2007
Video: U.S. to build military base in Lebanon By Global Research, October 31, 2007
The New York Times and Bush’s threat of World War III By Bill Van Auken, October 31, 2007
Bush Regime Targets Iran After 9/11 By Larry Everest, October 31, 2007
New Cold War: Great Game for Supremacy in the New World Order? By Andrew Gavin Marshall, October 31, 2007
Sentiment Grows In Oil-Hungry U.S. For Extended Middle East Presence By Sherwood Ross, October 30, 2007
Kosovo and the Westphalian Order By James Bissett, October 29, 2007
Haiti: Abduction of Leaders of Largest Political Party Raise Fears By Global Research, October 29, 2007
Video: Anti-war campaigners say US, UK hindering peace By Global Research, October 29, 2007
The Bank of the South: An Alternative to IMF and World Bank Dominance By Stephen Lendman, October 29, 2007
Eurasian Coalition Emerging By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 29, 2007
Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 29, 2007
Venezuela’s debt to Cuba By Salim Lamrani, October 28, 2007
Video: Palestinians systematically tortured in Israeli jails By Global Research, October 28, 2007
Cancer in Iraq vets raises possibility of toxic exposure By Carla McClain, October 28, 2007
US imposes unilateral sanctions on Iran: One step closer to war By Bill Van Auken, October 28, 2007