Latest News and Top Stories

OECD report ranks US third worst in inequality and poverty By Patrick O'Connor, October 22, 2008
Under Cover of “Voter Fraud” Allegations, Republicans Suppress the Vote By Tom Eley, October 22, 2008
What Went Wrong in the Capitalist Casino? By Tony Benn, October 22, 2008
Chapter Eleven of NAFTA Remains a Threat to National Sovereignty By Dana Gabriel, October 22, 2008
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister discusses situation in Caucasus with Iranian officials By Global Research, October 22, 2008
Responses From The South To The Global Economic Crisis By Global Research, October 21, 2008
Russia denies military moves in Venezuela a threat By Global Research, October 21, 2008
France: €360 billion to bail out the banks By Antoine Lerougetel, October 21, 2008
Banks Admit They’ll Keep on Hoarding Cash By Global Research, October 21, 2008
If Bush Pardons Himself or His Subordinates By Global Research, October 21, 2008
Financial Crisis Could Leave 20 Million Jobless By Global Research, October 21, 2008
War is Illegal By Global Research, October 21, 2008
Pakistan facing bankruptcy as world financial crisis deepens By Vilani Peiris, October 20, 2008
`Armageddon’ Prices Fail to Lure Buyers Amid Selling By Pierre Paulden and Caroline Salas, October 20, 2008
Are Our Governments Making Matters Worse? By Danny Schechter, October 20, 2008
A McCain “Win” Will Be Theft, Resistance Is Planned By David Swanson, October 20, 2008
Big Brother: Radio frequency (RF) “Geolocation” of “Opponents” of the New World Order By Tom Burghardt, October 20, 2008
The God That Failed: The 30-Year Lie of the Market Cult By Chris Floyd, October 20, 2008
James Petras and Nora Barrows-Friedman on the Global Research News Hour on RBN By Global Research, October 20, 2008
Latin America: In support of regional integration and a partial delinking from the world capitalist market By Eric Toussaint, October 20, 2008
Hard Times By Stephen Lendman, October 20, 2008
Up In Smoke: The Abridged History of US Investment Banking By Mike Whitney, October 19, 2008
Stoning Dubya By David Swanson, October 19, 2008
Parsing Mr. Paulson’s Bailout Speech: The Unprecedented Giveaway of Financial Wealth By Prof Michael Hudson, October 18, 2008
NSA Spying and the Shredding of the Constitution By Tom Burghardt, October 18, 2008
Obama Rally Draws 100,000 in Missouri By Global Research, October 18, 2008
Iraq: Ending the War Without End By David Swanson, October 18, 2008
Cuba estimates offshore oil reserves of 20 billion barrels By Global Research, October 18, 2008
Another Ticking Time Bomb: $71.2 Trillion Dollars in “Unallocated” Derivatives By Global Research, October 18, 2008
Financial Crisis: Paulson Panics as UK, Germany find own solution By F. William Engdahl, October 18, 2008
The Failed Presidency of George W. Bush: A Dismal Legacy By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, October 18, 2008
Europe and the Middle East: Will EU Be a More Just Mediator? By Ramzy Baroud, October 17, 2008
Financial Meltdown: The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History By Ellen Brown, October 17, 2008
Stock Market Crash: Post Mortem for Milton Friedman By Mike Whitney, October 17, 2008
Asian markets plummet amid fears of global recession By Peter Symonds, October 17, 2008
EU call for global financial regulation masks intra-European and international tensions By Chris Marsden, October 17, 2008
Pentagon Wants $450 Billion Increase Over Next Five Years By Global Research, October 17, 2008
Researchers call for end to political ‘subverting’ of science By Global Research, October 17, 2008
VIDEO: Shadowplay: 9/11 Puppetmasters By Global Research, October 16, 2008
VIDEO: Deep Politics: How 9/11 Changed America” By Prof Peter Dale Scott, October 16, 2008
Political Uncertainty and the Financial Crisis. Global Research Lead Articles By Global Research, October 16, 2008
