Latest News and Top Stories

Somalia: You Are Being Lied to About Pirates By Johann Hari, April 15, 2009
Is This a New Bull Market? By Mike Swanson, April 15, 2009
Investigating Israeli War Crimes in Gaza By Stephen Lendman, April 15, 2009
Traces of explosives in 9/11 dust, scientists say By Elaine Jarvik, April 14, 2009
VIDEO: Nano-thermite in the WTC dust on 9/11 By Prof. Niels Harrit, April 14, 2009
Russia accuses US and NATO of Interference In Georgia By Global Research, April 14, 2009
Moscow’s proposed Euro Atlantic security agreement By Global Research, April 14, 2009
Eurasia: US Geostrategic Plans at Risk By Eric Walberg, April 14, 2009
The Status of Women in Karzai’s Afghanistan By John W. Warnock, April 14, 2009
Bailouts and Manipulations: Save Wall Street, at the Expense of Main Street By Larry Chin, April 14, 2009
Prosecution in Spain: Bush officials to be indicted for sanctioning torture By Global Research, April 14, 2009
War, Oil and Gas Pipelines: Turkey is Washington’s Geopolitical Pivot By F. William Engdahl, April 14, 2009
China versus America: ‘Great Game’ for Global Order? By Park Sang-seek, April 14, 2009
Second 9/11 Envisaged by Homeland Security: Emergency Procedures in the Chicago Area By Global Research, April 13, 2009
Credit Default Swaps – Through The Looking Glass By Satyajit Das, April 13, 2009
The Path to Human Development: Capitalism or Socialism? By Prof. Michael A. Lebowitz, April 13, 2009
Obama Administration Endorses Continued Spying on Americans By Tom Burghardt, April 13, 2009
Torture of Detainees under CIA Custody: Damning Exposé of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) By Stephen Lendman, April 13, 2009
The Debate over “Nationalization” as a “Solution” to the Financial Crisis By Shamus Cooke, April 13, 2009
Obama stages surprise visit amid renewed bloodshed in Iraq By Bill Van Auken, April 12, 2009
The Economic Crisis: No, this will not be a Normal Cyclical Recovery By John Kozy, April 12, 2009
U.S. shipped 989 munitions containers to Israel week before Gaza invasion By Global Research, April 11, 2009
Who is behind Moldova’s Twitter Revolution? By José Miguel Alonso Trabanco, April 11, 2009
Detroit to close another 23 schools this fall By Shannon Jones, April 11, 2009
Law and Justice: Israel Investigated, But Will It Repent? By Ramzy Baroud, April 11, 2009
End of Scandinavian Neutrality: NATO’s Militarization Of Europe By Rick Rozoff, April 11, 2009
Inventing the Terrorist Threat By David Swanson, April 11, 2009
Sovereignty’s Dissipation: Consensus-Style Stabilization of the Arab World By Dina Jadallah-Taschler, April 11, 2009
Dutch TV show exonerates Osama bin Laden: ‘Devil’s Advocate’ jury finds no proof he was behind Sept. 11 By Scott Roxborough, April 11, 2009
Solution to The Financial Crisis: “Liquidate the banks and fire the executives” By Mike Whitney, April 11, 2009
Oliver Fein, Fred Magdoff, Ian Douglas, and Joel Kovel on The Global Research News Hour By Global Research, April 10, 2009
Resisting the Afghanistan – Pakistan War By Jeff Leys, April 10, 2009
US Envoy Writes of Israeli Threats By Barbara Crossette, April 10, 2009
The Politics of Polarization: Iran’s Elections: Why Arab Leaders Want Ahmadinejad To Win By Rannie Amiri, April 10, 2009
“Solution” to the Financial Crisis: Game Theory Exposes PPIP As Fraudulent By James Keller, April 10, 2009
Obama’s New World Order By Stephen Lendman, April 10, 2009
Adios US: now China leads the world, says Chavez By Global Research, April 10, 2009
Revive Lincoln’s Monetary Policy By Ellen Brown, April 09, 2009
