The Culture of Racism and the Donald Trump Phenomenon
America’s culture is deeply-rooted in racist Anglo-Saxon (English)-Protestant ideology. Historically, every dominant culture has appointed itself as the supreme one and the rest had to follow or be obliterated. If you develop the ability for mass killing, then you can easily appoint yourself and your group as masters of the universe. It is the law of the jungle that continues to exist regardless how sophisticated the presentation might be. In contrast to what the bible says, the meek shall not inherit the earth, but shall perish like an insignificant cockroach.
Racism breeds racism, and hatred is only counteracted with hatred. That is our western tradition. Per example, every immigrant group that came to the United States was rejected, ridiculed, stereotyped, dehumanized, and belittled until they became fully molded and transformed into racists, in a culture of racism that perpetuates itself through racist ideology, propaganda, and unscrupulous politics. 1 Ironically, anthropologist Dr. Loring Brace of the University of Michigan states that the word race has no coherent biological meaning, and that there are no races, but there are only clines. Brace adds that America has a leading role in generating and perpetuating the concept of race.4
Professor Gries (2014), argues in his book
“the politics of American Foreign Policy” that while partisanship and ideology tend to go together, ideology is the more fundamental driver of political attitudes and behavior. The Politics of American Foreign Policy explores the nuances of American ideology, including its complex of values, beliefs, and motivations. While partisanship can be fluid, ideology appears more stable, frequently passed from generation to generation. For instance, the once solidly Democratic South is now the solidly Republican South. The partisan alignment has flipped, but the underlying ideologies have changed only marginally.2
The issue that Gries insinuated but never directly addressed is that American ideology is immersed and based in deep racist roots. Moreover, the culture of racism emerges from a culture of narcissism that is fostered by a delusional belief of superiority.
Interestingly social learning theory researchers on the formation of narcissists found that narcissism has been on the rise among Western youth in many decades. Professor Bushman of Ohio State University (a researcher) put his concerns nicely when he was interviewed by Rachel Feltman from the Washington Post for another study: Bushman stated
“I’ve been studying aggression for about 30 years,” he said, “and I’ve seen that the most harmful belief that a person can have is that they’re superior to others. ‘Men are better than women, my race is better than your race; my religion is superior to your religion.’ When people believe they’re better than other people, they act accordingly.” He and another researcher Brummelman wrote in this paper: “Narcissistic individuals feel superior to others, fantasize about personal successes, and believe they deserve special treatment. When they feel humiliated, they often lash out aggressively or even violently.”3
Racism and narcissism behind the success of the Donald Trump Phenomenon
Donald Trump businessman, performer, and alleged Republican candidate and front runner have successfully played the racist card to capture the public’s attention and imagination.
Trump appeals to the masses’ primitive instincts, and caters to the disgruntled public with the corrupt political system. As a result, Mr. Trump has rejuvenated raw emotions of racism that tend to impel and motivate people to love him and follow him, as he bluntly proclaims their fantasies, and acts out their rage.
This rage is a direct result of the public’s ineptness to understand the deceitful plutocratic political system disguised as a democracy and not knowing what to do with it. Meanwhile, the plutocracy overindulges with superfluity while the majority of the American public struggles to make ends meet.
When Trump spews hatred that the public craves, they listen and worship him as a savior who liberates their primitive desires by proclaiming the truth they want to hear but they could never speak. Through him they vicariously rekindle the courage they lack to exert their most primitive and aggressive needs.
In my CRG article on June 29, 2014 titled: Who will be President in 2016? Theater of the Absurd: Hillary Rodham Clinton vs. John Ellis (JEB) Bush? I predicted that Jeb Bush will undoubtedly become the next president of the United States.
However, Donald Trump has so far hijacked the political stage from every other Republican candidate, and has given the media the highest ratings they’ve had in years. Yes, Mr. Trump proved that he can make money for the networks, and the media is thrilled with this phenomenon that breathed a new life into their dead cable networks.
Hence, Mr. Trump was rewarded with a constant spotlight by the media that awaits every word he utters regardless how offensive or idiotic it might be. This strategy has so far helped fizzle-away many of the Republican candidates, and brought down the mighty and corrupt House of Bush family. Jeb Bush dropped to 3% according to a recent CNN poll on December 4, 2015 6 despite his contrived biblical name that the evangelists adore. Consequently, the Republican primaries have become a nice dog and pony show. Except that this show is about nothing, because political decisions have been predetermined, and the show must go on to keep the mindless masses interested in a pseudo-democracy that gives the proles a false illusion that their votes will count.
Ironically, this week Donald Trump made Time magazine’s man of the year list with Abu Bakr Al- Baghdadi (the alleged ISIS leader and Western Intelligence mercenary) and six others like Caitlyn Jenner, Black lives matter, Hassan Rouhani, Valdimir Putin, Angela Merkel, and Tavis Kalanick.5
If you are a Time Magazine fan, then you must admit that this controversial list will impress the American public and will burn these names into their frontal lobes, thus solidifying Donald Trump as a legitimate presidential candidate, and congealing ISIS as a recognized and legitimate entity especially after the recent attacks in Paris and the Inland Empire.
If you are a flummoxed voter, then you must ask yourself the following questions.
Should you keep voting and encouraging the status quo?
What is the purpose of Mr. Trump’s campaign? Is he a serious candidate, or is he serving some other unknown agenda?
Besides Mr. Trump, who will benefit from his current candidacy?
Has Mr. Trump being used to bump off other republicans and pave the way for Jeb Bush?
Or is he a plant that generates temporary excitement in the minds of the bored masses?
Is it possible that by having Trump win the Republican nomination, he will ensure that Hillary Clinton will finally have her chance to be the first woman president of the United States?
Have the money masters and the new corporate aristocracy altered their minds about Hillary, and decided to give her a chance after shafting her in the 2008 election? Is it possible to have another democrat win in the 2016 election?
Will Donald Trump’s destiny end-up like Ross Perot’s who was covertly dismantled by the House of Bush?
Does Trump have enough star power to place him in the White House?
Has Donald been vetted and approved by the military industrial complex/Trumanite network, knowing that no president can ever be elected without their approval?
Is our civilian government a viable entity or a window dressing?
Is Mr. Trump going to abandon his investments in Muslim countries to prove his loyalty to America?
Is Trump a curve ball that the elites have thrown at the public to keep them befuddled and excited?
Are the terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino enough to help the Republican Party win the 2016 election, or should we wait for more October surprises?
Wow the questions are so many and so overwhelming!
The American public might be gullible and uninformed or misinformed, but not stupid to believe that Trump’s election will make a difference in American domestic and international policies?
The last person who attempted to challenge the establishment to induce a true change was John Fitzgerald Kennedy (God Bless his soul). Kennedy remains a reminder for every politician to know his or her place on the American political stage.
Unfortunately, Mr. Trump appears to be nothing more than an amusing performer and a popular circus buffoon who will eventually fade away as the real show approaches. If not, then the Republican Party should be concerned that a winning Trump will be the only way that a desperate Hillary Clinton will ever set foot in the White House.
1. Skaff, R. (2007). The Human Manifesto. PA, Baltimore, Maryland.
2. Gries, P. (2014). The Politics of American Foreign Policy, Stanford University Press. Stanford, California.
3. Bernstein, L. (2015) “How parents create narcissistic children,” Washington Post, March 9, 2015