Selected Articles: Libya, David Cameron’s “Iraq”?

David_Cameron_(cropped)Libya, David Cameron’s “Iraq”? Damning Report Shreds Another War Monger.

By Felicity Arbuthnot, September 18 2016

Cameron who said he wanted to be “heir to Blair” seems to have ended up as just that, pivotal cheerleader for the butchery of a sovereign leader, most of his family, government and the destruction of a nation.

ASSAD-SYRIEHow “The Syrian Campaign” Faked Its “70% Fleeing Assad” Refugee Poll

By Prof. Tim Anderson, September 17 2016

As one might expect, during a war, misunderstandings are often driven by interested parties. In the case of Syrian refugees in Europe a US based organisation called ‘The Syria Campaign’ has helped drive some of these, including a claim that most of the refugees are ‘Fleeing Assad’. ‘The Syria Campaign’ is a Wall Street Public Relations creation and one of several interlocked, US-based groups (Avaaz, Purpose, the White Helmets) which have campaigned for a Libyan-style ‘no fly zone’ in Syria. That is, they work for NATO intervention on the side of the jihadist groups (see Sterling 2015). In any case, a careful look at the evidence allows us to see through this ‘refugees fleeing Assad’ scam.

malcolm turnbull

Selling Australia’s Security and Refugee agenda. Prime Minister Turnbull as Fantasist

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 18 2016

Island mentalities do not travel well.  When their sellers hawk the agenda before world forums, these start looking ludicrous. Coming close to this ludicrous display is Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, who has done what other Australian prime ministers have in previous years: sell the great discovery, the great hit of life on how best to protect borders in the face of threats.

Flag-map_of_Syria.svgImperialists Misuse Religion to Serve as an Instrument of War against Syria

By Mark Taliano, September 18 2016

Before the pre-planned Western dirty war on Syria, Syrians respected each other’s religions as a personal matter of the soul.  Politics and religion were separated by a healthy firewall. But Syrians are very well educated: before the war, there was no illiteracy.  And so, for the most part, Syrians can see through the lies and manipulations of imperial powers that seek to use religion as a wedge issue between groups. They’ve seen this divide and conquer strategy play out in all of the countries that have recently been destroyed, especially in Iraq, and they remember.


Oliver Stone’s Snowden, North Dakota, Native-American Rights: The Solidarity of Seeing. “Truth about Motivation that has to do with Truth”

By Prof Susan Babbitt, September 19 2016

In Oliver Stone’s Snowden, Ed Snowden supports the Iraq war while his girlfriend opposes it.  He doesn’t want to “bash” his government. “How can I make you see?”, she asks him. Seeing is not something we do on our own, at least not if it means seeing the truth. It can be, as the film portrays, a slow, agonizing process. To see the truth, not already known, and especially if unexpected, it is not enough just to look.

Vandana Shiva

Monsanto Merges with Bayer, “Their Expertise is War”. Shady Historical Origins, IG Farben, Part of Hitler’s Chemical Genetic Engineering Cartel

By Dr. Vandana Shiva, September 18 2016

Monsanto and Bayer have a long history. They made explosives and lethally poisonous gases using shared technologies and sold them to both sides in both World Wars.

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