Latest News and Top Stories

Bush-era US torture system: The Nuremberg Truth and Reconciliation Commission? By Jeremy Scahill, April 30, 2009
Spanish court opens investigation of Guantánamo torture allegations By Giles Tremlett, April 30, 2009
Mexico: Epidemic deepens the social crisis By Bill Van Auken, April 30, 2009
Iran, Venezuela enter into military alliance By Global Research, April 30, 2009
Influenza Activity in the United States By Center for Disease Control and Prevention, April 30, 2009
How Deadly is the H1N1 Virus? By Washington's Blog, April 30, 2009
Culture of Unpunished Sexual Assault in U.S. Military By Dahr Jamail, April 30, 2009
Feds Can Quarantine Anyone With ‘Flu-Like’ Symptoms By Global Research, April 30, 2009
Obama’s 100 Days By Tom Eley, April 29, 2009
Moldova withdraws from Georgia-based NATO drills By Global Research, April 29, 2009
The US is still the world’s largest arms exporter, says SIPRI By Xuefei Chen, April 29, 2009
Swine-flu outbreak could be linked to Smithfield factory farms By Tom Philpott, April 29, 2009
Former U.S. Senator Ernest F. (“Fritz”) Hollings on “Silent Conspiracies” By Richard C. Cook, April 29, 2009
Lincoln or Ford? The Torture Trail starts and ends in the White House By Eric Walberg, April 29, 2009
Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms By F. William Engdahl, April 29, 2009
In the Wake of Economic Collapse. Iceland’s Election: It’s not about Left and Right By Prof Michael Hudson, April 29, 2009
Swine Flu: State of Emergency, Mexican-Style By Michael Werbowski, April 29, 2009
The Wrong Torture Question By David Swanson, April 29, 2009
Republicans for Sale? By Justin O'Connell, April 29, 2009
The Global Research News Hour (GRNH): Media As It Should Be By Stephen Lendman, April 29, 2009
VIDEO: Humanitarian Intervention Challenged By Diana Johnstone, April 28, 2009
Casino Capitalism and Financial Recklessness: Obama Has Missed His Moment By Chris Hedges, April 28, 2009
Profits mask coming storm By W Joseph Stroupe, April 28, 2009
A Little Red Light By Uri Avnery, April 28, 2009
The Impacts of the Recession on African Americans By Global Research, April 28, 2009
The Swine Flu: Industrial Hog Farming Is Just Like Wall Street By Global Research, April 28, 2009
World Bank president warns economic crisis poses “human calamity” By Andre Damon, April 28, 2009
Contours of Crisis II: Fiction and Reality By Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan, April 28, 2009
Swine Flu Scare: Stock Market Bonanza for “Politically Connected” BioTech Companies By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 28, 2009
The Mixed Economic Report Card on Obama’s First 100 Days By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, April 28, 2009
Swine Flu: Bringing Home the Bacon By James Ridgeway, April 28, 2009
Balkanising the Balkans: Is Serbia on the Chopping Block Again? By Mike Celik, April 28, 2009
Ecuador at the crossroads By Eric Toussaint, April 28, 2009
Latin America: Summit reveals a changing continent By Federico Fuentes, April 28, 2009
Torture at Abu Ghraib: “The Man Behind the Hood” By Ali Shalal, April 27, 2009
The Myth of Sectarianism in the “New Middle East” By Ali Jawad, April 27, 2009
A Tapestry of Lies By Mike Whitney, April 27, 2009
Is Swine Flu A Biological Weapon? By Paul Joseph Watson, April 27, 2009
VIDEO: Too Hard to Swallow. Restricting the Freedoms of Canadians By Shawn Buckley, April 27, 2009
Why Monetary Reform? By Richard C. Cook, April 27, 2009
Obama’s Sins of Omission By Andrew J. Bacevich, April 27, 2009
United Kingdom: Wake up and smell the pepper spray. These 3,609 new laws are to control us, not protect us By Lauren Booth, April 27, 2009
Canada: Cops can now ‘take all your stuff’ By Mindelle Jacobs, April 27, 2009
US military called in to fight swine flu By Global Research, April 27, 2009
Obama, Democrats move to block torture investigation By Tom Eley, April 27, 2009
Mexico Peso Falls on Concern Swine Flu to Deepen Economic Slump By Global Research, April 27, 2009
Israeli Use of Palestinians As Human Shields By Stephen Lendman, April 27, 2009
Torture Is Foreplay for War By David Swanson, April 27, 2009
Do Not Take A Swine Flu Vaccine! By Dr. Patricia A. Doyle, April 26, 2009
The Pentagon’s Cyber Command: Formidable Infrastructure arrayed against the American People By Tom Burghardt, April 26, 2009
Medical Director: Swine Flu Was “Cultured In A Laboratory” By Paul Joseph Watson, April 26, 2009
Flu Kills The Torture Memos By Lori Price, April 26, 2009
Barack Obama’s” Stress Test” after 100 Days in Office By Danny Schechter, April 26, 2009
Chernobyl: The Horrific Legacy By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, April 25, 2009
Amnesty Warns NATO: 1999 Bombing of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) is a war crime By Global Research, April 25, 2009
US Operative who selected NATO’s bombing targets in Serbia, including China Embassy found dead By Global Research, April 25, 2009
Obama and Netanyahu: Storm Clouds Ahead? By Helena Cobban, April 25, 2009
US escalates threats against Pakistan By Keith Jones, April 25, 2009
US to abandon Israel over Iran? By Global Research, April 25, 2009
Financial leaders gather to raise emergency loan for IMF By Global Research, April 25, 2009
Media Disinformation: Reframing the War in Afghanistan and Pakistan as a “Class War” By Michael Skinner, April 25, 2009
The Reality of Mass Poverty and Social Exclusion: “How is India?” By Prof. Ananya Mukherjee Reed, April 25, 2009
Bolivia: National Revolution and “Communitarian Socialism” By Federico Fuentes, April 25, 2009
On Torture, the Pressure Builds By Ray McGovern, April 25, 2009
“… The Horrible Truth” By Dahr Jamail, April 24, 2009
What Caused the Economic Crisis? By Alexander Floum, April 24, 2009
US ‘Soft Power’ and the Banks By Steven Lesh, April 24, 2009
The Housing Crash: The Data Confirms a Downward Momentum By Mike Whitney, April 24, 2009
New Revelations Compel Obama and Congress to Prosecute Bush and Aides for War Crimes By Sherwood Ross, April 24, 2009
Mickey Huff, Danny Schechter, Robert Parry, and Jennifer Synan on The Global Research News Hour By Global Research, April 24, 2009
The Destabilization of Pakistan: Finding Clarity in the Baluchistan Conundrum By Talha Mujaddidi, April 24, 2009
Middle East ‘Spies’: A New Front for Gaza ‘s Conflict By Ramzy Baroud, April 24, 2009
Torture Used to Link Saddam with 9/11 By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 23, 2009
The Central Asian Water Crisis By Aleksandr Shustov, April 23, 2009
NSA Spying and the Corruption of Congress By Tom Burghardt, April 23, 2009
Global Crisis: Is Economics Rational? By John Kozy, April 23, 2009
Germany’s slump risks ‘explosive’ mood as second banking crisis looms By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, April 23, 2009
Iran warns of ‘mock assassination’ ring By Global Research, April 23, 2009
Pakistan ‘abdicating to Taliban’ By Global Research, April 23, 2009
German “bad banks” plan to boost financial profits By Stefan Steinberg, April 23, 2009