100th Anniversary of the US Occupation of Haiti. “City Bank along with French and German bankers, destabilized Haiti”

Lovinsky Pierre Antoine disappeared in US occupied Haiti on August 12, 2007. No one knows what happened to our human rights icon Lovinsky Pierre Antoine.

Two weeks before he was taken by empire and their agents, Lovinsky Pierre Antoine personally sent to the Ezili Dantò Network/Free Haiti Movement his July 28, 2007 essay to mark the 92nd anniversary of the terrorizing US occupation of Haiti that lasted for 19 years from 1915 to 1934.

Lovinsky Pierre Antoine is amongst the few national treasures of Haiti. He used his life and professional skills to give voice and a space of validation to the victims, especially to Haitian women, of both the first (1991) and second (2004) Bush regime changes/foreign interventions against Haiti these last twenty-four years.

Charlermagne Péralte was assassinated and his body nailed to a door by US Marines in Haiti

Today, July 28, 2015 marks the one hundredth anniversary of the US occupation in Haiti that aimed to re-enslaved Desalin’s children. We recall that to help finance US efforts in the first European World War, the U.S. by force-of-arms took complete control of Haiti’s finances and expropriated Haiti lands to grow sugar, coffee, banana, sisal and rubber for export.

Libète ou lanmò, endepandans ou Lanmò, sa se pawòl sakre kidwe sonnen nan zorèy chak Ayisyen tankou se yon kout loray, tankou yon kout lanbi ki fè nou rasanble epi soude yonn ak lòt.“–Janjak Desalin, Deklarasyon Endepandans Ayiti Premye Janvye 1804 Gonayiv, Ayiti

First, the private City Bank of New York bankers (now Citigroup), along with French and German bankers, destabilized Haiti by refusing to pay Haiti workers for work done on the foreign-financed Haiti railroad, et al…). Then these powerfully-connected City Bank of New York bankers, brought the US Marines to Haiti and used them, in the words of the US’s most decorated marine, as “high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.”   Major General Smedley D. Butler, wrote that he“was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism…I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in.” (See, War is a Racket by Smedley Butler.)

Besides taking over Haiti banking, deep-water ports and collecting Haiti custom receipts, the US marines carted out Haiti’s gold reserves and brought it to the National City Bank of New York’s vaults in Wall Street New York, never to be seen by Haitians, ever again. The money changers at National City Bank of New York (Citigroup) then proceeded to tie the Haitian gourd, not to our gold reserves which they straight up STOLE, but to the US dollar.  These bankers, primarily the National City Bank of New York, unused to Black independence, used the US military to secure a foothold in Haiti, manipulate its credit and capital and continues to do this to the present day.

100th Anniversary of the US occupation of Haiti in 1915

July 28, 2015 marks the 100th Anniversary of the US occupation of Haiti in 1915

The US Marines from the segregated South, not only carted off Haiti gold to National City Bank’s New York offices, but they were the high class muscle men there to safeguard the gang of foreign bankers’ lives. Just as today’s US/UN forces are the high class muscle men in Haiti protecting the same oppressive, racist and exploitative interests of the NGOs, the corporatocracy’s mining, oil and other interests; Paul Farmer/Bill Clinton charity industry and basically the same foreign bankers from 1915 still controlling Haiti banking and credit.

White supremacy’s muscle men and their economic hit men at USAID/US Embassy have even managed to use the current US occupation behind UN guns and NGO humanitarian imperialism to illegally tax the $2.8 billion in yearly Diaspora remittances (at $1.50 per transfer) to Haiti that’s the only real foreign aid to the people and to tax all Haiti phone calls to, from and within Haiti at an extra .05 cents a call. ( Where Does Haiti Fit in Citigroup’s Corporate History? http://goo.gl/kPYh6A .)

Citigroup in Haiti, 100 year of imperialist oppression

Citigroup in Haiti, 100 year of imperialist oppression

Back during the first invasion, Haiti was forced to renegotiate the 1825 French Independence debt at more usury interests rates against Haiti, while the money vultures (banksters) arbitrarily tied five Haitian gourd to one US dollar ($5 US dollar to one Haiti gourd). This extortion gave, their bogus, uncollateralized US dollar, more value than the previously gold-backed Haiti indigenous money. This, underlines and still undermines Haiti’s containment-in-poverty. Not to mention the fact that their Breton Woods financial institutions, would later, put international enslavement conditions in loan and trade agreements to force the former colonized nations to cut tariffs, not regulate capital export, privatize state assets and basically hollow-up the nation state apparatus to service the artificial legal entities (private Euro-US corporations) that these plantation minds set up for their white supremacist world thievery.

