Six World Powers Now Subject to the Will of Israel: The World’s Only Undeclared Nuclear Armed State

‘Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely called the deal an “historic surrender”. She said on Twitter that Israel would “act with all means to try and stop the agreement being ratified”, a clear threat to try to use its influence to block it in the Republican-controlled U.S. Congress.’

Nuclear-armed Binyamin Netanyahu, is the puppet-master who pulls the strings that will determine whether or not the pro-Israel Republican Congress will use its veto to abort the deal approved this week by a global consensus representing the Obama White House, France, Germany, Britain, China and Russia.

Any veto by the US Congress, as demanded by Israel, will significantly endanger global security as Iran will be inevitably forced into bankruptcy and economic ruin in the same way as Israel has turned Gaza into an economic wasteland for the past seven years where families have to turn to violence to obtain daily water, food and shelter. A veto by Congress would also show its extreme contempt not only for the White House but also for the entire six major trading nations of the world.

If Israel succeeds in torpedoing the P5+1 proposed nuclear agreement with Iran, through its control over the U.S. Congress and its agents in European capitals, then the world can expect extreme consequences that will ignite a ferocious firestorm in both the Middle East and Europe and, almost certainly, bring about an attack upon Iran.

Unless the whole Middle East – including both Israel and Iran – is declared by the UN Security Council to be Nuclear Weapons Free Zone under IAEA control, as a matter of urgency, then the West can expect economic meltdown and nuclear war, as a direct result.

No one should entertain any doubt whatsoever – Iran is not Gaza.

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Articles by: Anthony Bellchambers

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