Citigroup posts another loss amid credit woes By Global Research, October 16, 2008
Iran Falling into the “Net” of a “Worldwide Policy”: On the U.S. Foreign Policy Doctrine and Its Present Dangers By Ali Fathollah-Nejad, October 16, 2008
CIA Tactics Endorsed In Secret Memos By Joby Warrick, October 16, 2008
U.S. Stocks Drop Most Since Crash of 1987 on Recession Concerns By Lynn Thomasson, October 16, 2008
Zionism, Militarism, and the Decline of US Power By Stephen Lendman, October 16, 2008
How the Nobel Peace Prize was Won By Gregory Elich, October 15, 2008
Financial Hurricane Batters World Capitalism By Raymond Lotta, October 15, 2008
Curbing Social Protest in America: Microwave “Non-lethal” Weapons to be used for “Crowd Control” By Tom Burghardt, October 14, 2008
Ecology and Indian Movements: “Diversity with Inequality is Not Social Justice” By Prof. James Petras, October 14, 2008
Banks dictate conditions of US financial bailout By Alex Lantier, October 14, 2008
The G7 and the Euro Group agree to pour billions into banks By Peter Schwarz, October 14, 2008
Why the Bailout Scam Is More Likely to Fail than to Succeed By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, October 14, 2008
Can Congress Bail Out of the Bailout? By Prof Michael Hudson, October 13, 2008
The Prosecution for War Crimes of President Bush By Global Research, October 13, 2008
GOP attacks on American voters turn desperate, ugly and dangerous By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, October 13, 2008
Global Financial Meltdown and the Demise of Neoliberalism By Prof. Akbar E. Torbat, October 13, 2008
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction: A $516 Trillion Derivatives ‘Time-Bomb’ By Margareta Pagano and Simon Evans, October 13, 2008
Refounding Bolivia: Morales Calls for Vote on a New Democratic Constitution By Raul Burbano, October 13, 2008
The Capitalist Shakedown By William Bowles, October 13, 2008
The October Surprise: Global Panic By Stephen Lendman, October 13, 2008
America’s Quest for Hegemony By Yousuf Nazar, October 13, 2008
Spying on Activists By Global Research, October 12, 2008
Canadian Elections: Support David Orchard in Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River By Global Research, October 12, 2008
Draft: Europe would guarantee inter-bank loans By Global Research, October 12, 2008
Anatomy of the American Financial Crisis: How It is Turning into a Worldwide Crisis By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, October 12, 2008
The Canadian Election and the War in Afghanistan By Michael Skinner, October 12, 2008
The Next Derivatives Bloodbath: Insurance Companies and Auto Makers By George Washington's Blog, October 12, 2008
Militarizing the “Homeland” in Response to the Economic and Political Crisis By Tom Burghardt, October 11, 2008
Pentagon finishes off Iraq with nukes? By Global Research, October 11, 2008
Iraq: US dropped nuclear bomb near Basra in 1991, claims veteran By Global Research, October 11, 2008
VIDEO: The Third Nuclear Bomb? Was a Nuclear bomb detonated during the 1991 Gulf War? By Maurizio Torrealta, October 11, 2008
Who is Behind the Financial Meltdown? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 11, 2008
Palin abused power, probe finds By Global Research, October 11, 2008
The Palin- Biden Debate: High Time to Move Beyond Clichés By Ramzy Baroud, October 11, 2008
Economic Chaos and Political Survival By William Cox, October 11, 2008
“Set up to steal it again.” Is 2008 already fixed? By Global Research, October 10, 2008
A Possible Solution to the Economic Crisis By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 10, 2008
Change Triumphs in Ecuador’s Constitutional Referendum By Eduardo Tamayo G. and Helga Serrano Narváez, October 10, 2008
VIDEO: Martial Law. U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S. By Global Research, October 10, 2008