One hundred years ago in 1915, the US marines carted Haitians off to Cuba and the Dominican Republic to go work, as virtual slaves, on the sugar and banana plantations of US corporations. One hundred years ago today, the US instituted the corvee in Haiti, a chain gain system of force labor for those Haitians left in Haiti to build infrastructure for US export economy interests. One hundred years ago in 1915, the US marines from the Southern parts of the US, surrounded the Haiti parliament and at the point of the gun, dissolved parliament in order to re-write Haiti’s constitution to eliminate Dessalines’ Law.

“Never again shall colonist or European set foot on this soil as master or landowner. This shall henceforward be the foundation of our constitution.”–Dessalines’ Law

Franklin Delano Roosevelt who served as the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy rewrote the Haitian constitution and took out Dessalines’ Article 12 which forbid the whites from owning Haiti lands or from ruling in Haiti. (See, The Quiet Genocide in Haiti from FDR to Obama: How it’s wielded– https://goo.gl/XlgBkQ)

The national colours shall be black and red” -Desalin’s Constitution, the First Haiti Constitution, 1805

Ayiti’s lands are sacred, a world heritage for freedom, paid for in Black blood after three hundred years of European barbaric forced labor, systemic white men raping Black people and enslaving them. We are the real land of the free and brave….. We-Haitians carry the scars metered out by all the white power countries, the French, the Spanish, the British, the German, the Dutch, the US and now, since 2004, even Canada. Haiti is the independence symbol for the Black world. Free Haitians carry on the global fight against the annihilation of the Black woman’s children on the island of Ayiti. We are a rallying point for success. The example white supremacy must ground out. Charlemagne Péralte paid our interminable price. ( See, Bandits or Patriots?: Documents from Charlemagne Péralte – http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/4946/ .)

We shall never forget the US marines’ assassination and crucifixion of Charlemagne Péralte and slaughter of 15,000 Haiti prisoners at the current Caracol location that Bill and Hillary Clinton have taken from Haiti to give to a South Korean factory complex. The spirit of the US-slained Charlemagne Péralte and the others walk the halls at Caracol and the entire North where Haiti oil, and now deep water ports are taken by the Bigio family in Haiti and Vicini family in the Dominican destroying and dredging up our sea walls. We aren’t as asleep as the mass media is. We are the Haitians who shall never forget the Haiti men, like the lone Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè, slaughtered by 1,440 U.N. Troops, in Site Solèy on July 6, 2005. We remember the ONE Haiti army soldier who, when he saw the Marine invaders on July 28, 1915 stood in his post and fired back. His name was Pierre Sully, our eternal hero showing the Haiti way:liberty or death, Libète ou lanmò – Endepandans oswa lanmò.

During the first US occupation, Haitian presidents where selected through rigged elections, just like Michel Martelly was selected by the Obama State Department, with Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton at the State Department and the US-run OAS, handing Haitians back the result they wanted regardless of the facts. Just like back from 1915 to 1934, today’s elections are shams, to put in US puppets who will serve the domestic and international interests of the US-Euros, not Haiti.

Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè, was assassinated by 1400 US-supported forces in Haiti that pummeled 22,000 rounds of ammunition into the unarmed, sleeping Site Solèy community, at 3am, on July 6, 2005, killing countless Haitians, including Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè and his family. See, the Cite Soley Massacre Declassification Project

Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè (http://goo.gl/pwGjK3) was also a lone Black warrior to take up arms during the second direct US occupation behind UN uniforms that started in 2004 to present. We are the survivors left to tell this untold tale of American despotism, tyranny and imperialism in Haiti behind UN guns and uniforms and NGO fake white benevolence. To say the names of the 20,000 Haitians who were killed by US-supported forces in Haiti from 2004 to 2006. The one’s left behind to say the name Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, and share his essay on this day with all free Haitians. Lovinsky is not here to fight today, on this 100th anniversary of the US occupation. He was our colleague, one of Ezili Danto’s grassroots collaborator, a fellow soldier facing this permanent war against the Black woman’s children. He left the rest to all of us. Tande byen Ayisyen. (English speakers may read the Darren Ell’s interviews with Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, entitled “Sovereignty and Justice in Haiti,” Part 1, dated Feb. 18, 2007 (http://goo.gl/vDVnn1 ) and Part 2, March 4, 2007 -http://goo.gl/1FiyBw.)

