Selected Articles: Demystifying the Fabricated Media Reports on Saudi Arabia, Israel, Russia, MH17 and Vietnam
The Saudi Dynasty, Key U.S. Ally, Tops the World in Barbarism
By Eric Zuesse, October 18 2015
The richest person in the world isn’t anyone in the Forbes list, which excludes calculations for any heads-of-state, but is instead King Salman of Saudi Arabia, whose net worth is in the trillions of dollars. He virtually owns the Saudi Government, which owns the world’s largest oil company, Aramco, among other assets.
Fabricated Media Reports About Russia’s Syria Air Campaign against ISIS
By Stephen Lendman, October 18 2015
Two weeks of Russian airstrikes against ISIS and other terrorist targets already had a devastating impact on their operations, turning the tide of battle so far, enabling Syrian ground forces to recapture lost territory.
Videos Challenge Israeli Police Account of Shootings Directed against Palestinians
By Jonathan Cook, October 18 2015
Israel accused of blocking investigations as films suggest security forces quick on trigger with Palestinian suspects. It has been called the “smartphone intifada”. After a sharp escalation in violence between Palestinians and Israelis in recent weeks, shocking scenes captured on video have spread across social media.
“Support MH17 Truth”: OSCE Monitors Identify “Shrapnel and Machine Gun-Like Holes” indicating Shelling. No Evidence of a Missile Attack. Shot Down by a Military Aircraft
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 18 2015
The evidence presented in this article first published by GR on July 31, 2014 (updated in September 2014) contradicts the recently released report of the Dutch Safety Board.
Vietnam: From National Liberation to Trans-Pacific Vassal (1975-2015)
By Prof. James Petras, October 18 2015
Vietnam has gone full circle: From a neo-colony ruled by puppet dictators backed by an American occupation army involving 500,000 troops from 1955-1975, to its current ‘Communist’ rulers who have turned-over its markets, industries, ports, resources and labor to the 500 largest Western and Asian multi-national corporations.