Selected Articles: Overseas Interventions of the United States. “Distortion, Fabrication and Falsification”

030328-N-7265L-025US Ramps Up Pressure on Beijing over South China Sea

By Peter Symonds, November 04 2015

Following its provocative naval intervention last week against Chinese territorial claims in the South China Sea, the Obama administration is engaged in an aggressive diplomatic offensive throughout Asia, seeking to ramp up the pressure on China over the explosive issue.

"The War is Worth Waging": Afghanistan's Vast Reserves of Minerals and Natural Gas“Post War Reconstruction”: US Builds a $43-Million Gas Station in Afghanistan and Nobody Seems to Know Why

By Klaus Marre, November 04 2015

At some point, someone somewhere in the US government had an amazing idea: why not build a compressed natural gas (CNG) filling station in Afghanistan?

Global Econonomic Crisis: Catastroïka and the New Imperial Police StateWestern “Mainstream Media” Extremism: Distortion, Fabrication and Falsification

By Prof. James Petras, November 04 2015

With the collapse of the Communist countries in the 1990’s and their conversion to capitalism, followed by the advent of neo-liberal regimes throughout most of Latin America, Asia, Europe and North America, the imperial regimes in the US and EU have established a new political spectrum, in which the standards of acceptability narrowed and the definition of adversaries expanded.

ISISAre you Confused by the Middle East? The Criminal Record of US Foreign Policy

By William Blum, November 04 2015

Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such passion?

us warThe Pentagon’s Law of War Manual: A Recipe for Total War and Military Dictatorship

By Tom Carter, November 04 2015

This is the second of four articles analyzing the new US Department of Defense Law of War Manual. The first article was posted November 3.

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