9/11 Special on KPFA Radio, Thursday, May 19

Hosts for the Program are: Dennis Bernstein, Bonnie Faulkner, Mickey Huff, and Peter Phillips

KPFA is having a three & half hour 9/11 special this Thursday from Noon to 3:30 PST
Hosts for the Program are: Dennis Bernstein, Bonnie Faulkner, Mickey Huff, and Peter Phillips

Guests During the day are: 12:15 David Ray Griffin, 12:45 Frank Morales, 1:00 PM Bob Bowman, 1:30 Paul Rea,  2:00 Mike Gravel, 2:30 Carol Brouillet, 2:45 Richard Gage and Kathy McGrade, and more.  Clips from Press for Truth, Zero, Griffins bset DVDs will be played on the air.
Program will be on-line live from KPFA.org, and archived on line from Noliesradio.org.
This is a fund raiser for KPFA Radio

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