US-NATO Military Convoy of Tanks and Armored Vehicles at Russia’s Doorstep
Global Research Selected Articles
Turkey’s Invasion of Syria Shows Turkish Connection to ISIS; NATO Agenda By Brandon Turbeville, February 25, 2015
Turkey has now officially proven that Israel and the United States are not the only nations that can brazenly violate the sovereignty of other countries, Syria in particular, without fear of reprisal due to NATO support and a blatant culture…
Chicago Police Caught Disappearing People Into Secret CIA-Style Detention Center By Carey Wedler, February 25, 2015
CHICAGO, IL — The Guardian has reported that Chicago Police are operating a secret detention facility that mirrors the CIA’s “black sites.” From violations of due process to torture, the revelations raise serious concerns about the deteriorating state of freedom…
US-NATO Military Convoy of Tanks and Armored Vehicles at Russia’s Doorstep, Rolling Along the Estonia-Russia Border By Global Research News, February 25, 2015
Is it an act of provocation. The convoy of US tanks and armored vehicles harboring American flags is crossing the Estonian city of Narva within less than a kilometer from the Russian border.
The Real American Exceptionalism: From Torture to Drone Assassination By Alfred W. McCoy, February 25, 2015
“The sovereign is he who decides on the exception,” said conservative thinker Carl Schmitt in 1922, meaning that a nation’s leader can defy the law to serve the greater good. Though Schmitt’s service as Nazi Germany’s chief jurist and his…
No Weapons to Ukraine: An Open letter to the U.S Senate By Global Research News, February 25, 2015
Reject S. 452, “A bill to provide lethal weapons to the Government of Ukraine.”
Why is this important?
The United States is the leading provider of weapons to the world, and the practice of providing weapons to countries in crisis…
Breaking Out of the Invisible Prison: The Ten-Point Global Paradigm Revolution By Prof. John McMurtry, February 25, 2015
As we enter 2015, the global corporate system deepens and spreads in its eco-genocidal effects. But the dots are not joined in their common cause across domains. Money-value coordinates like gross domestic product (GDP), commodity productivity and stock market indexes…