Selected Articles: Left-Right Politics, Phony Statistics, and “The New Cold War” Scenario
The US is Taking the New Cold War directly to Russia’s Doorstep. The Intermarium and the Central Balkans
By Andrew Korybko, November 07 2015
This bloc of interests [the Central Balkans] is still taking shape, but unlike the others that have been mentioned, it’s actually opposed to the Intermarum’s geopolitical dictates and can be understood as being the multipolar world’s frontline defense organization.
The Demise of Incumbents: Resurgence of the Far Right, Absence of the “Consequential Left”
By Prof. James Petras, November 07 2015
Incumbent politicians and parties, both center-left and right, have suffered serious defeats in recent elections. The principal beneficiary has been the extreme right. Nowhere did the ‘consequential left’ register a victory, although in a few instances it marginally increased its vote.
Another Phony US Payroll Jobs Number Report. Fake Unemployment Statistics
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 07 2015
The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced today that the US economy created 271,000 jobs in October, a number substantially in excess of the expected 175,000 to 190,000 jobs. The unexpected job gain has dropped the unemployment rate to 5 percent. These two numbers will be the focus of the financial media presstitutes.
Proxy War Between America and Russia: Pentagon Supplying ISIS Terrorists in Syria with Aircraft Downing Weapons
By Stephen Lendman, November 07 2015
A proxy state of war between America and Russia now exists – a hugely dangerous situation, risking possible direct confrontation between the world’s two nuclear superpowers. Expect Putin to go all-out to avoid it. Put nothing past neocon lunatics in Washington – willing to risk destroying planet earth to own it.
98 Years Ago, The October Revolution, November 7, 1917: History of the Russian Revolutions and Civil War
By Julien Paolantoni, November 07 2015
Part 3 of this series set out the political, economic and intellectual context leading to the Russian Revolutions. This one is an attempt to explain the dynamics of the revolutionary era: how did factors as diverse as the country’s participation to WWI, constitutional reforms and economic conditions combine to enable the Bolsheviks to take down the tsarist regime?