The Post 9/11 Era and Washington’s Dirty Modus Operandi in the Middle East

The 9/11 incident has polarized global politics into two distinct eras: pre-9/11 period and post-9/11 period with the latter wreaking havoc on the entire world, particularly on the Muslim world.

The pre-9/11 era witnessed terrorism, carnage, and mass murder across the globe on the part of the US government. Their atrocities ranged from the Philippines to Vietnam and Japan and any mentionable places on the planet. However, the post-9/11 discourse changed drastically. The US emerged as the victim and the entire Muslim world was shown to be the guilty party.

In other words, the post-9/11 era provided the US government with a pretext to wage a war on terror or to put it more precisely, to wage a crusade against the Muslim world and to accelerate and vindicate their efforts in destabilizing regional strategic governments, thereby drawing nigh to their monstrous objectives.   

In point of fact, the Muslims are bearing the brunt of a tragedy carefully choreographed by Washington with the express intention of spearheading a sinister agenda in the Middle East which is evidently ‘regime change’ on a massive scale.

The discourse on regime change in Iran had already commenced and some Iranian malcontents living in Diaspora for reasons only known to them had long cherished the idea of a US-style democracy inducted in the country. The peaceful post-election student protests in 2009 which were only meant to be symbolic rather than inflammatory were soon transformed into blades of revenge against the Islamic Republic by rogue elements buttressed by the West.

In fact, the destabilizing attempts on the part of Washington were ramped up in 2007 when the CIA received direct orders to mount black operations within the country. To achieve this end, some USD 400 million were allocated to “activities ranging from spying on Iran’s nuclear program to supporting rebel groups opposed to the country’s ruling clerics….”

Brian Ross and Richard Esposito, officials in the US intelligence community, said in 2007 that “The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert “black” operation to destabilize the Iranian government. President Bush has signed a nonlethal presidential finding that puts into motion a CIA plan that reportedly includes a coordinated campaign of propaganda, disinformation and manipulation of Iran’s currency and international financial transactions.”

Also to that effect, John Bolton, the former US envoy to the UN explicitly said in May, 2007 that the ‘color movement’ in Iran was supported by the US intelligence agencies.

“A US military attack on Iran would be a last option after economic sanctions and attempts to foment a popular revolution had failed.”

In the anti-Iran plots, American neo-conservative Kenneth Timmerman is apparently a determining factor and a ubiquitous element. In 1995, he founded the so-called Foundation for Democracy in Iran with Peter Rodman (a former White House and State Department official), Joshua Muravchick (who urged Washington to bomb Iran in an LA Times op-ed titled “Bomb Iran”.) and Iranian opposition expatriates affiliated to the terrorist organization called MKO in their efforts to topple the Iranian government.  Just one day before the presidential election took place in Iran, Timmerman wrote in a piece that “there’s the talk of a ‘green revolution’ in Tehran.” (The link provided above is a dead one and the content has been removed for evident reasons.) Timmerman wrote:

“The National Endowment for Democracy has spent millions of dollars during the past decade promoting ‘color’ revolutions in places such as Ukraine and Serbia, training political workers in modern communications and organizational techniques.  Some of that money appears to have made it into the hands of pro-Mousavi groups, who have ties to non-governmental organizations outside Iran that the National Endowment for Democracy funds.”

 With the popular uprisings thriving in the region, Washington pounced upon the opportunity to push ahead with this secret agenda. Naturally, Syria was looked upon as a practical target though not an easy one. Given the fact that the country serves as a conduit between Lebanon and Iran, the US perceptibly targeted the country.  According to initial reports by US intelligence agencies, the entire process of overthrowing the government of Bashar al-Assad and installing a US-Zionist-friendly puppet regime would not take more than six months. Nonetheless, the calculations turned out to be miscalculations and the crisis they fomented in the Arab country dragged on for months and years and the dream for a puppet regime was gradually shattered to smithereens.

It goes without saying that the Iranian leadership is sharply aware of these sabotage activities leveraged by Washington.

 Addressing Iranian Air Force commanders on Saturday in Tehran, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei prudently pointed to the lies of the US government on this score.

“American officials, in negotiations with the country’s (Iran) officials, say we are not after regime change in Iran but they are lying because if they had the power to do this, they would not hesitate one second.”

Washington’s agenda on regime change in Syria and Iran has hit the brick and any such efforts are indicators of desperately muddled policies of the intelligence think-tanks in Washington in retaining their dominance in the region and counteracting the mounting political sway of the Islamic Republic.  

The US government is at the end of its wits concerning Iran and further attempts to destabilize the government and the nation only provoke the ire of the Iranians and the international community and call to mind the late Imam Khomeini’s rationally encapsulated statement: “America is the Great Satan”.

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Articles by: Dr. Ismail Salami

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