Haitians, this was written for you, by Lovinsky, before the US/UN killed him. Lovinsky was the founder of Fondasyon Trant Septanm, the then leading Haiti human rights organization to represent the victims of the 1991 Bush Sr. regime change and 2004 Bush Jr. Haiti regime change and take over. They killed him or have him floating in their rendition ships at sea somewhere on planet earth’s oceans. If he’s still alive, we share his grief, the injustice, terror and unending suffering constantly being metered out by sick white minds running the entire planet as a great big prison battleship. If the US and its Haiti agents killed him outright, today on the 100th anniversary of the US invasion to destroy the one Black republic in the Western Hemisphere, we make time from the battle against white supremacy/racism to lift up Lovinsky’s indomitable spirit and these, his words.

The first piece is the Fondasyon Trant Septanm statement (in Kreyòl) on the 92nd anniversary of the US occupation of Haiti (found on our website, here -http://goo.gl/rSjqCE).  The second, you may find on our website (in French, here -http://goo.gl/cwnQGx ). It’s about UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s visit to Haiti, written in July 31, 2007. Lovinsky Pierre Antoine was disappeared in US/UN occupied Haiti on August 12, 2007, just after writing these essays. Konen lambi a, sonnen lambi.

Jean Jacques Acaau and the Pikets are watching. Sonnen Lanbi.

Goman, the legendary leader of the Haiti maroons who fought and won the revolutionary War of Independence against the French, the Spanish and the British and who fought on after the mulatto Petion/Boyer forces killed the Black generals, including Janjak Desalin, Bwaron Tonèr, Kapwa Lamò, Henry Christophe, et al.. All these Haiti warriors, along with, patriots like Charlemagne Péralte, Benoit Batraville, Makandal, Goman, Grann Toya, Grann Guitonn, Defile, Sergeant Major Sanit Bélé, the Pikets, the Cacos have saved a space in the line of warriors going back to Lè Marasa, Lè Mò e lè Mistè for those conscious Haitians who reMEMBER our duty to the Ancestors, to ourselves and our legacy to live free or die. We reMEMBER, give our lifeforce to and understand we’re ONE body, ONE arm, ONE people calling up the Ancestral mother and fathers of Africa, the African spirits, these Ancient first peoples, original to planet earth that walk with Ayiti, our sacred highland, towards liberation from the UN criminals, US superpower terrorizers, NGO greedy opportunists and all theirNdòkiGinen poze.

If I die in police custody

“If I die in police custody, burn everything down, koupe tèt, boule kay. No building is worth more than my life. No white person’s life or sell-out kneegrow’s life is more important than my life. Koupe tèt, boule kay! If I die in police custody, it won’t be suicide. White supremacy murdered me. It will be because I had tried not to accept their torture and was doing my best to take a few terrorist down with me because they kept me in a cage, wouldn’t let make a phone call, put my bail too high for an ordinary Black woman to pay for switching lanes and would not stop the physical and psychological brutality. It will be self-defense, a human right I own. But there is no justice for the un-assimilated Black women and their children in America. And I mean the whole hemisphere. Like Malcom X says, if I got to give up my life, let it be even-steven. Black mothers are rising! Desalin says NO to white supremacy, torture and tyranny in Haiti, in the US, everywhere and in all its forms. I want to live. I want to live. I want to live FREE. If I die in police custody, say my name, say my name, the one I chose, not the colonial name I was given. Say Ezili Dantò, say my name. Give Ezili Dantò her tongue back.” — Ezili Dantò, HLLN/Free Haiti Movement, July 28, 2015, on the 100th anniversary of the US occupation of Haiti (Watch, Black mothers rising video: If I die in police custody, here. )

Ezili Dantò
 Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement, July 28, 2015

The West has two faces. One evil.”

Articles by: Ezili Dantò

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