The Nobel “Peace Prize”: A Front for NATO Warmongering

“The Department of State is proud to be an active partner in this event.”

It is well known that the so-called Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by Norwegian Politicians and that Norway is a Member of NATO. In other words the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by NATO Politicians in order to further their own political interests.

And now the Nobel Prizers finally come out of the NATO Closet. The Nobel Prizers are now “an active partner” with the US Department of State at the NATO WARFEST in Chicago.

But of course the Nobel Peace Prize has always been the Kissinger War Prize. Nobel “Peace Prize”? Tell that to 3 million dead Vietnamese. Or 1.5 million dead Iraqis. Or 1 million dead Afghanis. Or 50,000 dead Libyans. And counting.The Nobel “Peace Prize” is just a front for warmongering. Their being “an active partner” with the NATO Warmongers and War Criminals in Chicago proves it once and for all time.

Francis A. Boyle, Professor of International Law, University of Illinois.  

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Articles by: Prof. Francis A. Boyle

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