Selected Articles: Causes and Consequences of State-Sponsored Terrorism
The Criminalization of the State. The Roadmap to a Police State
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 23 2015
This article first published by Global Research in February 2004 examines the relationship between terrorist attacks (resulting in the tragic loss of life) and the transition in Western countries towards a totalitarian police State.
Democratic Party Primaries: U.S. “Progressives” as Political Contraceptives
By Prof. James Petras, November 23 2015
The whole history of Democratic Party ‘progressives’ is one of deceit, hypocrisy and betrayal of millions of workers, minorities and other oppressed and excluded groups.
The Dirty War on Syria: The Basics
By Prof. Tim Anderson, November 23 2015
Infographic on the ongoing Western-sponsored war on Syria.
Who is Behind the Air Defense System To “Protect ISIS” against Russian Strikes?
By Oriental Review, November 23 2015
The sponsors of the ISIS are certainly committed to acquire and supply to the jihadist brigades the air defense systems efficient enough to at least hamper the activities of the coalition in the Syrian sky.
Time to “Defund” the International Criminal Court, Should the ICC be Disbanded?
By Dr. David Hoile, November 23 2015
At face value, far from increasing the budget for the ICC, the Assembly of State Parties [the International Criminal Court’s management oversight and legislative body] should be demanding a refund.