
Who is Supporting ISIS? Iraqi Forces Find Turkish Weapons, Explosives at ISIS Hideouts
By Fars News Agency
Global Research, November 12, 2015
FARS News 11 November 2015
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The Iraqi forces seized Turkish weapons and military equipment from the ISIL despite Ankara’s denial of any links with the Takfiri terrorist group.

The Iraqi forces gained control of al-Zawiye village, Northeast of Makhoul Mountains, in Salahuddin province after tough clashes with ISIL gunmen on Wednesday.

A source within al-Hashd al-Shaabi (popular forces) command center said the artillery units targeted a car bomb factory in al-Salman village near Makhoul Mountains, and destroyed it with all the terrorist inside.

Meanwhile, al-Hashd al-Shaabi forces thwarted two attacks by ISIL terrorists on positions of the Iraqi forces in al-Fatha area, North of Tikrit, and the area of al-Sad /5/, West of Tikrit, the capital of Salahuddin province. The clashes lasted for hours and inflicted heavy losses on the terrorists.

In Anbar, the Iraqi forces found dozens of barrels of Ammonium nitrate which turn into high explosives after mixing it with some materials.

A military source said the barrels carried “Made in Turkey” labels and dated back to 2 months before the date of the seizure.

The forces also found Turkish-made weapons, munitions and rockets in several areas in the provinces of Diyala and Salahuddin and in areas on the outskirts of the capital, Baghdad, during the liberation of those areas of the ISIL terrorists.

Turkey has repeatedly claimed that it has no ties with ISIL and labels it as a “terrorist group”.

Ankara asserts that it supports the al-Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, the Al-Nusra Front, but sees ISIL as an enemy.

Yet, many reports have so far surfaced the media proving that Turkey supports ISIL too.

The western media outlets released a report early this year proving that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s daughter has established and run a field hospital only 20km to the border with Syria where ISIL and Nusra terrorists wounded in clashes with the Syrian government receive treatment.


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