Economic Crisis: No End In Sight By Mike Whitney, April 09, 2009
US expands war into Pakistan By Keith Jones, April 09, 2009
Britain urges ‘united front’ against Iran By Global Research, April 09, 2009
Serb Demonization as Propaganda Coup By Edward S. Herman, April 09, 2009
Will U.S. financial woes lead to new world order? By Adam Abrams, April 09, 2009
‘US behind recent Iraq bomb attacks’ By Global Research, April 09, 2009
China’s Proposal for a Super-sovereign Reserve Currency System By Zhou Xiaochuan, April 09, 2009
China’s Proposal for a New World Currency By Mark Braund, April 09, 2009
The Af-Pak Paradox By John Prados, April 09, 2009
The Political Economy of Taliban Terror in Swat Valley By Tom Burghardt, April 08, 2009
21st Century Internment Camps: Disaster relief or civil rights disaster? By Maha Zimmo, April 08, 2009
Eurasian Crossroads: The Caucasus In US-NATO War Plans By Rick Rozoff, April 08, 2009
Obama pursues US strategic interests in Turkey By Bill Van Auken, April 08, 2009
Israel points Arrow II ballistic missile at Iran, Syria By Global Research, April 08, 2009
Shell in court over alleged role in Nigeria executions By Nick Mathiason, April 08, 2009
Will Obama Vacate Iraq? By Nasir Khan, April 08, 2009
The Largest Military Budget in World History By David Swanson, April 08, 2009
Globalization: The India- European Union (EU) Free Trade Agreement By Kavaljit Singh, April 08, 2009
Daniel McGowan, Another “War on Terrorism” Victim By Stephen Lendman, April 08, 2009
The Flaw of Supply and Demand By John Kozy, April 07, 2009
Bush officials may face charges: Spain Investigates What America Should By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 07, 2009
“Spinning” the U.S. Passport By Janet Phelan, April 07, 2009
VIDEO: “New World Order”. Will It Be World Government? By Adrian Salbuchi, April 07, 2009
Blacks and Joblessness: the Toll of Racism By Tamara Turner, April 07, 2009
US Economy: Unemployment in Seven States May Have Exceeded 20% By Washington's Blog, April 07, 2009
Kremlin aide: IMF should study global currency By Gleb Bryanski, April 07, 2009
Bernanke’s Financial Rescue Plan: The growing prospect of a U.S. default By Mike Whitney, April 06, 2009
VIDEO: “Israel & the Broader Middle East War” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 06, 2009
Israel Railways accused of racism over sacked Arab workers By Jonathan Cook, April 06, 2009
What Obama’s Trip to Europe Revealed By Shamus Cooke, April 06, 2009
Obama’s War on Labor By Stephen Lendman, April 06, 2009
The Financial New World Order: Towards a Global Currency and World Government By Andrew Gavin Marshall, April 06, 2009
Deep Recession in America: The Crash of 2009, The Collapse of 2010 By Humayun Gauhar, April 05, 2009
Bush and Obama Administrations Broke the Law By Refusing to Close Insolvent Banks By Washington's Blog, April 05, 2009
The Financial War Against Iceland By Prof Michael Hudson, April 05, 2009
VIDEO: More IMF “Economic Medicine” Is Not the Solution By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 05, 2009
Worldwide Depression: Regional Impacts of the Global Crisis By Prof. James Petras, April 05, 2009
Massive Cover-Up of Economic Crisis By Washington's Blog, April 05, 2009
The Death of Agricultural Biodiversity in America By Global Research, April 05, 2009
Some Thoughts about Socialism By William Blum, April 04, 2009
U.S. missile shield plans dampen Obama’s welcome in Prague By Global Research, April 04, 2009
Girding for a Depression By Peter Morici, April 04, 2009