Stop the NATO War Games on Russia’s Doorstep. The Petition the British Government Tried to Ban

Nato military exercises are due to take place in Ukraine in July. UK troops will be deployed as part of Nato’s Rapid Trident manoeuvres. This is a dangerous move that will inevitably escalate an already tense situation.

On the 7 May Stop the War, along with CND and a number of politicians and celebrities, submitted a petition to the government’s e-petition web site in order to initiate a debate in parliament and bring a stop to this dangerous escalation. Three weeks passed and the government refused to publish the petition, even when the Leader of the House of Commons’ office intervened on our behalf. Today we went to the press, contacting all the major news outlets. As soon as journalists began phoning the Ministry of Defence, the government backed down and published the petition.

Sign the petition the government tried to ban. Let’s collect 100,000 signatures and stop this dangerous escalation of war.

No to Nato military exercises in Ukraine

Sign the e-petition

We note with great concern that UK and US troops are scheduled to participate in joint military exercises in Ukraine in July as part of NATO’s Rapid Trident manoeuvres. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Its participation in military exercises by a nuclear-armed alliance with a first-strike policy can only further destabilise the country.

We call on the British government to urge the US and other NATO governments to cancel the Rapid Trident exercise, and to give a plain and public undertaking that Britain will not participate.

Initial signatories:

Lindsey German, convenor of Stop the War Coalition
Kate Hudson, general secretary of CND
Caroline Lucas MP
Jeremy Corbyn MP
John Rees, Stop the War Coalition
Baroness Jenny Tonge
Ken Loach, film and TV director
Mark Rylance, actor
Miriam Margolyes OBE actor
Michael Rosen, author and broadcaster
Salma Yaqoob, former leader of the Respect Party
Andrew Murray, chief of staff for Unite union

Sign the e-petition

For up to date comment & analysis on the Ukraine crisis, see the Stop the War web site

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Articles by: Stop the War Coalition

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