Selected Articles: Technology, Politics, and Economics
Guile Replaces The Stick: Washington’s New Approach To Russia
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 21 2015
Washington has learned that threats and coercion do not work against Russia. All the threats have done is to build Putin’s public support to astronomical levels and to unify Russia against the West’s assault.
Fearing Technology: The Islamic State, PlayStation and “Going Dark”
By Binoy Kampmark, November 21 2015
Brave new world technologies will lull us on the pneumatic chair, calming our more savage instincts. But time and time again, the opposite case has been made. Methods of killing can be industrialised; technology can be adapted to the most destructive ends.
Myanmar’s New “Democratic Dictator”: Aung San Suu Kyi
By Tony Cartalucci, November 21 2015
Suu Kyi disenfranchised a million voters before elections, and has declared herself above the constitution afterwards. What about that seems “democratic?”
Hang Onto Your Wallets: Negative Interest Rates, the War on Cash, and the $10 Trillion Bail-in
By Ellen Brown, November 20 2015
In uncertain times, “cash is king,” but central bankers are systematically moving to eliminate that option. Is it really about stimulating the economy? Or is there some deeper, darker threat afoot?
Five Myths Regarding the Paris Terror Attacks
By Washington’s Blog, November 21 2015
As usual, the politicos and talking heads are all talking their own book, using the Paris terror attacks to push their own agendas. As shown below, they’re spouting nonsense.