The “Gravely Underreported” 2015 Canadian Federal Election
The 2015 Canadian federal election is right around the corner. On October 19, the incumbent Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, will either be voted out of power or re-elected by the Canadian populace.
There are good, bad, and ugly features in every political system. The prudent voter is aware of this reality. However, mainstream news in Canada does not incite prudence; a great deal of media outlets have omitted to mention the coverup and fraud instigated by the Conservative Party in the 2011 election, not to mention its complicity with the US war agenda in the Middle East. The Canadian media in this regard is in the business of concealing a corrupt system that merely buys and sells pseudo-politicians.
Global Research brings to the attention of its readers a selection of articles that highlight these examples of political corruption in the country.
Canada: The Cover-Up and Steal of Another Election. The Harper Corruption of Canada and Opposition Fear to Name It
By Prof. John McMurtry, October 08 2015
Canadians are within a few days of stopping or allowing the Harper regime to continue to destroy the democracy and life fabric of Canada. But the dots are taboo to connect. The PR-led opposition has joined the corporate media in a public stage ritual of forgetting. The endless lies, election cheats, and bullying abuses through nine years of PMO civil destruction go scot-free.
That 2011 voter-suppression scandal, the “robocalls” fraud: it was all smoke and mirrors, right? So how could Harper’s Conservatives have organized a fraud that never happened?
Next week, October 19, Canadians go the polls. It is important for Canadian voters be fully aware of what is known and documented, namely that Conservative Party and the outgoing Prime minister of Canada Stephen Harper were involved in a carefully engineered rigging of the 2011 parliamentary elections.
By Binoy Kampmark, October 08, 2015
Lynton Crosby has a full schedule. He is the modern electoral PR hitman for parties in dire straits. He is hired to stir the pot of resentment and undermine hopes for change. His very existence suggests that democracies are shadows of their actual function, operating on traditional platforms of populism when required.
By Michael Welch and Dahr Jamail, October 01, 2015
The warning signs of abrupt climate disruption are evident to anyone willing to look…Given the gravity of the situation, and the stakes for humanity, Canada’s policy on addressing the climate catastrophe warrants serious attention in the country’s federal election. Sadly, none of the major political parties appear to do much more than offer lip service in the face of a global dilemma that threatens the future of humanity.