War Crimes: Israeli Planes Spray Crop-killing Chemicals on Gaza Farms

Israeli occupation planes have sprayed crop-killing chemicals on farmlands across besieged Gaza Strip, killing off crops in the coastal enclave.

It is the third time the Israeli occupation planes have targeted Gaza farms, killing massive amounts of crops,

An estimated 371 acres of farming land in central Gaza and 50 acres of land in eastern Khan Younis have been affected.

Farmers in Johr al-Deek, south of Gaza city, Al-Qarara town, north of Khan Yunis, and Wadi Al-Salqa agricultural town, south of Deir al-Balah, complained of the effects of the Israeli unknown chemicals on their crops.

“Several farmers informed us that Israeli planes had sprayed their lands with pesticides,” Wael Thabet, head of the plant protection department at Gaza Agriculture Ministry, said.

Israeli occupation planes have sprayed crop-killing chemicals on farmlands across besieged Gaza Strip, killing off crops in the coastal enclave.

Thabet said an estimated 371 acres of farming land in central Gaza and 50 acres of land in eastern Khan Younis have been affected.

Saleh al-Najjar, a farmer from Al-Qarara, said he lost some 7.4 acres of spinach and pea crops as a result of the spraying.

Another farmer, Wael al-Shami, said he lost crops of parsley and beans, which he had planted near the town.

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time for the Israeli occupation to do this. On April this year, the Israeli occupation sprayed poisonous gases on the Palestinian farms in the east of the Gaza borders.

On May this year, too, the Israeli occupation opened fire at Palestinian farms in the east of the Gaza Strip, burning huge amount of wheat crops.

Articles by: Days of Palestine

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